Friday 9 November 2018

Cuckold guy RETURNS!!!

After having his profile deactivated, this guy got himself a new username and some new porn pics, which I guess he assumed I wanted to see. He’s been reported and blocked again.[image1][image2]_ Charlott:Also which person do you have more respect for between Jan or Kim.(4 November 2018) Charlott:Jan: She is a schoolteacher who shows favoritism towards the [...]

University is just next year so I will be needing to pick my classes and such.
(8 November 2018)

Im depressed what do I do?
(8 November 2018)

We've known each other for two years.
(8 November 2018)

Guilty for taking her virginity. How do I deal with it?
(8 November 2018)

And I'm afraid of it, althougj I try to have everything in control.
(8 November 2018)

Now I feel so vulnerable about her, like she's my responsibility how.
(8 November 2018)

The only thing that mare me overthink was that she actually took off her bra intentionally, I meam, she did it I did not start the whole thing.
(8 November 2018)

I dont even know how, it was a matter of seconds, I cnnot eventi explain it.
(8 November 2018)

When I gave her my clothes she changed in front of me (I only have a room), we cuddled, and we looked at each other in a really intense way and then it just happened.
(8 November 2018)

We did it and it wasn't planned I mean it was alla unexpected, she came to my place asking for help, she was sad and had ben crying so the emotional state was not ideal.
(8 November 2018)

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