Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Public fun for 3

Met up with a couple last evening. They wanted some quick fun in a public setting so we met in a parking lot near a busy road and across the street from a Mall. They had an extended cab pickup truck a_ Noemi:Brother name for Paris?(30 January 2018) Noemi:Paris is going to have a little brother.(30 January [...]

Im turning 26 soon and i never had a social life or a gf ever.
(27 January 2018)

I went Out with a freind that i havent seen in years.
(27 January 2018)

You give a guy signals, but he doesn't approach, does it make you feel insecure?
(27 January 2018)

So while I find her attractive, which she probably assumes since the way we looked at each other, but I don't approach, even though she can probably feel or guess that it is not a confidence problem, would you assume I am not interested or get insecure?
(27 January 2018)

I rarely approach however, mostly because I got other stuff in my life taking priority right now, then some stranger I do not know, however, that doesn't mean I want her to feel bad.
(27 January 2018)

When our eyes meet she holds it for a couple of seconds, hard to guesstimate but 3-4 seconds at least, more than a look.
(27 January 2018)

Usually I sit pretty far back, and it happens at least a couple of times per day that she turns back to look at me while seated, often repeatedly, turning her head really unnatural.
(27 January 2018)

I got a good self-confidence going and when I look at women they like it in general, I am not scary looking, or give of creepy vibes, so don't give me that.
(27 January 2018)

So to get down to it, women in general find me attractive.
(27 January 2018)

Hi, I am not looking for you to try to know how they think, because you cannot, so just try to answer how it would make you feel, I just need to know if I am going around making people bad.
(27 January 2018)


I’M chilling at my home on the water_ Misti:Don’t get me wrong, I don’t spend all of my time alone.(30 January 2018) Zulema:Friends:help me and answer my Question ? needed help.xx?(30 January 2018) Rose:Could I still be pregnant even though tests have come back negative?(30 January 2018) Rose:Also,when should I test again since I don’t know when my period [...]

Doctor want give me disability?
(27 January 2018)

My doctor has told me to speak to my company to see what other things are available but she would decline signing I any disability paper work.
(27 January 2018)

I am 6 months pregnant and my doctor gave me light duty my company does not offer light duty but now my doctor will not give me disability.
(27 January 2018)

Me and my girlfriend sleep together.
(27 January 2018)

How do I stop judging a girl by her appearance when I first meet her?
(27 January 2018)

The first interaction I usually have with women can go so much better if I can get out of this slump.
(27 January 2018)

After I hang out with them a couple times those thoughts go away, and I just enjoy their company.
(27 January 2018)

Like, she has a big nose, she is fat, she has no butt, etc.
(27 January 2018)

Recently I ve met a lot of beautiful ladies, but the first thing I do when I meet them is constantly think about their flaws.
(27 January 2018)

When does it become sexual abuse when it comes to siblings 1.5 years apart?
(27 January 2018)


DOES EVEN THE THOUGHT OF CUM MAKE YOU—— ….Make you so hot you need to get yourself off…Make you want to barf…I tasted cum at a young age…. But wait…!Before I ever tasted cum, I had my o_ Jeni:Before my daughter was in kindergarten, her mother was in and out of different guys houses where my [...]

He monitored my phone records and I believe he is still doing it.
(27 January 2018)

I have to isolate myself from friends and social media to avoid suspicion.
(27 January 2018)

My husband found out about us and has become someone I don't care to be with.
(27 January 2018)

I am married, with grown children.
(27 January 2018)

We saw each other a few times and I cannot imagine living the rest of my life without him.
(27 January 2018)

It's a happiness I've never known.
(27 January 2018)

I am crazy, head over heels, glowing in love with my ex.
(27 January 2018)

Why do women get upset when I ask them if they want something?
(27 January 2018)

Am I just not suooosed to offer something to people even if I know them?
(27 January 2018)

I told her I was at subway and I asked if she wanted something and she totally just got upset at me.
(27 January 2018)

The Cutting

Written for a friend who fantasized about being taken at knife point… EnjoyThe entire evening of dance you just swayed and pranced around all erotic and sensual like. The white blouse clashing with_ Jessi:Both sisters hate her as much as the mother does.(30 January 2018) Jessi:The other three kids are estranged from the sister also and hate [...]

My boyfriend ignored an important question?
(27 January 2018)

I asked my boyfriend did he want to break up and he just ignored my question .. why?
(27 January 2018)

Is there a reason im attracted to emotionally broken girls?
(27 January 2018)

I've been cheated on in my relationships and ever since the last one cheated on me 3 years ago I've been attracted to emotionally broken girls and part thinks i always have been but is there more to it than i think.
(27 January 2018)

White Trump supporters, who would you rather your future daughter date?
(27 January 2018)

Is my cousin falling into a relationship too fast?
(27 January 2018)

Hes been talking to her ever since and she seems very nice and all, but is he rushing back into the relationship or should i support him?
(27 January 2018)

By the end of the night, he already got her number.
(27 January 2018)

He knew she was flirting and he played along.
(27 January 2018)

Anyways, we went to a party last weekend and he met a girl who was throwing herself at him.
(27 January 2018)

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

All this paranoa from most things we are taught ……..

…… At least some of us, probably from parents or lack of one or both. Myself they old man even when living with them he was rarely there anyhow. 3 diffèrent places in our bodies that have exit/_ Pennie:I feel that I am a burden to my parents.(29 January 2018) Pennie:Many nights I regret even being alive.(29 [...]

I did have a group of friends to hang out with at one point, but they chose ministry, or something else, I have no problem with that, is just I shouldn't have to feel that way in church.
(27 January 2018)

I feel like I'm not wanted, or needed anymore, because it's hard to find a group of friends to hang out with.
(27 January 2018)

My 10 yr old daughter calls her 7 yr old brother yuck mouth because he had 2 baby teeth pulled yesterday and he is getting his feelings hurt?
(27 January 2018)

She recently has braces and I stood up for my son by telling her that good girls don't have nasty breath when coming to the breakfast table and she looked like she wanted to cry.
(27 January 2018)

He had 2 baby teeth pulled yesterday and when she got home from school she called him yuck mouth and nasty boy and he was laying down on the couch because the laughing gas made him tired.
(27 January 2018)

She already has had 2 carries since January 8th and she currently has 3 A's, 3 B's and 1 D.
(27 January 2018)

She also keeps giving me an attitude and is constantly making herself and her brother late for school in the mornings.
(27 January 2018)

I told her that if you make fun of your brother again I am taking your tablet and tv away for a week and I will make you write your brother an apology letter.
(27 January 2018)

How can I get over the fact that women are not interested in me no matter what?
(27 January 2018)

Women are not interested in me no matter what.
(27 January 2018)

My shyness

I’ve been so caught up in how people will react to how I am that I haven’t really been able to be myself. Online, I can be very naughty if need be. but if face to face, I am too scared that you( anyon_ Samira:A girl and a guy. anyways, they don t like me.(29 January [...]

But he got fed upwith me evetually.
(27 January 2018)

We fought a lot in the relatinship but he was also crazy about me and whenever we'd fight and I'd break up he'd make up right away.
(27 January 2018)

I've been talking with this girl for a few months. We went on a date that lasted for hours. Since we've been too busy to get together again?
(27 January 2018)

Her parents and daughter were also coming out and I left before they came but she seemed ok with me meeting them even though we've only been on one date.
(27 January 2018)

Or does it beat weight video chatting and that she was ok with me seeing her at the event today?
(27 January 2018)

So does video chat push us along faster should I treat this as more than just the fact we've only had one date?
(27 January 2018)

Hopefully we can talk for a little bit before she goes home.
(27 January 2018)

I'm planning to go see her tomorrow morning for her final plunge into the cold water.
(27 January 2018)

She did say it was good to see me again though.
(27 January 2018)

She walked me out and we hugged each other.
(27 January 2018)


A good friend of mine is getting married in a few weeks so the girls and I are going to throw her a Bachelorette party.I have not been to one in decades and images of my own when I got married back in_ Ula:Luckily strep throat was the only thing she’s had so far.(29 January 2018) Ula:She [...]

Then I lied and said my mom said we couldn't be friends, so I blocked him (because I really got that nervous around him, even talking to him.) I'm so scared to even go to PE class.
(26 January 2018)

I don't know if I can really call him and ex since we were going out for a day then I broke up with him because I got too nervous around him and couldn't eat at all.
(26 January 2018)

I haven't been able to eat very much for about 3 days because of school.
(26 January 2018)

Do women in their late 50's still have sex?
(26 January 2018)

Is there anything different about sex with an older lady?
(26 January 2018)

She jokes about sexual things with me all the time so I know she is not a prude.
(26 January 2018)

But I am 45 and I think she is 58. Do women that age still feel sexual attraction and can they be sexually aroused the same way younger women can?
(26 January 2018)

She is in great shape because she runs, and we get along well.
(26 January 2018)

I am actually attracted to this older woman.
(26 January 2018)

How wrong is it to date my ex's old best friend?
(26 January 2018)

Some art

[image]This was from my last Paint Nite class a week ago. I quite like it.[image2]This was a painting I saw on the Paint Nite site, from a class they were doing somewhere in the USA. I am not patient_ Alysa:Why can’t trump supporters understand the following?(29 January 2018) Alysa:Compromising morals and humanity for short term monetary incentive [...]

Why do women reveal their breasts but get mad when men stare at them?
(26 January 2018)

Why do they expect men to not look at their breasts when they make it super easy for them to look at.
(26 January 2018)

If a guy approaches you at the grocery store does it mean he really liked you?
(26 January 2018)

Does it mean he wasn't too into me to try harder?
(26 January 2018)

If a guy asked for my number but never called? Was he never interested?
(26 January 2018)

I gave him my number and he called me on the spot so i'd have his number but never heard from him again.
(26 January 2018)

He tried to get my attention at the gym then had a long chat and left and came back and asked if we could hang out.
(26 January 2018)

Stepdad Power?
(26 January 2018)

I cant ever have guy friends like he always call me a liar and so i m wondering what authority does he really have.
(26 January 2018)

He makes my life so much more difficult than it needs to be and just makes me so sad half the time.
(26 January 2018)

Some art

[image]This was from my last Paint Nite class a week ago. I quite like it.[image2]This was a painting I saw on the Paint Nite site, from a class they were doing somewhere in the USA. I am not patient_ Alysa:Why can’t trump supporters understand the following?(29 January 2018) Alysa:Compromising morals and humanity for short term monetary incentive [...]

I feel like I just can't do anything right around it really me at fault?
(26 January 2018)

One time i called him and he let out a really loud angry sigh when I told him it was me.
(26 January 2018)

He yelled at me twice for not sounding enthusiastic when saying hello to him.
(26 January 2018)

I was telling him about my masters program and my future and he sounded mad when I said I am still not sure what I want to do.
(26 January 2018)

One time we hung out alone and he was really tense and seemed angry the whole time.
(26 January 2018)

Sometimes he just stares at me with a blank expression.
(26 January 2018)

He gives me death glares for no reason.
(26 January 2018)

My one guy friend always seems mad at me.
(26 January 2018)

Are You Black and Dating Asian?
(26 January 2018)

If you are a Black man dating or married to an Asian woman, tell me your story.
(26 January 2018)

***Happy Oral Friday*** Part 2

Happy Friday!!More Erotic of the DayWhich ones are your favorites? Enjoy!!_ Pura:In situations when a friend of yours is crashing uninvited in your place while you are having breakfast.(29 January 2018) Noella:My best friend told me that i should not want a hot boyfriend because is too difficuld for me to date a hot guy…why did she [...]

I made a relationship with a distant part of my Dad's family.
(26 January 2018)

Are you suppose to be quiet during sexual intercourse?
(26 January 2018)

Is it wierd to talk about day to day things and have a casual conservation during sex?
(26 January 2018)

Professor yelled at me, telling me to leave his class?
(26 January 2018)

This literally happened few moments before I am typing this, so somebody please help.
(26 January 2018)

My real question is that was my presence over there so disruptive enough for him to yell at me like this out of the blue?
(26 January 2018)

I gathered all my belongings and quietly left.
(26 January 2018)

I said that I was in that room for a previous class and that now I am extremely tired.
(26 January 2018)

He asked me what I was doing there.
(26 January 2018)

About ten minutes later, out of nowhere, the professor suddenly yelled at me, asking if I was in that particular class.
(26 January 2018)

Monday, 29 January 2018

I Want

A cuddle buddy lol. I just feel like snuggling and watching a movie and_ Cherelle:It’s nothing more than orgasms mostly.(28 January 2018) Cherelle:I’d rather be single and a virgin for life.(28 January 2018) Cherelle:I’ve been on a few dates and some of those mean lined and said they were single when they weren’t;t.(28 January 2018) Cherelle:Again, SOME WOMEMN g [...]

We have been best friends since 3rd grade and last year me and her graduated high school early.
(26 January 2018)

My best friend and I tell eachother everything and ee hang out all the time.
(26 January 2018)

Did my friend make the wrong decision not to inform his father of his final days? If so, how do i console my friend?
(26 January 2018)

My friend is now so grief and guilt stricken that he has become a hermit not wanting to leave his home or see his friends.
(26 January 2018)

Now my friend is living not only with the grief of his father's death, but also with the guilt that he didn't inform his father that he was actually going to die from the cancer.
(26 January 2018)

In his final moments, his father was so drugged up with morphine, that he didn't even know he was in his final moments of life.
(26 January 2018)

The family knew that the father was going to pass away, but everyone kept it from him.
(26 January 2018)

His father knew he had cancer but didn't know he was going to pass away soon because my friend didn't tell his father.
(26 January 2018)

My best friends father passed away 1 month ago with cancer.
(26 January 2018)

I have fallen in love with two separate men, both have their own qualities. But who is right for me?
(26 January 2018)

baggae claim

I think the thing that has surprised me the most about the getting back into single life this year has been the level to which most of my peers have been hurt, scared, damaged, scarred, and just gener_ Zandra:And that he would assume I would fall for him that easily.(28 January 2018) Zandra:I wasn’t looking for a [...]

We're both virgins (19 & 18) and were wondering if condoms PLUS spermicide would be safe enough to prevent pregnancy.
(25 January 2018)

I really love the name Lucy and would like a middle name to go with it.
(26 January 2018)

Should I text a girl again?
(26 January 2018)

My question is, since she has not reply my invitation, should I just sent her a text to say hi and ask how is she doing?
(26 January 2018)

I understand that she might have talking to some other guy and probably have plans already.
(26 January 2018)

I decide to ask her out for the second date the next week, but she did not reply.
(26 January 2018)

I texted her telling her that I enjoy chatting with her and she said she also felt the same.
(26 January 2018)

So I had a date with a girl through online dating site, we had a good talk.
(26 January 2018)

What kind of protection should we use for our first time?
(25 January 2018)

It would be easiest for us to just get condoms but...again, we're unsure about how safe they are.
(25 January 2018)

Cum have fun 😈

Please message us we are wanting a couple or female to play 💚_ Thao:Years ago I had a neighbor that was an attractive single mother and I had the fantasy of breaking into her house and raping her but I never acted upon it.(28 January 2018) Thao:Now I had a couple fantasies that were similar but without [...]

Are certain people to be in your life no matter what?
(25 January 2018)

So i grew up in missouri and went to school with this girl i had at least one class with her all thogh school i guess i had a secret crush on her but she was popular and i wasnt we grew up in a very small town.
(25 January 2018)

Why is Jesus portrayed as a hippie?
(25 January 2018)

What does it mean when a girl wrotes you this (she's not my girlfriend and we spoke a few times?
(25 January 2018)

A christian chewed me out for being a vampire lifestyler. When will christians mind their own buisness?
(25 January 2018)

How is it any different from any other larper?
(25 January 2018)

They said that it is demonic and she hopes everyone in the nightclub goes to hell.Why because we like to roleplay?
(25 January 2018)

Will Amoxicillin affect birth control?
(25 January 2018)

I'll be taking the next few pills with the antibiotic.
(25 January 2018)

I've been taking my birth control everyday on time and I have 3 pills left in the pack.
(25 January 2018)

Cum have fun 😈

Please message us we are wanting a couple or female to play 💚_ Thao:Years ago I had a neighbor that was an attractive single mother and I had the fantasy of breaking into her house and raping her but I never acted upon it.(28 January 2018) Thao:Now I had a couple fantasies that were similar but without [...]

It used to be my older brother when I was little but he did a 360 change and got his act together and is wonderful now.
(25 January 2018)

They love her and will never admit to not liking her but she is terrible in every way except she is pretty.
(25 January 2018)

No one likes her, not even our parents.
(25 January 2018)

In my immediate family it is my sister.
(25 January 2018)

My mom agreed to let me watch 1 hour 30 minutes of TV a day, but I want 2 hours?
(25 January 2018)

I want to watch TV, but my mom only lets me watch for 90 minutes max per day.
(25 January 2018)

Is it strange for a woman over 35 to not be married?
(25 January 2018)

Does anything about this seem strange?
(25 January 2018)

I'm not looking for a mother figure and am just attracted to her for who she is.
(25 January 2018)

I mean I like her a lot and she has her whole life together.
(25 January 2018)

Wanted: big thick white cocks

In need of big thick white cocks that want to fill all of my chocolate holes with cock and loads of cum. You must know how to treat a woman that craves white cocks, cum and enjoys being a cum slut. Cu_ Kendal:Is the average 16 yr old a virgin?(28 January 2018) Linsey:What do you think this [...]

My husband says this is invasive and his kids should call him if they want to, not the other way around.
(25 January 2018)

My husband also seems annoyed when my ex calls to speak to his kids before bed every night for a few minutes.
(25 January 2018)

This is also so I will have time to run my errands and get my work done, etc.
(25 January 2018)

I have no issues with this however my husband gives me a hard time saying I should require my ex husband to take his children for the visits he's scheduled for and not let him off easy.
(25 January 2018)

He sees his kids once a week for a couple of hours and will often drop them off early if something else comes up.
(25 January 2018)

My ex husband (father of my children) has never been your typical dad.
(25 January 2018)

How can i make my girlfriend feel better?
(25 January 2018)

How can i help her feel better ?
(25 January 2018)

Am I being taken advantage of as a nanny?
(25 January 2018)

I didn't sign up for a maid job.
(25 January 2018)

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Its Friday the 13th. Is that suppose to be a thing or something?

Welcome to Full Moon Friday the 13th. Apparently the sky was suppose to fall today but somewhere along the chain of command the sky was never informed of this. Alas, we are saved, for now So, whats u_ Thomasina:I don’t know if she’s gay, it’s more likely that she’s not and she just wants to be [...]

I was always confused and never knew where I stood.
(25 January 2018)

I tried to change and do everything I could to stop this but it got worse but she never gave me any clear reaction or signal for me to understand and leave.
(25 January 2018)

Slowly and slowly she wasn't the same and my state of health wasn't good either.
(25 January 2018)

After several months, when she got to work and be in a new group with guys and I was the one supporting her when she had problems at first but I did because I thought that was her passion, she went cold.
(25 January 2018)

She was everything to me and I was willing to die for her simple smile.
(25 January 2018)

I was always there for her since I believe in spoiling my love.
(25 January 2018)

I'm not going to go to the details.
(25 January 2018)

I'm confused about my sexual orientation? Please help?
(25 January 2018)

We could kiss, cuddle, and hold hands, but that's as far as I go.
(25 January 2018)

But I wouldn't have sexual relations with a girl.
(25 January 2018)

Guy’s and Women

When it come’s to oral, even though you are straight if another guy or woman wanted to give you oral would you let them?_ Cleta:He asked me if I still remembered some things I’ve learned I told him I did. (I was only in massage therapy school for three months). He asked if I wanted to [...]

I think I'm being ghosted, but I want opinions.
(24 January 2018)

I made a stupid joke and it caused pain and i want to know what i can do to make it better.?
(24 January 2018)

What's this fetish?
(24 January 2018)

Feeling like it has something to do with eating but who really knows.. I need like an actual name of it.
(24 January 2018)

My Babe just hugging me?
(24 January 2018)

I was mad at my babel RJ from school but everything is good now before he would always kiss me but tonight when we went to the movies together he only hugged me why is he not kissing me anymore now?
(24 January 2018)

When is pizza night at your place?
(24 January 2018)

I'm thinking Thursday Friday or Saturday.
(24 January 2018)

I need to set a date for my family each week for pizza, or every two weeks.
(24 January 2018)

Be it homemade, delivery, night out, afternoon lunch.....when is pizza night for you?
(24 January 2018)

Any women ever considered seducing a Lyft or Uber driver?

So I do this now as a side job….no action yet, but curious if any of you ladies have partaken in extra fun with a driver…_ Sharla:She already has had 2 carries since January 8th and she currently has 3 A’s, 3 B’s and 1 D.(27 January 2018) Sharla:She also keeps giving me an attitude and is [...]

So I'm thinking of things that I can do alone that'll get me out of the house Saturday night for a few hours.
(24 January 2018)

I really don't want to spend my saturday night home alone, because I know I'll get bored very quickly and a little depressed.
(24 January 2018)

I literally have no friends, so hanging with friends is out of the question.
(24 January 2018)

So as said in the title my girlfriend is going out with her friends this saturday night for a birthday party to a bar that has a strict guest list.
(24 January 2018)

My boyfriend is making me feel lonely and unwanted, what should I do?
(24 January 2018)

My depression hasn t been this bad in a long time, and I know this is a factor in me feeling so horrible.
(24 January 2018)

I have depression and anxiety, and he is hurting me by doing these sort of things.
(24 January 2018)

He keeps telling me that it ll only be until he graduates in a few years, to hold on until then, but I don t think I can take it anymore.
(24 January 2018)

His texts have been less frequent, and the distance has begun to really bother me a lot more than it did before.
(24 January 2018)

A couple days before he has to go back, he admits that he wasn t really busy and had the time to see me, but didn t, and he felt guilty about it.
(24 January 2018)

Three times same guy

Looks like at least I finally got a threepeat. Its like being someones personal cocksuckerkind of a sexy feeling. I would totally do him and any friends he would want to sharelike a suck slave..hope t_ Trish:I met this girl online and we’ve been talking for several months now, I’ve never met someone so compatible with [...]

She moved from her shared flat to her bf.
(24 January 2018)

Her German even has developed because of speaking with him German but she says it is not enough to find a job.
(24 January 2018)

She is together with this person for more than a year, she never stayed with a guy for more than a year.
(24 January 2018)

She had been ending and starting relationships very fast, she had every year a different boyfriend until now.
(24 January 2018)

She never liked university, her university graduation degree was average.
(24 January 2018)

Then she said, she has to move from this country.
(24 January 2018)

She had therapies, antidepressants since she was 17. She tried to kill herself 3 times short before moving to Austria.
(24 January 2018)

She was always suffering from depression.
(24 January 2018)

Her classes completed two years ago but she still does not write her thesis.
(24 January 2018)

My daughter is almost 30. She moved to Austria to study a master programme.
(24 January 2018)

Happy Belated HNW: May Flowers

[image]_ Bernie:He passed by me in the aisle then went to the end of the aisle and just kept looking at me.(26 January 2018) Mickie:Why do women reveal their breasts but get mad when men stare at them?(26 January 2018) Mickie:Why do they expect men to not look at their breasts when they make it super easy for [...]

But then I read that is could not be accurate since I didn't take it after the day of my missed period.
(24 January 2018)

It came up as a very bright negative.
(24 January 2018)

So I took a dollar store pregnancy test called veriquick 5 days before my missed period.
(24 January 2018)

Can you be induced after a c section?
(24 January 2018)

Do you know if this is true or not?
(24 January 2018)

Someone told me that most places won t let you try for a vbac if you go over 40 weeks?
(24 January 2018)

How do you properly let friends go of 9 years?
(24 January 2018)

Omg what has life become and how do I gwt away from these people?
(24 January 2018)

The brother who's older got with a woman who has 3 kids and now they got a kid together and he now says he doesnt like his girlfriend.
(24 January 2018)

They cheat on women all the time yet get all butt hurt when a girl cheats on them.
(24 January 2018)

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Undies of the day – Thursday

I’ve never owned a g-string and thought it might be fun to try. I bought this from a Chinese vendor on eBay._ Marlyn:Do my names work together?(26 January 2018) Marlyn:I like the sound of the trio together.(26 January 2018) Marlyn:Personally I love the pairing, does Ariana work with my duo?(26 January 2018) Marlyn:Lilly and Sofi are my two girls.(26 [...]

Why can girls grab other girls boobs without going to jail for life?
(24 January 2018)

Why my average looking best friend tries to convince me that i am nothing special or ugly if i am not ugly?
(24 January 2018)

Can i tell a girl that i know she was playing me and i think that was a dick move?
(24 January 2018)

Her name is Katie if that helps.
(24 January 2018)

Plus she always wanted to see my class notes.
(24 January 2018)

She asked me out once and stood me up and then I asked her out and she didn't give me a straight answer.
(24 January 2018)

Sometimes she would act like she liked me and other times she would talk about other guys in front of me.
(24 January 2018)

Hi I'm a guy that had a body scrub today?
(24 January 2018)

When asked to turn over she started on my legs & without warning completely removed the towel leaving me fully exposed for the remainder of the treatment.
(24 January 2018)

She came back in and started the scrub moving the towel as required.
(24 January 2018)

Thinking Positively

[image]Rather true I’d say. Hope you had a fantastic day!_ Azzie:She said she’s gonna start carrying hand sanitizer around with her.(26 January 2018) Azzie:Her family was planning a vacation to Florida next week now she’s not sure she wants to go.(26 January 2018) Azzie:She doesn’t really like talking about sickness and death it kind of scares her.(26 January [...]

Do you think 15 years a big age difference in a couple?
(23 January 2018)

Sister wives: why be a sister wife if you are jealous when the husband gives affection to the fellow sister wife?
(23 January 2018)

What should I do with this 'friend'?
(23 January 2018)

I personally think it's weird and obviously illegal to an extent but he has been ignoring me and lying to me more and more just to do things with her.
(23 January 2018)

My 'best friend' since middle school who is 19 years old started dating a 14 year old last summer.
(23 January 2018)

But should I just make the move?
(23 January 2018)

I did catch him staring at me the other day during class.
(23 January 2018)

I think hes really cute so should I ask him out?
(23 January 2018)

But we do have 1 class and lunch together.
(23 January 2018)

We arnt friends, we never talked.
(23 January 2018)


_ Davina:I hate to sound needy, but Please, I really need some help through this.(25 January 2018) Diamond:My ex and I were going to get back together but then a new guy appeared?(25 January 2018) Diamond:She said she doesnt want a romantic relationship with me anymore too.. Which sorta broke me so I said i had to go.(25 [...]

Now this person has been in it for a much longer time and she has about 3 other friends that are also in it.
(23 January 2018)

So I'm in an advanced volleyball league that I just started this school year and I only had one friend in it when I started.
(23 January 2018)

What does it mean if a girl randomly covers her cleavage?
(23 January 2018)

So I remember the last time i was talking to my crush she was like moving her coat onto her cleavage a lot like she was covering something, I wasn't creeping she was just doing it every 10 seconds so i took notice.
(23 January 2018)

So i talk back to my mom and dad and it getting onying so i was thinking of search how to stop talking back?
(23 January 2018)

What does ir mean if a colleague at work is talking to me and another person but she keeps looking to the other person more while talking?
(23 January 2018)

This girl is in my boyfriends top 9 friends on facebook. does that mean he interacts with her most?
(23 January 2018)

Does that mean the girl on his top friends is chatting to him the most?
(23 January 2018)

She's always on his 9 friends even when I refresh... his sister is on there always too and he interacts with her a lot.
(23 January 2018)

Can somebody give me one good reason why I should bother to stay, spiritually speaking?
(23 January 2018)

This mature woman provides a nice view….

I am convinced that some women were just born to be ass fucked._ Noelle:Strong boys names that aren’t overly macho?(25 January 2018) Noelle:Can anyone suggest some that are in-between?(25 January 2018) Noelle:Discussing names with my husband, I like softer names like Luke or Isaac, while he likes very manly names like Booker or Grant.(25 January 2018) Noelle:Does anyone know [...]

I want to feel happy but lately all i have been feeling is down.
(23 January 2018)

Im so use to not showing my feelings but im only human and it hurts to waste so much time on the wrong one and end with the short hand of the stick in the end.
(23 January 2018)

I cried and dont even know why because i know i deserve so much better.
(23 January 2018)

So I placed his W-2 on the porch and left.
(23 January 2018)

As i was walking up to the door i could see him through the window sitting on the couch talking with his ex-girlfriend.
(23 January 2018)

I didnt want him coming over to my house anymore so i brought it to his sister house.
(23 January 2018)

When i broke it off, his W2 came in the mail like 6 days after.
(23 January 2018)

I felt happy about it and i know its the right thing to do, but i really loved him and wanted to be with the good side in him for the rest of my life but he couldnt see that because he was too busy accusing me of things that dont exist or never happened.
(23 January 2018)

I broke it off with my Ex boyfriend because of his jealous, insecure, and crazy ways that were getting out of hand and just making me sad and bringing me down.
(23 January 2018)

How do I get him to stop liking me without making it awkward at work, we work the same shift almost everyday.
(23 January 2018)

Gimme a bucket of ice for my pink bits - STAT!

I jest saw this young man’s profile whilst perusing the local Australian male talent on this dick and ballz morgue we like to call “Meelp”. To protect the identity of the women he has (ouch! ow! arrr_ Lurlene:Sometimes if I don t get a refill quick enough I will take a 40 mg vyvance instead.(25 January [...]

Where do you live (city, country, downtown, ghetto) How are chores handled?
(23 January 2018)

Are teens who commit suicide idiots?
(23 January 2018)

I would get stones thrown at me, I was even hospitalized because of a concudsion from getting hit on the head by a stone.
(23 January 2018)

I would get beat up almost daily.
(23 January 2018)

When I was a teen, I got bullied mercilessly.
(23 January 2018)

It was about teens who killed themselves because they took away their iPad, or because they could not go to a party.
(23 January 2018)

I just saw a TV show about teen suicide.
(23 January 2018)

Do you honestly think I'm capable of finding love?
(23 January 2018)

Also besides the question asked above, what's wrong with me?
(23 January 2018)

While I'm cool with the football players, skaters etc I tend to hang out with people who bully me and say I'm ugly even beat me up because I've known them the longest and they're the only people who would actually accept me.
(23 January 2018)

Friday, 26 January 2018

The perfect kiss

Sometimes I think I might have imagined it all. That feeling of being uplifted by your kisses. To have my heart wholey embraced as you pressed close to me. Knowing that within the touching of our skin_ Edna:How do I adjust myself next Christmas so I don’t feel so heartbroken?(24 January 2018) Edna:I feel bad about myself [...]

I know i can t take a test yet, and i will as soon as i can.
(22 January 2018)

Today however i woke up sweating and again had the same feeling of wanting to throw up but couldn t.
(22 January 2018)

I had a headache and was very fatigue i think i was only awake for 3 hours max on sunday. i also felt dizzy.
(22 January 2018)

Sunday i woke up nauseous but never threw up.
(22 January 2018)

I was on the end of my period friday and by friday night y period was gone, and we used a condom everytime.
(22 January 2018)

Regardless we couldn t keep our hands off each other.
(22 January 2018)

Well this past weekend we had SO much sex like looking back we probably did 2-3 times friday and 6 times saturday.
(22 January 2018)

We both just recently decided to start having sex as we feel comfortable and ready to do that.
(22 January 2018)

We however were friends for a year and a half before we started dating.
(22 January 2018)

My boyfriend and i just started dating a month ago.
(22 January 2018)

Think Fast, 5.11.16

What is the most sexual enticing gift a lover has ever given you?_ Branda:I also don’t wanna break up the bromance obviously.(24 January 2018) Branda:I’m jealous, but I know voicing my jealousy will only make him want to hang out with the funner person more.(24 January 2018) Branda:He spends the same amount of time with each of us [...]

I've been trying to distract myself and find other things to do in my free time, but it's hard.
(22 January 2018)

The part that bothers me the most is that I'm hurting so badly because of it, but she's so blissfully ignorant and she's completely fine.
(22 January 2018)

It's not like she's decided she doesn't like me anymore, more like she's just so infatuated with her new friends that she can't be bothered to text and hang out with me anymore.
(22 January 2018)

It's pretty much tearing me apart inside because she's my only friend.
(22 January 2018)

I always see her texting her other new friends, but she doesn't have time for me anymore.
(22 January 2018)

Friday came and went and I heard nothing from her.
(22 January 2018)

I wanted to see if I just mentioned it and didn't act on the suggestion if she would do anything.
(22 January 2018)

I did an experiment the other day and I told her that we should hang out this past Friday, and she said it sounded like a great idea.
(22 January 2018)

Now, she's made new friends and she rarely texts me unless I text her first.
(22 January 2018)

We used to text each other all the time, about pretty much anything.
(22 January 2018)

It’s All About The Booty

It’s All About The Booty_ Thu:But during this second year of doing this, things don’t seem to go a smoothly as the previous year.(24 January 2018) Thu:The first year I did it, things seem to go very well for the most part.(24 January 2018) Thu:I did many types of activities, whether it be reading to them, playing games, [...]

I just don't get it, he keeps telling my parents that he's blown away by my talent yet never approaches me.
(22 January 2018)

I also feel like he doesn't like me as much as the other students because he doesn't make the slightest effort to get to know me even though he always interacts with the others.
(22 January 2018)

When he praises my work i feel so confident but when he points out my mistakes i immediately feel like the stupidest person on earth.
(22 January 2018)

His opinion matters so much to me that i feel like if he doesn't validate me I'm worthless.
(22 January 2018)

Ever since i realised my feelings for him my participation in class has declined because i feel this constant pressure to be perfect and when my last essay received relatively negative comments it has seriously impacted my self esteem.
(22 January 2018)

Despite all of that, i also am aware that this will lead to nowhere and don't have false expectations.
(22 January 2018)

Even raising his eyebrows while talking seems like such an intelligent act.
(22 January 2018)

Everything he does seems fascinating to me.
(22 January 2018)

I just get blown away by the way he articulates his thoughts, his choice of words, the way he reads poetry (getting fully immersed into it), his serious and mature character etc.
(22 January 2018)

And since i am a very skilful writer (sth that he also pointed out) i just feel like this enhances the admiration i have for him.
(22 January 2018)

Thoughts About Love And It’s Description

Dearest heartThat I feel beat much Stronger than my own.Or when close to the otherThe beats become parallelMatching in rhythm.I think of your heartLike buried treasure.For since it’s been discovered.I_ Gertrude:I like this guy and hung out with him sunday night to monday morning (slept over). Then he hasn’t been able to hang out Monday or [...]

Asian Culture?
(22 January 2018)

Because I am confuse I only see asian men with asian women.
(22 January 2018)

How does the asian culture view white women?
(22 January 2018)

Is it because of the asian culture?
(22 January 2018)

Why is that you don't see white women and asian men together.
(22 January 2018)

PARENTS constantly pulling me into arguments?
(22 January 2018)

I honestly have no idea what to do.. I'm only a teenager and this stress has become too much to bear.
(22 January 2018)

She immediately got very upset with me and told me how my dad had his family and she had no one on her side (both her parents and only sibling passed away) and that if i only knew about my dad I would be on her side.
(22 January 2018)

I finally went to my mom and told her that I did not want to pick a side bc I simply was not going to choose between them.
(22 January 2018)

This whole situation has become very stressfuly to me and bc of it I have not been doing very well in school.
(22 January 2018)

Thoughts About Love And It’s Description

Dearest heartThat I feel beat much Stronger than my own.Or when close to the otherThe beats become parallelMatching in rhythm.I think of your heartLike buried treasure.For since it’s been discovered.I_ Gertrude:I like this guy and hung out with him sunday night to monday morning (slept over). Then he hasn’t been able to hang out Monday or [...]

So I started photography, and as you may know you can't easily carry a camera around your neck all day, waiting for the perfect shot.
(22 January 2018)

I'm twelve and I've been trying to convince my parents to let me have a phone for the many reasons it's very important.
(22 January 2018)

Why does my sister who has a speech impediment sometimes burst into tears when she doesn't manage to get the words out..?
(22 January 2018)

How do I get my parents to sign my report card?
(22 January 2018)

I failed all my classes because I skip them to go hang out with my friends.
(22 January 2018)

Is dating online real love?
(22 January 2018)

I remember a time when I dated a guy I met on the net and I always felt like he could be cheating and me not know or if we really met it'd be awkward and the whole relationship would be ruined.
(22 January 2018)

When my fathere was driving his truck out of stateto make money?
(22 January 2018)

I'm not sure if the attraction is mutual though.
(22 January 2018)

I've always a crush on her and as a teen I've fantasied about her but I texted her saying to come by and it's going down.
(22 January 2018)

Finding Him Via Google Voice Search

I am still searching.I am still looking.I am still hopefulThat he is Out there somewhere.Who is he that I seek?Oh if only I knew!I would be so much better offI would have coordinatesTo Google voice se_ Gertrude:I like this guy and hung out with him sunday night to monday morning (slept over). Then he hasn’t been [...]

My cousin Katy who was with us that night, acts like she doesn't remember her, but you don't just forget about your best friend.
(22 January 2018)

At around 1 am a dark red ford van pulled up and she got inside. we never saw her again.
(22 January 2018)

One night we went walking out all night.
(22 January 2018)

When I was younger, My cousins and I had a friend named Kate Harrison.
(22 January 2018)

My sister knows his age because they've been talking online & told each other their ages.
(22 January 2018)

Do you think a man who goes to the laundry mat in his mid 60's is a loser?
(22 January 2018)

When she told me he was at the laundry mat last night, my red flag went up.
(22 January 2018)

My sister is going to meet some guy she's been corresponding with on line.
(22 January 2018)

If you had a pin-pal for a month & suddenly they stopped coming online would you be worried for them if you knew they had been upset lately?
(22 January 2018)

Their other online friends don't know why either.
(22 January 2018)

Thursday, 25 January 2018


nice_ Torri:My dad a week later said I couldn’t text him anymore.(23 January 2018) Torri:My best friend, who we used to talk all the time, hasn’t called me in a week and a half.About a month ago, He told me he had feelings for me, but we both agreed that it was best to be friends at [...]

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and since Wednesday (so for 5 days) I've been slightly cramping and bleeding bright red blood.
(22 January 2018)

It this a bit too much?
(22 January 2018)

She even wakes up at night crying.
(22 January 2018)

My sister is pregnant she gets upset about everything or nothing.
(22 January 2018)

Why would a man stares you from distance but avoid eye-contact when you are close up?
(22 January 2018)

Anyone give up on online dating?
(22 January 2018)

I'm a woman and I find that people (even me sometimes) can get too shallow on there.
(22 January 2018)

Why wont he let me walk out of his life if he has a girlfriend?
(22 January 2018)

I had sex three times on Sunday and I was ovulating that day each time my boyfriend pulled out came on a towel and then put it back in what are my chances of getting pregnant?
(22 January 2018)

I'm 13 and I think im in love?
(22 January 2018)

Playing Rough

Today I am in the mood to play hard. I want a man who can be a little rough and forceful from time to time . The kind who will just walk in not say a word walk up to me rip my pants down and start fuc_ Lyndsay:I lied to my friends..?(23 January 2018) Lyndsay:What if [...]

We've been together for a little over a year, and it's just every other relationship I've been in never ended good.
(22 January 2018)

Does she have have a big butt?
(22 January 2018)

I know you can't see it but does it look like she does?
(22 January 2018)

Confused about a few things!?
(22 January 2018)

Will my period come in two weeks from the ovulation date like it s supposed to or is this the one that will be missed?
(22 January 2018)

My question is is this what we call implantation bleeding?
(22 January 2018)

Okay so we had unprotected sex on my ovulation day on a Sunday.
(22 January 2018)

Why is it that when a girl rejects a guy, it's 0K, but when a guy rejects a girl, he's a jerk?
(22 January 2018)

People tell me I'm a jerk for rejecting women.
(22 January 2018)

I don't want to date a girl who has those bad habits.
(22 January 2018)

Torture chambers…

I met with a guy a few nights ago who I have been in contact with for a while from the Meelp site and although I did know a fair bit about him already I still wasn’t all that sure I could really tru_ Joetta:I will go on a date with a guy who likes me [...]

I don't think he's attached to anyone, though.
(21 January 2018)

His determination in keeping me at bay is so obvious, it's ridiculous.
(21 January 2018)

He's so short with me sometimes that it's just plain rude.
(21 January 2018)

My bf said he would bang another girl when he was with his friends!? He said he didnt mean it!?
(21 January 2018)

So is it normal for guys to say those things and not mean them at all?
(21 January 2018)

He admitted to me that he only said it to be cool and he meant nothing by it.
(21 January 2018)

So yea my bf was with his friends, and they asked him if he would bang this one girl and he said yea.
(21 January 2018)

What is the difference between a lytic zone and a lysis zone?
(21 January 2018)

I am not a Microbiologist but need help explaining the difference.
(21 January 2018)

What is a good way to describe them in terms of Bacteriophages.
(21 January 2018)

These people in Victoria BC, via news ……

…… Acting like children or trying to be Barons, Dukes & whatever else this style of political or personal differences these people have. 5 year old children are more together than these folks fr_ Jana:Can i ask Katie if she doesn’t care that i ghosted her?(23 January 2018) Jana:She kept giving me mixed messages about whether she [...]

Her aunt has her for a while until my partner who doesn't have a steady home gets himself on his feet, he spends most of his time here anyway.
(21 January 2018)

So, his daughter arrives a couple of weeks ago and we plan to move her in here too, it'll be a bit of a squeeze but hes confident and I get on well with her, so it's all good.
(21 January 2018)

Myself and my partner have planned to move in together, he moves into mine with my three kids who he gets on with really well.
(21 January 2018)

How do I hug a guy the same height as me. He is 5'7 and I am 5'7?
(21 January 2018)

Can u show me pictures or just explain it?
(21 January 2018)

Should I try and talk to this girl and give it a try?
(21 January 2018)

What would a man think of my sexual fantasies about his wife?
(21 January 2018)

I won't go into detail about my sexual fantasy about her but it starts with handcuffing her naked spread eagle to my headboard and making her do all sexual acts that you can think of including oral and anal.
(21 January 2018)

Every night I masturbate to her picture and think of my sexual fantasy about her.
(21 January 2018)

At work today I saw one of my friends who has a beautiful wife whom I'm friends with too.
(21 January 2018)

These people in Victoria BC, via news ……

…… Acting like children or trying to be Barons, Dukes & whatever else this style of political or personal differences these people have. 5 year old children are more together than these folks fr_ Jana:Can i ask Katie if she doesn’t care that i ghosted her?(23 January 2018) Jana:She kept giving me mixed messages about whether she [...]

I have been working on breaking the ice but I don't know how to tell her how I really feel without coming off too strong.
(21 January 2018)

We have had conversations over text because she goes to another school.
(21 January 2018)

I have a crush on this girl because she is so sweet and easy to talk to.
(21 January 2018)

I know you can't really see it but does it look like she does?
(21 January 2018)

(Ladies only)... How can a guy express his desire for you without being creepy?
(21 January 2018)

And it doesn't bother me if I don't get her.
(21 January 2018)

And yes, I know that you should always just focus on getting to know her by listening to what she says with genuine interest, and not getting into her pants.
(21 January 2018)

I know that expressing sexual interest in a woman in of itself isn't creepy, I just wanna get a few perspectives from real women on how to avoid showing it too much.
(21 January 2018)

Please note that I'm not trying to be rude. :) How much sexual intent is too much, at least during the first interaction?
(21 January 2018)

Why do Republicans hate Muslims?
(21 January 2018)