Sunday, 30 April 2017

Cowboys do it better!

Is it wrong to wanna bite this?_ Deedra:I’ve taken multiple degrees at a top college, because I basically have nothing better to do.(30 April 2017) Deedra:Not like doctor or investment banker rich, and more like CEO rich.(30 April 2017) Deedra:I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging, but my parents are rich.(30 April 2017) Audie:My boyfriend wants another threesome?(30 [...]

I'm 21, female Not in college due to a financial situation Trying to get a job, but get turned down every time No friends No boyfriend I want to fix my life, but I don't know how.
(30 April 2017)

Why am I so ugly? My parents aren't and neither is my sister?
(30 April 2017)

I know I can't fix my face, so is there any other way to be happier?
(30 April 2017)

Guys refuse to talk to me unless they absolutely have to.
(30 April 2017)

The farthest I've got with a guy is holding hands when we are forced to for something.
(30 April 2017)

I'm 16 and never had a boyfriend or a first kiss or anything.
(30 April 2017)

I'm so sad because I know I'll be ugly forever and I don't want to be forever alone.
(30 April 2017)

No one in my distant family is as ugly as me so I don't know where I get it from.
(30 April 2017)

Whenever I go to a dance people call all my friends pretty but only say my dress is pretty, nothing about the rest of me.
(30 April 2017)

The only time someone calls me pretty is when they are calling a group of people that I'm with pretty and know it would be rude to just leave me out.
(30 April 2017)


One of my favorite pics!!_ Adrianne:She is getting blamed for all of this by her parents.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her parents always fight and her dad wants to move out.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her family is falling apart, her mom is going insane.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:She has 2 older brothers and a little sister.(29 April 2017) Magdalene:Having trouble conceiving. NEED advice!?(29 April [...]

Sounds like it to me, that both length and girth matter.
(30 April 2017)

For having really intense and amazing penetration?
(30 April 2017)

What should I do with my African husband? I cook for him, clean for him, give him oral sex twice a day, don't argue?
(30 April 2017)

But he is demanding my salary from work?
(30 April 2017)

Poll : Is it normal that I like tasting my dildo after masturbating?
(30 April 2017)

Help! Someone raided my porn collection!?
(30 April 2017)

Using my psychology class to attract girls?
(30 April 2017)

Third, I m gona play her favorite song when she comes in so she unconsciously will be relating the happiness with that song with me.
(30 April 2017)

Also we are naturally attracted to red, so I m gona start wearing more red.
(30 April 2017)

From what I read if 2 people stare into each others eyes for 2 minutes they will feel slightly attracted, so I was thinking about starting a stareing contest with this girl at work i like.
(30 April 2017)

Are you serious?

In some previous posts I have blogged about my friend “Susan”. The party that could have been so much more Someone called me clingy?? We met a few years ago, and have periods of time without see_ Harriette:Last year he and I didn’t have any class together aside from PE.(29 April 2017) Harriette:I’ve liked this one boy [...]

And we message probably 4 or 5 days a week sometimes more.
(29 April 2017)

We catch up one on one every probably 3 or 4 weeks and it's always around 3-5 hours, lots of flirting, sexual banter, really good vibes.
(29 April 2017)

Ladies, I dated this girl I knew socially for a few weeks which ended a while ago.
(29 April 2017)

First kiss help?!?
(29 April 2017)

Also, how do I make sure I'm a good kisser?
(29 April 2017)

Are you supposed to start with a sort of peck or do people expect to go to full on making out or what?
(29 April 2017)

I'm in high school and I've never kissed anyone before... What do you do when you have your first kiss?
(29 April 2017)

I m 14 but in dating a 16 year old we ve been together for years and were both ready to have sex, how would I get birth control at my age?
(29 April 2017)

High school freshman dating senior?
(29 April 2017)

Add any personal stories of yourself or people you knew who did if you can.
(29 April 2017)

Mopping with Love

I joined this site the day after me and the Ex signed off on the marriage. At that time I had only shaved my beard once in 22 yrs or so. After seeing her reaction, I grew it back. I didn’t like it eit_ Stefany:I think my Girlfriend cares more about her best friend than me?(29 [...]

Omg I'm actually flirting with another girl and feeling some way, yay?
(29 April 2017)

She is gorgeous and the bartender I work with.
(29 April 2017)

Is this baby in danger?
(29 April 2017)

He'd often tilt his head and has a hard time hearing.
(29 April 2017)

At two he could barely talk or walk.
(29 April 2017)

He caught a fever at 2 weeks old, and cries a lot.
(29 April 2017)

Rachel is 18 and gave birth to her son at 8 months.
(29 April 2017)

Moving on and going forward after a long term relationship?
(29 April 2017)

But i still feel a bit of pain when i think of our memories or see a social media picture of them.
(29 April 2017)

I've moved on from the relationship and him being my boyfriend.
(29 April 2017)

Saturday, 29 April 2017

2016 bidding

I am wondering if any guy would afford to bid me for around 15.000 points_ Ivey:I got engaged like a yr ago, we talked about my love life and girls he was attracted too… during the 4 yrs in college he would talk to me and all of the sudden withdraw and stop talking to me [...]

As I got closer to the ending it started to have a lot of cuss words and graphic scenes.
(29 April 2017)

So like most teens I started to watch Thirteen Reasons Why.
(29 April 2017)

We were dating for almost 7 months.
(29 April 2017)

When is a good time to propose to girlfriend?
(29 April 2017)

Should I talk to her about it or just get it over with and ask her?
(29 April 2017)

I'm really nervous to even bring it up even though I feel comfortable enough with her.
(29 April 2017)

That security would be great to have i think for both of us.
(29 April 2017)

I feel like we really should make a commitment at this point.
(29 April 2017)

I fell in love with her in December and a couple days ago she told me she loves me too.
(29 April 2017)

I'm 22 and I have decided I want to marry my girlfriend when I graduate college.
(29 April 2017)

Do you suffer?

I was wondering if there was anybody else out there like me that suffers when you don’t get sex? Not just mental symptoms of depression, but also physical ones. Symptoms of headaches, nausea, and your_ Shena:Should I be worried my boyfriend is friends with his ex?(28 April 2017) Shena:I just don’t know if I should be concerned.(28 [...]

Used a cup for my urine and used the dropper thing.
(29 April 2017)

At two thirty I took the other two.
(29 April 2017)

Took one when I got back about nine thirty.
(29 April 2017)

Went to dollar general and got three more tests.
(29 April 2017)

I took one about eighg pm Friday night it was a faint positive.
(29 April 2017)

Something just told me to get a pregnancy test to rule that out I was tired of wondering.
(29 April 2017)

He said he doubted I could have another child.
(29 April 2017)

My Dr told me if I had a period I could get pregnant.
(29 April 2017)

Well I ve had mood swings and cravings but I thought it was just early menopause because that can also happen after an ablation.
(29 April 2017)

That s what the ablation is suppose to do.
(29 April 2017)

What about…

[image]He’s 55. She’s 23. What do you think?_ Lavelle:I told him that I respected that, but he shouldve been mature and told me he didnt want to talk to me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:So, I texted him and asked why he was rude, and he said he shouldnt be obligated to know me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:I was confused, and [...]

It usually hurts her, not sure why.
(28 April 2017)

One time she had sex and really enjoyed it and loved it then but that was one out of many times.
(28 April 2017)

I got more neck beard then around my jaw line. How can i fix this?
(28 April 2017)

When a guy grabs your arm as you walk by?
(28 April 2017)

I felt a spark go through me when he touched me like that.
(28 April 2017)

It was quick and he didn't squeeze or rub my arm he just kind of wrapped his hand around my arm to say hi.
(28 April 2017)

The second I walked by him he touched my upper arm with his whole entire hand and said hey.
(28 April 2017)

He stared at me as i walked toward him like he was waiting for me to say hi and I didn't.
(28 April 2017)

We don't see each other very often because he works in a different office.
(28 April 2017)

The minute I walked in this one guy I work with was staring at me and checking me out up and down.
(28 April 2017)

What about…

[image]He’s 55. She’s 23. What do you think?_ Lavelle:I told him that I respected that, but he shouldve been mature and told me he didnt want to talk to me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:So, I texted him and asked why he was rude, and he said he shouldnt be obligated to know me.(28 April 2017) Lavelle:I was confused, and [...]

Is messaging them through Facebook too impersonal for this sort of situation?
(28 April 2017)

I want to contact them but they don't have specific information on their whereabouts other than the city they live in.
(28 April 2017)

I'm pretty positive I've found my birth parents and sibling through Facebook.
(28 April 2017)

Guy I'm talking to online seems a little depressed. I don't want to leave him?
(28 April 2017)

I don't see how that's a red
(28 April 2017)

Why do people on here say it's a red flag for a man online to say he's tense and depressed?
(28 April 2017)

Guys: Would it bother you if your girlfriend wasn't a virgin?
(28 April 2017)

I talked to my boyfriend today about it and asked if I wasn't a virgin would it bother him and he just said no as long as I don't have aids.
(28 April 2017)

Why is he offering to do an 8 hr roadtrip to see my family? isn't that more then friendly?
(28 April 2017)

Yesterday we talked while he worked on his truck in my driveway and he offered togo with me to visit my dad an 8 hr drive bc we have a 2yo and i don't think i could do the drive alone w her at this age..
(28 April 2017)

Licensed Victim shoots Armed Robber

Just a day ago, in Corpus Christi, Texas, a 59 year old man and his wife pulled up to their home and a robber ran up and stuck a gun in his face demanding wallets.Fortunately the almost victim drew hi_ Lavon:I have a period app to see when it starts.(28 April 2017) Lavon:So every month I am [...]

Sbould I give this man a chance when he wont keep a job, get drunk and argue, threaten to hawk spit in my face, constantly yelling?
(28 April 2017)

He doesn't want me talking to people when we go.out.
(28 April 2017)

To me he is lazy, I.had surgery knee and he stayed home just to be around me.
(28 April 2017)

My kids dont like him because.they hear and he starts arguememts.
(28 April 2017)

True or False: Men and Women flirt differently?
(28 April 2017)

Do you know the best way to know that you are getting under the skins of the level 7 moving trolls? When they keep moving your questions you?
(28 April 2017)

I wasn't asked for ID for the first time ever while buying alcohol, does this mean I look old?
(28 April 2017)

Boys name?
(28 April 2017)

Why do girl scouts always run out of cookies?
(28 April 2017)

You'd think they'd bring more than 3 boxes of product right?
(28 April 2017)

Friday, 28 April 2017


getting some really good stories these days. The holiday must have been an inspiration._ Kathern:It wasn’t too frequent at all at first but now it’s becoming a constant thing with him.(28 April 2017) Kathern:At first I really liked him and he seemed real sweet, respectful and down to earth and now he wants to take it to [...]

We don't understand each other at all, never have... but I have feelings for him too now.
(28 April 2017)

This guy had a crush on me for a while.
(28 April 2017)

What would life be like for humans if no one ever had a personal opinion about anything?
(28 April 2017)

Notice I saId no one, that would include today's leaders.
(28 April 2017)

(28 April 2017)

Correct way to pronounce the girls name Aoife?
(28 April 2017)

I just wasn't sure if it was normally pronounced as a F sound or a V like Eva would be.
(28 April 2017)

And no its nothing like it's spelled.
(28 April 2017)

Is Antoine a f-ing liar if he says he never looks at porn?
(28 April 2017)

Moms who have a daughter has this happened to you?
(28 April 2017)


[image][image2]my beautiful mountains , I love to walk outside and view these mountain ranges.. hope you like._ Jeanette:However, he is trying to change his ways and wants to be there for the baby and I want to do whats right.(28 April 2017) Jeanette:He is an alcoholic and can be very destructive and verbally abusive when he drinks.(28 [...]

She had three more and I wanted to puke.
(28 April 2017)

She shoved it in in a bite and snorted it right down.
(28 April 2017)

She then wanted a taco and I didn't wanna see her eat again, but I was nice and blew it off.
(28 April 2017)

I said something to her about it and she laughed at me like it was a joke with a full mouth.
(28 April 2017)

She was snorting while eating and chewing with a full mouth.
(28 April 2017)

My friend came over yesterday and I asked if she wanted something to eat as i was having carrots, so she got an ice cream sandwich.
(28 April 2017)

What does it mean when your crush asks what s behind those devil eyes?
(28 April 2017)

Does he like me or is he just looking to get laid?
(28 April 2017)

He asked me what s behind those devil eyes.
(28 April 2017)

Sweet innocent naive and so on). But he said that only he can see that I m not all that angelic and I m like a devil.
(28 April 2017)

inching along

Surprising sometimes with how a word or phrase sounds and how I pronounce or spell it: things sound a particular way and then when listening back to how I pronounced it sounds good. But the spelling!_ Audrea:Any advice i dont understand about my ex bf?(28 April 2017) Gema:Is it okay to give up on searching for love [...]

He's 61 I get it, I can't change him which is why I want to move out.
(28 April 2017)

Weed makes me feel okay, even though I am well aware of the changes I need to make.
(28 April 2017)

Hey what's up guys just wanted to share some things that I am going through right now.
(28 April 2017)

Is this a sign I am physically attractive but have a bad personality?
(28 April 2017)

Random girls flirt with me, I had a couple booty calls, but was never in a relationship.I rarely ever get initially rejected but happens either before or after the first date.
(28 April 2017)

Should I marry off my ugly daughter?
(28 April 2017)

She's 23 and she should have moved out by now.
(28 April 2017)

Had sex the two days before ovulation (unprotected) don't have much money atm so I don't want to buy a test if it isn't likely.
(28 April 2017)

Have ache in hips but no other feelings.
(28 April 2017)

Haven't had a stressful month at all.
(28 April 2017)

What makes you moan?

I have been very busy with work this week folks. Cleaning up from New Years at work. We all have something that really turns us on and makes us moan. What is yours?Does any of these pics do it for you_ Cleora:Tonight he told me he actually has a storage unit he was planning to move [...]

What does it mean if I prefer sex with men over women?
(27 April 2017)

I am a 35-year-old man who has had sex with people of both sexes and I prefer men to women.
(27 April 2017)

Was I raped? People said I was raped, by was it really rape?
(27 April 2017)

I had a nice time, and listened to music, and he had a nice car.
(27 April 2017)

I am a 16 year old female, and I asked this guy out, he was 22, so we went to a concert, and we hung out, and he dropped me off home.
(27 April 2017)

Why does my friend Kyle hate fun?
(27 April 2017)

He sounds condescending and it is upsetting, but I'm afraid to talk to him about it because I don't like how it feels to be ignored.
(27 April 2017)

He acts like it's a waste of time even though fun is the reason we're playing.
(27 April 2017)

He also gets really snippy whenever anyone does anything off topic in our dnd game, even though it's for fun.
(27 April 2017)

He never takes a shower and it makes me sick.
(27 April 2017)

What makes you moan?

I have been very busy with work this week folks. Cleaning up from New Years at work. We all have something that really turns us on and makes us moan. What is yours?Does any of these pics do it for you_ Cleora:Tonight he told me he actually has a storage unit he was planning to move [...]

So guys only, please explain. (I use physical trainer loosely to hide identity) Men only: why reveal your size?
(27 April 2017)

She cries whenever a young girl is killed in a crash.
(27 April 2017)

Sometimes she thinks about maybe trying to drive but she can't get over this fear.
(27 April 2017)

My girlfriend didn't know her very well she known about her through her friends.
(27 April 2017)

She was texting and didn't stop at the stop sign.
(27 April 2017)

A 17 year old was killed a few years ago.
(27 April 2017)

She hates it when they say no texting or achahol is involed in a crash that makes her mad because it's always something.
(27 April 2017)

One of her friends died in a car crash a few days before thanksgiving last year she was only 18. They didn't say what caused it.
(27 April 2017)

She said she wants to get over her fears.
(27 April 2017)

We have lots of bad roads in this state also collage students here drive like idiots.
(27 April 2017)

Summertime in the peach grove

I was 16 and was visiting my great aunt for the summer as my parents were on a long vacation in Europe. She lived on a peach grove and while it was a modest one, it paid the bills for her. In additi_ Particia:Do some girls like Jealous boyfriends?(27 April 2017) Audry:Will she come back? Please advice?(27 [...]

He is very controlling of her and we (her friends) always know when she is with him because she just doesn t respond to anyone.
(27 April 2017)

She says they aren t together, but every time he calls, she goes running to him.
(27 April 2017)

So she decided it was all her fault and went back.
(27 April 2017)

She left and he tried to kill himself.
(27 April 2017)

Her breaking point was that he raped her.
(27 April 2017)

She recognizes that he is manipulative and mentally abusive.
(27 April 2017)

She knows that her relationship is bad for her.
(27 April 2017)

Can a girl break her virginity fingering herself?
(27 April 2017)

Even if you were to do it yourself.
(27 April 2017)

I'm worried incase it may break my virginity?
(27 April 2017)

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Wtf I fuck fucking horny that pussy can’t stop vibrator 24 / 24 all week

Was so fucking horny today and this week it un realOn monday has to used vibrator 3 time Then went to my dom friend for 30 min toys session Then After was still horny user vibrator againTuesday used_ Kandi:The problem is, IM A VERY SHY GUY.(27 April 2017) Kandi:So i got friendzoned by this girl from my [...]

To my surprise he then turns around and says his friend told him l did wrong and l over reacted.
(27 April 2017)

I refused we had a talk and I expressed my concerns about his behaviour, he apologized and took responsibility for his actions.
(27 April 2017)

My bf come over for a week and a bit it was his first ever visit.
(27 April 2017)

I need a men s points of view on this issue did I over react or to blame.
(27 April 2017)

What are you naming your baby girl or what did you name your daughter?
(27 April 2017)

What's the meaning of her name and how did you decide on it?
(27 April 2017)

One guest requested for a baby crib and one guest requested for room cleaing with will you do first?
(27 April 2017)

Protected sex can I still be pregnant?
(27 April 2017)

My friend is friends with someone she shouldn't be?
(27 April 2017)

I'm now extremely worried for her and I don't know what I can do to protect her from this monster.
(27 April 2017)

Tonight’s Dating/Relationship Question?

This question has pretty much burned my mind all day given the fact it has infinite answers to a simple question. I, myself, am attracted to someone’s personality over looks. I would assume a majority_ Shirley:He took his dick out and I went along with oral even though I did not want to.(27 April 2017) Shirley:He drove [...]

I have been given a choice with a family affair this weekend, what do I do? Read below.....?
(27 April 2017)

Yet, I don't want my grandmother on that side to be mad I didn't come or sense it is due to aunt's behavior (it is just the argument I am avoiding). I am 14. I am 14 and a boy.
(27 April 2017)

I don't mind when she drinks but if there is going to an argument I don't want to be involved.
(27 April 2017)

How do I avoid being in trouble with Mom's family if I opt out of going to that aunts?
(27 April 2017)

My sister and brother both picked to go to the aunt's despite the anticipated fight but I am leaning towards being with Dad alone for the weekend and going to see grandparents.
(27 April 2017)

I would much rather stay home with Dad and go to my grandparents house with him but I feel like my Mom's family will sense I am staying back just because of the aunt and then be mad at me.
(27 April 2017)

I can go with my mother to her sister's but will watch a fight break out about her sister's drinking (my mother plans to say something). Or I can stay home with my Dad and likely get spoiled all weekend and go to my grandparents.
(27 April 2017)

My gf is getting thick? she's not fat, but she's getting thick? is she going to become unhealthy and chubby?
(27 April 2017)

All my friends have alcoholic parents and I don't, how do I get over my jealousy?
(27 April 2017)

How do I get over my jealousy of children of alcoholics?
(27 April 2017)

Follow up on phone sex

hiya folks..still winter here in eastern canada…had snowflurries last night.had someone ask me why i put a condom on my phone during phone sex…i was, like ,hello…i don’t want to end up with hear_ Lahoma:I do not like conflict (obviously).(26 April 2017) Lahoma:My mother asks people and I am caught when I see someone like this without [...]

My friend has bipolar and she's been through ups and downs.
(27 April 2017)

I just still don't believe it was fake after a few years...
(27 April 2017)

It traumatized me Hm I saw anonymous confessions about someone running away when they loved someone too much so you never know And also it is really hard for me to believe he was fake.
(27 April 2017)

Hand contact with a girl at work?
(27 April 2017)

Same day she asked if I had a girlfriend, but maybe she was just starting a conversation.
(27 April 2017)

Only time she moved her hand is when I look at her while hoving my hand over hers to prompt her to move.
(27 April 2017)

Later she did the same with something else and I feel like it's weird.
(27 April 2017)

I noticed when I tried doing something, this coworker, didn't move her hand and let me have contact while I'm trying to do something like click a mouse.
(27 April 2017)

Do I like him for his personality now or is it just a lingering feeling before?
(27 April 2017)

I really want to know becuase I'm so confused if this is a lingering feeling from before from finding him attractive or it's new feelings (start over) from talking to him?
(27 April 2017)

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

My boyfriend likes when I rub his head?
(26 April 2017)

(26 April 2017)

You can't just ask them cause that'll be rude.
(26 April 2017)

Like, how can you tell from far away AND up close.
(26 April 2017)

When I was leaving I told her I really like my cut she smiled a lot and told me to give her a hug which she usually doesnt do.
(26 April 2017)

So my brother broke both his arms and cant jerk off is it wierd if I his step sister do it i mean he says im pretty and this seems like such?
(26 April 2017)

How do I ask my girlfriend to not fart in my eyes?
(26 April 2017)

I don't know what her problem is but... she loves doing that.
(26 April 2017)

Every night before we sleep, she likes to spray my eyes with her giant hole.
(26 April 2017)

Is it okay to be hurt when the guy I'm seeing talks about other girls?
(26 April 2017)

phone sex didn’t work very well

hiya folks…light snowflurries here this am on the last day of march…doesn’t mother nature know that spring offically started on march 21 ?well, i tried the phone sex stuff….just can’t see what a_ Classie:I’m crying all the time, depressed about getting older, anxious and have nightly nightmares.(26 April 2017) Classie:I am 43 and lately have been a [...]

We don't kiss each other on the cheek like I've seen other people who are best friends do.
(26 April 2017)

We're the best of friends but not like... I don't know how to explain it.
(26 April 2017)

She has never called me that before.
(26 April 2017)

Wedding Questionare!!!?
(26 April 2017)

We got married in CT, and had an outdoor wedding.
(26 April 2017)

For our honeymoon we went to Savannah, Georgia.
(26 April 2017)

I had a New York Cheesecake for my wedding cake.
(26 April 2017)

I had a small wedding, about 50 people.
(26 April 2017)

I got engaged at 27 and married at 28. My wedding colors were magenta, poppy, and yellow.
(26 April 2017)

What city did you (will you) get married in?
(26 April 2017)

Sex on the beach

Late last night my wife and I had a lot of wine, she more than I, and we started to get a little horny. She’s been fantasizing of going to a public beach at night to watch the waves and to fuck. Well,_ Glenna:Poll: Why do you think he blocked me???(26 April 2017) Glenna:I know I’m blocked [...]

I finally got away from him and ran outside and called my dad.
(26 April 2017)

He got very angry and is much stronger than I am so he ripped off my clothes and rapped me.
(26 April 2017)

He started kissing me and I told him to stop.
(26 April 2017)

We have been friends for as long as I can remember.
(26 April 2017)

I am 17 years old and Monday night I was at this guys house.
(26 April 2017)

Could this be implantation spotting?
(26 April 2017)

I've had small, short (like 1-2 minute) cramps on and off since.
(26 April 2017)

It was followed by cramps that were moderate, and then today I found dark brown, chunky discharge and soon after, a very, very small amount of bright red blood.
(26 April 2017)

I'm due for my period on the 2nd of May, and yesterday I noticed some very dark red spotting.
(26 April 2017)

Can we still use an Auto External Defibrillator on an infant if the floor is made out of metal?
(26 April 2017)

Then they have to keep by using these new tools until they become habits

You always hear inside mainstream that porn is simply harmless pastime without any side effects whatsoever. As much as most view it as a harmless pastime, is has its dangers indeed. For instance, alcohol might have helped someone relax during some stressful episode in someone’s life._ Adrien:Me and my bf are expecting quadruplets?! Help!?(26 April … Continue reading Then they have to keep by using these new tools until they become habits

I need a comeback?
(26 April 2017)

Im a nice guy and this is the only kid that has a problem with me cause his ego is big.
(26 April 2017)

Basically i need a comeback as this kid keeps making fun of me and i have no dirt on him basically what he seys is yo that last girl you dated was a lesbian i got more girls then you ever will and the first girl you got with a slut can i have a comeback.
(26 April 2017)

Do you think Melissa Smith is pretty?
(26 April 2017)

So I opened mine up and there were two lines.
(26 April 2017)

Then latwr found out they actually were pregnant.
(26 April 2017)

But I read a lot of reviews online saying that their tests said negative and they opened it up and found 2 lines on the strip inside.
(26 April 2017)

I took a clear blue test (the digital kind) and it said not pregnant.
(26 April 2017)

I m supposed to have another period on the 5th of may.
(26 April 2017)

I ended up having my period but it only lasted like 3 days and it was really light.
(26 April 2017)

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I was not on birth control either.
(26 April 2017)

He's 26. During sex for the past 2 months, when he finished he would just come in me. (This was a mutual decision). Yes this was stupid.
(26 April 2017)

We have a great connection and I can picture spending the rest of my life with him.
(26 April 2017)

We have known each other for over 5 months before we started dating though.
(26 April 2017)

I am 6 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend of 4 months.
(26 April 2017)

What does it mean if he sometimes texts back immediately and other times takes a long time to text back?
(26 April 2017)

I call him sweet names and by the way I talk to him you would think I love him.
(26 April 2017)

When a man can t text me back i find it kind of a turn off and for all I know I m probably giving this guy way more of me than he deserves.
(26 April 2017)

For some reason I am suspicious of him having other women in his life.
(26 April 2017)

He has an 8 year old daughter and works long days.
(26 April 2017)


Well, back in June 2015 my husband quit his job to start a business with his sister.
(26 April 2017)

Rent, car insurance, daycare, electric, water, internet, etc.
(26 April 2017)

When my husband and I moved in together, we decided that all mutual bills would be split down the middle.
(26 April 2017)

Is Someone Stalking Me?
(26 April 2017)

Is there a meaning behind this, or am I crazy?
(26 April 2017)

I found a single playing card, King Of Hearts, in my mailbox today.
(26 April 2017)

Why isn t he talking to me?
(26 April 2017)

All I want to do is talk to him for goodness sake.
(26 April 2017)

I just don t know why someone who obviously loves you and you obviously love him would do that.
(26 April 2017)

I haven t been pressuring him or anything just asking to talk and he won t even respond to that.
(26 April 2017)

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Geeting my feet wet

It sucks. Really it does. Who likes wet feet after all? I have been on here for some time but not have a new name. Hope to chat and get to know some people and meet someone as well. Let’s see where th_ Jaime:A cousin is getting married and it’s too far and too costly for [...]

Now he's sort of cooled off and I miss him.
(26 April 2017)

I kinda liked what we had going on even though I wasn't at a place where I wanted a boyfriend.
(26 April 2017)

There's this guy who confessed to me awhile back and I didn't feel the same but we're sorta friends so we still talk.
(26 April 2017)

I've been acting like a little whiny spoiled rotten brat & have been disrespectful 2 my parents & grandparents & don't do what I'm told?
(26 April 2017)

Don't do what I'm told when I'm told to do it and always give them an attitude.
(26 April 2017)

I hit,kick,punch,push,shove, and squeeze them when I don't get my way.
(26 April 2017)

Where do adults go to meet other adults for friendship (not dating)?
(26 April 2017)

So I'm not really sure how you're supposed to go about making friends at my age.
(26 April 2017)

I've tried volunteering and stuff but it was all much older people - and bars were mostly younger people, plus most people there were really just looking for a date.
(26 April 2017)

But everyone my age I know pretty much spends time at work and home and that's it.
(26 April 2017)

The Koreans used wood blocks for pillows – proof in museums and pictures

Elder and Sister George: A LITTLE HISTORY, VALENTINES, STRAWBERRIES, AND P.O.W. The long hair on men was traditional for Koreans, but against the law according to the Japanese. You drive for 1 1/2 hours to Miryang in the countryside. A friend of Sister Lee’s grows strawberries in greenhouses._ Marcella:I respected that and did not contact … Continue reading "The Koreans used wood blocks for pillows – proof in museums and pictures"

After he told me he doesn't want to know me if I stay in a hotel, I decided to cancel my plans with him.
(26 April 2017)

I am in love with a girl, who I only see from a distance?
(26 April 2017)

She knows I exist, but I am not sure if she cares about me or not btw I am 14, and she is 13.
(26 April 2017)

My parents don't want me dating and I doubt her's do either.
(26 April 2017)

I have been in love with her for over 1 year.
(26 April 2017)

She plays soccer, and I do also.
(26 April 2017)

My boyfriend is having trouble with feeling since his ex?
(26 April 2017)

He loved her very much and he explained it as he used up all his feelings on her and doesn t have any left.
(26 April 2017)

I am special to him and he s made that clear but he has been out of touch with his emotions and feelings since he and his ex broke up.
(26 April 2017)

It s been over a year and he likes me very much but he s afraid I m going to end up getting hurt due to possibly being more emotionally invested than he is.
(26 April 2017)

Fisting - what’s the deal?

I don’t know so you tell me, but has fisting become as common place as fucking for some people? More and more often I get that in the list of things a guy wants to do as we are discussing our prefere_ Dorthy:I’ve talked to her several times after class and we have great convos, I [...]

I'm still like this, so I really don't know if I'll ever lose my virginity.
(26 April 2017)

I've never even been on a real date with a guy because I've always been self-conscious, awkward, and severely socially anxious.
(26 April 2017)

I'm a 20 year old female, and I'm still a virgin.
(26 April 2017)

Any good names for cars?
(26 April 2017)

For example I want something that shows power, speed and intensity if you know what I mean, like: Crusher, Hawk, storm, lightning etc... Any recommended names ?
(26 April 2017)

Hi, I am making a car game app for mobiles, I am done like 80 % but I want to choose some fictional names for cars.
(26 April 2017)

Women, do you take it as a compliment when men stare at you?
(26 April 2017)

What do I do if my wife has an order of protection against me and now she wants for me to call her?
(26 April 2017)

My wife has an order of protection against me and now she wants to talk to me what do I do I already spent a couple days in jail and now I have to take the domestic violence classes I've never hit my wife or abused her in anyway.
(26 April 2017)

Relationship advice. So I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years total..?
(26 April 2017)

Posing In My Black Outfit On A Red Couch.

Posing In My Black Outfit On A Red Couch._ Criselda:I love her, but I just made a big mistake adopting her, I’ll admit that.(25 April 2017) Criselda:I’ve trained her to come, sit, lay down, and walk on a leash, but other than that she’s just so much more work than i expected.(25 April 2017) Criselda:I still pull through [...]

And we both enjoy each others company.
(26 April 2017)

We've lately been talking and sitting together in class alot.
(26 April 2017)

Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
(25 April 2017)

Sex question for a virgin?
(26 April 2017)

I talk a big game with my friends but its never really genuine.
(26 April 2017)

I just don't have these sexual urges most of the time.
(26 April 2017)

Its not that I'm asexual- I've researched that.
(26 April 2017)

Its the idea of losing control in a totally different way.
(26 April 2017)

So I'm a virgin and the thought of sex terrifies me.
(26 April 2017)

Problems with my emotion towards my Ex-Girlfriend?
(26 April 2017)

I’m literally too much pussy for any guy to handle….

…..see, my pictures never lie….hehehehehe Yes, she laughs at her own jokes…._ Latonya:It seems like she’s flirting but I’m terrible at telling.(25 April 2017) Evette:She’s convinced I gave it to her.(25 April 2017) Evette:I’m honestly considering ending things.(25 April 2017) Evette:She went to the OBGYN and found out she has chlymadia.(25 April 2017) Evette:My girlfriend and I have been together [...]

She got jealous when I was talking to another girl.
(25 April 2017)

When I confronted her last week about why she hits me, she shrugged her shoulders.
(25 April 2017)

She wrapped her arms around my arm afterwards.
(25 April 2017)

She giggled and I asked why she did that.
(25 April 2017)

She pushes me after class when we're walking on campus (we're both in college, but she acts more like a child). She pushed me on top of a bush yesterday as I walked her back home.
(25 April 2017)

I ask why she does that and she just smiles and laughs.
(25 April 2017)

She's this classmate needs help with the class, so she goes to me since I'm actually the one with the best score.
(25 April 2017)

In class, there's this girl that picks on me a lot.
(25 April 2017)

Am I a bad person for wanting to have fun at my age?
(25 April 2017)

What can i do to make sure her step dad will never harm her again?
(25 April 2017)

Something is missing!

The fizzled lacking soda or flat cornbread. Things you like that have gone arye. I want that fizzle back that make your lips smack._ Zenia:I started my period on April 12, that left me to ovulate on or around April 25 which is today, I had intercorse on day 11 and day 13 because hubby was [...]

I warned my mom how much a a handfullshe is and she insisted.
(25 April 2017)

She refuses to let me do that because she loves the dog, and she said she'll take her. (My mom and I live in the same house) my moms own3d many dogs throughout her life and is an incredible trainer.
(25 April 2017)

I've been thinking for a while about rehoming her, and finally talked to my mom about it.
(25 April 2017)

I love her, but I just made a big mistake adopting her, I'll admit that.
(25 April 2017)

I've trained her to come, sit, lay down, and walk on a leash, but other than that she's just so much more work than i expected.
(25 April 2017)

I still pull through and give her attention when I get home, but I could play with her for 2 hours and she'll still still have tons of energy left.
(25 April 2017)

I work construction, and by the time I get home I'm just exhausted.
(25 April 2017)

About 7 months ago i I adopted a pit bull puppy from from my local humane society, she's a sweet dog, but honestly, shes just too much for me.
(25 April 2017)

Can you tell me what this is?
(25 April 2017)

Never seen anything like it before.
(25 April 2017)

Late night sexy!

Enjoy!_ Leoma:She is being unreasonably persistent and pushy with trying to get me to have sex these last few years, and I am SERIOUSLY losing my patience with this skank.(25 April 2017) Leoma:We have been together for about 8 years and I have made it clear that I am not ready to consummate since about 4 weeks [...]

What happens if I make my peeps and poops upon a cop?
(25 April 2017)

What are the pros and cons of international, infant, and foster care adoptions?
(25 April 2017)

I have seen many people saying there are good and bad things to each of these methods of adopting a child but I'm wondering if there are more pros or cons to each of these and what they are.
(25 April 2017)

I need an old fashioned (preferably long) name that was used around the Middle Ages or sounds like it was. Ideas?
(25 April 2017)

The name is for a very blonde princess who is very good looking and turns out to be evil in the end.
(25 April 2017)

Can you cuddle and have sex with someone and just be friends?
(25 April 2017)

It's more than friends with benefits, what is this?
(25 April 2017)

Sometimes when we're cuddling I wanna kiss him, but I'm afraid that would make me look weird because we're not actually together.
(25 April 2017)

I know it's not just sex he's after me for because I don't think someone who was after sex would cuddle me afterwards.
(25 April 2017)

We have sex and then we cuddle nude afterwards.
(25 April 2017)

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Doing me

Had my previous blog guy do me again before he left town again recently.Amazes me that he knows how to do me.His penertration technic is awesome.He knows how to work my hole for a hour or so before cu_ Lura:I just need some help with this.(25 April 2017) Lura:I m smart and funny and really cool but [...]

When I was 11 I was a jr bridesmaid at my aunt's wedding.
(25 April 2017)

I'm giving to be a jr bridesmaid or just bridesmaid.
(25 April 2017)

I'm 13, and my older cousins getting married soon.
(25 April 2017)

I'm confused on who to date among two guys. What should I do?
(25 April 2017)

Should I just reject both of them?
(25 April 2017)

I would feel so guilty rejecting both of them because I like both.
(25 April 2017)

I don't know him so much but he looks nice.
(25 April 2017)

He doesn't talk a lot and the first time we talked was when he asked me out.
(25 April 2017)

He's the type that likes a girl really easily and they just like him back because of his personality(funny and outspoken). Now, the second guy is someone I just recently met.
(25 April 2017)

I've been friends with the first guy for a year and he suddenly asks me out.
(25 April 2017)

I thought you were a little tiny person with long Ears and a tail?

I personally love the romance but I also love the irony, and when the two come together I reach the utmost satisfaction. Why is Nick the star of these mishaps? How can you have a good collaboration if you are in different regions or country? Nick had the worst timing imaginable._ Delia:I am a single … Continue reading I thought you were a little tiny person with long Ears and a tail?

I left a post saying that i would do.
(25 April 2017)

On facebook, our mutual friend made a page for the event.
(25 April 2017)

We have a mutual friend and shes having a party on cinco de mayo at her house, so I will see my crush again.
(25 April 2017)

And then all of a sudden, she stopped returning my last few messages.
(25 April 2017)

We messaged a bit days later, wishing each other a happy new years.
(25 April 2017)

I said that was fine and that i understood because i too am busy with grad school.
(25 April 2017)

She said that while she would love to, couldn't at the time because she was super busy with school and her job.
(25 April 2017)

We fb messaged for a bit the next day and I asked if she wanted to grab some lunch or a coffee.
(25 April 2017)

I didn't get her number but I friend requested her on fb and instagram and she accepted both.
(25 April 2017)

Met her at my friend's xmas party and we got along well.
(25 April 2017)

What a day!

Worked all night, and have barely slept today. So horny, but too worn out to attempt a hookup. I need to sleep!_ Lorelei:Am I overthinking and what do I do?(24 April 2017) Lorelei:She just talks to me like she always does but I somehow I suddenly feel that she is trying to keep distance from me.(24 April [...]

GF gets mad at my short jokes about her?
(25 April 2017)

I've welcomed her to take shots at me, but she refuses.
(25 April 2017)

If there's a can of soup on the top shelf, I'll hoist her up, but, Squirt, Little Lady, Squiget, Short Stuff, Fun-Sized, & Pint-Sized, & Tiny are all common nicknames I have for her These leave her fuming & IDK why, they're jokes.
(25 April 2017)

I'm like 5'9-5'10, she is between 5'1 and 5'2. I'm not malicious with any of them, in fact, because she's short, I'll help her out.
(25 April 2017)

How to make your birthyear 2 years older?
(25 April 2017)

I'm 1993 and I need to be 1991, to be above 25.
(25 April 2017)

So I asked my ex to go grab coffee when she s free?
(25 April 2017)

I never had anything serious, but I know that she was dating someone and they broke up maybe a month ago.
(25 April 2017)

Right after she was always curious if I was seeing someone.
(25 April 2017)

We had quite a few conversations since we broke up.
(25 April 2017)

Just another day in paradise . . .

Happy hump day sexy bloggers,Everything is better with bacon I think so [Image]I like a nice bacon an egg breakfast (Of course with coffee) I have tried chocolate cover bacon, bacon muffins, bacon wr_ Adam:I know not to talk to strangers or accept anything from them but those girls knew these people and went with them [...]

How do I look good in pictures?
(25 April 2017)

How can I make sure I look decent in the photos?
(25 April 2017)

I have prom this weekend and want the pictures to turn out.
(25 April 2017)

If I think I look good in the mirror, I always feel like I look bad in pictures with other people.
(25 April 2017)

How do two men become friends?
(25 April 2017)

It's weird, 'cause most straight guys can't seem to become friends with girls.
(25 April 2017)

For some reason, I'm a guy and can make friends with girls, but with other guys I can't.
(25 April 2017)

Does that mean she like me or playing hars to get?
(25 April 2017)

If a woman never initiate a a convo through texting, but seems excited to text and she always seems to go out of her way to come and talk to me in person.
(25 April 2017)

Which do you prefer for a girl: Sutton or Troian?
(25 April 2017)

I Would So Do This

Roflmao!! {=}Some people are just like glow sticks. You wanna snap ‘em and shake the shit outta them until the light comes on!!!!!!!!!!_ Elinor:I know this is never going to stop, if it lasted this long is going to go on again.(24 April 2017) Elinor:It got to the point that i never want a relationship unless its [...]

I am a crossdresser and I shave my legs and I do it in the privacy of my home so they don't know that I do crossdressing.
(24 April 2017)

So my friend invited me to his graduation party which is a pool party in two weeks.
(24 April 2017)

How to turn down an ugly girl that likes me?
(24 April 2017)

Shall i tell her the truth, that I'm out of her league and she's ugly or just an excuse (that i'm gay or in another reationship)?
(24 April 2017)

Also very wonky mouth and short like 5'6. Also she's kinda dark like gypsy On the other hand, I'm 6'4 tall and classically handsome so no match for this hunchback of notre dame How to turn her down?
(24 April 2017)

Personally as a hot guy I'd never date anyone below my league or f u c k down She has a bulbous nose and looks very chunky.
(24 April 2017)

A much uglier girl likes me.. I seriously don't understand how some people think.
(24 April 2017)

I'm TORN and I NEED help ladies!!! Which guy is more attractive and worth dating?
(24 April 2017)

I have more interesting conversation with him and fun one too.
(24 April 2017)

However, I really like the other guy too because he is different, nice, attractive, humorous and more self driven.
(24 April 2017)

I Would So Do This

Roflmao!! {=}Some people are just like glow sticks. You wanna snap ‘em and shake the shit outta them until the light comes on!!!!!!!!!!_ Elinor:I know this is never going to stop, if it lasted this long is going to go on again.(24 April 2017) Elinor:It got to the point that i never want a relationship unless its [...]

So when he took me back to my car i thought we were going to kiss but it never ended up happening.
(24 April 2017)

It was our first date so I was a little nervous but he made it so easy to talk and just everything.
(24 April 2017)

So i went on a date with this guy to the movies, he paid so it was a date.. i guess?
(24 April 2017)

I have dated a girl for a year an a half now and I'm in highschool I can say I love her but I do not want to be tied down this early in life?
(24 April 2017)

How do I break up with her easily?
(24 April 2017)

How often do non married couples argue?
(24 April 2017)

I love arguing with my gurr friend, and so does she, but how often shud we argue?
(24 April 2017)

Does she possibly like me?
(24 April 2017)

I think she's attractive, Could she possibly like me or am I looking into this too much.
(24 April 2017)

One time I looked and she brushed her back away from her face.
(24 April 2017)

There Is No Such Thing As Casual Sex or Friends With Benefits!!!!

[image]This was something I saw on Facebook and wanted to share it with everyone here and get your thoughts and opinions on it?Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form_ Shery:Is this weird and what’s a better way to get to know a man in online dating?(24 April 2017) Shery:Gosh I [...]

My boyfriend acts so negative around me... why does he act like this?
(24 April 2017)

I don't think it's so severe that he is bi-polar but maybe I am wrong.
(24 April 2017)

I love this man a lot but sometimes he can be difficult to deal with and when I point out how he acts he points the blame to me and plays crazy mind games.
(24 April 2017)

When he's in a good mood, everything is roses and we have so much fun and it makes me believe that everything will be alright but he fluctuates all the time and it is making me crazy.
(24 April 2017)

When he is in a bad mood, his bad mood will suck you in until you're in one too.
(24 April 2017)

I am 21 my bf is 25. my boyfriend acts immature.
(24 April 2017)

Why does this girl kick me in the balls so often?
(24 April 2017)

She also sits next to me and wraps her legs around my legs.. For no reason. (we are 14yrs old) Why is she doing that ?
(24 April 2017)

That happened 3 times this month.
(24 April 2017)

After that, she hugs me and apologises.
(24 April 2017)

Monday, 24 April 2017

Diabolical Devices

Diabolical DevicesdonamorousMy lovely lady let us break out ourdarkest most diabolical devices ofgreatest most torturous sensual pleasureand submit ourselves to the whims and deepest desires of our lu_ Kathleen:It’s funny because all I want is for him to talk to me about movies and get to know me but now after he finally said something I [...]

Is she into me or someone else?
(24 April 2017)

Now the only problem is I don't know if she likes me (I hope so) or somebody else.
(24 April 2017)

Also she sometimes likes posts about being in love on fb.
(24 April 2017)

But yesterday we talked the whole day and she replied within 10 minutes.
(24 April 2017)

The next weird thing is that she keeps saying she's really busy and can't anwser so I end up waiting for hours for her to reply.
(24 April 2017)

So I agreed and I invited her to a little guitar jam me and a friend are having and she seemed happy when I invited her.
(24 April 2017)

We started talking and somehow we got to the topic of liking someone... I told her Im not particularly in love with anybody at the time (a few days later I started liking her a lot lol). We've been talking almost every day since then.
(24 April 2017)

Why would a woman push away a guy she appears to have a crush on?
(24 April 2017)

Are most Polls & Surveys questions basically chit-chat questions you can ask?
(24 April 2017)

Girl seemed to be leading me on, then has no interest later... Help?
(24 April 2017)

Standards can contact me here

Hi, I’m getting a little annoyed with all the fakes on this site andvthe way I get contacted by them. So I let my gold expire. I started this blog ads a way of letting real women contact me. I can alw_ Isela:I start to like someone when I get to know them but with him, [...]

Kept in touch every day for a while.
(24 April 2017)

We broke up two weeks ago, he ended it.
(24 April 2017)

Is Cordelia too much for a girl's name?
(24 April 2017)

But given the nature of these fairly common names, I'm not sure if Cordelia is a standout in the wrong way.
(24 April 2017)

It's been the same style for years & I think Cordelia is beautiful.
(24 April 2017)

I hate that a lot of popular names are simple like Emma, Sophia, Ashley, Olivia, Ava, etc.
(24 April 2017)

I absolutely love the name Cordelia, but I'm not sure if it's a little over the top for a girl in the US.
(24 April 2017)

I'm age 19. There's this girl at my college that is always close to me. We aren't dating. (Read details for the rest)?
(24 April 2017)

Btw I'm a 6'4 male with brown hair and green eyes.
(24 April 2017)

A lot of guys get pissed off at me too coz she's like the hottest girl in my year.
(24 April 2017)


Lately, there’s been a few of these in my life. Upheavals. Since last November or so, I’ve been part of a triad. For most of this year so far, we’ve all been living under one roof. In the past couple_ Shirl:What do I do if my uncle tries to eat me when he sees me next [...]

Girlfriend Broke up with me, don't understand, and I want to get her back?
(23 April 2017)

But I want to see what I can do to get us back together, since nothing is broken.
(23 April 2017)

She is very set on her decision, but is afraid it's going to be a regret or mistake.
(23 April 2017)

She even told me that she didn't want to be with anybody but me, so I'm confused as to what to do.
(23 April 2017)

The feelings we have for each other are still there, wanting to be next to each other and everything.
(23 April 2017)

I can respect her decision, but we both still love each other so much and we've already been through a lot in only a year.
(23 April 2017)

Her reasons for breaking up with me included: . Not being emotionally ready for a serious relationship. . Feeling like being in a relationship would hold her back at this point in her life. . Cannot do long distance.
(23 April 2017)

I found out she was actually thinking about it for sometime, and apart of me knew she didn't want a relationship before because she is moving back to her home which is 500 miles from me.
(23 April 2017)

She ended up breaking up with me after having this panic attack and reaching out to me.
(23 April 2017)

When she found out I initially wanted to move because I wanted to be with her she freaked out, although I'm moving for my Job primarily.
(23 April 2017)


Lately, there’s been a few of these in my life. Upheavals. Since last November or so, I’ve been part of a triad. For most of this year so far, we’ve all been living under one roof. In the past couple_ Shirl:What do I do if my uncle tries to eat me when he sees me next [...]

We both have been married for 6 years, he keeps contacting me so I block him when possible.
(23 April 2017)

I lost my V to him when I was 16, we've always tried to have a relationship but it never worked out.
(23 April 2017)

Is a relationship at this age abnormal?
(23 April 2017)

Answers are appreciated, jokes or not.
(23 April 2017)

What I'm asking is: Is it odd to be in a relationship at this age?
(23 April 2017)

Recently, we went to a movie, albeit with assistance from his parents.
(23 April 2017)

We get each other little gifts and such.
(23 April 2017)

Thus, I'm his girlfriend now because I do return his feelings.
(23 April 2017)

This year, in 6th, we got closer and he eventually admitted his feelings.
(23 April 2017)

In 5th grade, I befriended a guy whom I started talking to more and more.
(23 April 2017)


Well the first thing that i did, as soon as i was ablewas buy a pack of playing cards and lay a straight flush out on the tablethe next that i did, if you want to be persistenti took the millennium fa_ Artie:I also have a daddy kink(obviously). I’m just curious as to why I’m into [...]

But then as it died down, Bob looked at me stright in the eyes and said 'it might happen' in a low unenthusiastic voice and with a stright face.
(23 April 2017)

We all were kind of laughing and smiling a little cause it was all like a joke.
(23 April 2017)

When one guy let's call him John said something about the other guy (we'll call him bob) coming to my house and sleeping over.
(23 April 2017)

Me and two of my guy friends at work we eating lunch and we were just talking about random stuff like living places and drive to work.
(23 April 2017)

How can I convince my boyfriend to let me buy a hamster? :)?
(23 April 2017)

Thanks for reading all of this, oh my god haha.
(23 April 2017)

However I have been getting in more hours at work to be able to afford everything. :) I guess I'm just trying to figure out a way to sweetly ask for his permission without coming off as desperate or eager haha.
(23 April 2017)

Another reason he might be iffy is that we are trying to move out very soon and he is worried about my money managing.
(23 April 2017)

Usually he's super sweet to me and lets me do whatever, but with a pet its a big deal.
(23 April 2017)

I have experience with hamsters, and I'm not usually nervous to ask him permission for things but with a pet its a little different.
(23 April 2017)

Really do not like Call of Duty and absolutely love pizza

Say hello to Scarecrow and Captain Cold. The game is coming May 16th, 2017 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One. I am the biggest half behind this website and love to write about my deep love for fighting games, (J)RPG’s and Destiny. We bring you your daily dose of news, reviews and more with our … Continue reading "Really do not like Call of Duty and absolutely love pizza"

Like I said, I don't mind it, but she didn't cover herself up or even try.
(23 April 2017)

I have nothing against breastfeeding but during the meal she started to feed her child without covering up.
(23 April 2017)

She recently had a child and is breastfeeding.
(23 April 2017)

Tonight we went out to dinner and my SIL was being indecent.
(23 April 2017)

What are the differences between the 50's girl, and the 2010's girl?
(23 April 2017)

I don't need to know what music 50's girls liked, I already know that it was when Elvis hit the charts.
(23 April 2017)

By this I mean fashion, hobbies, and how they were in general.
(23 April 2017)

I'm not excited for anything help?
(23 April 2017)

It's a wierd feeling and it's kinda taking a lot of me.
(23 April 2017)

But even if I had them I wouldn't care.
(23 April 2017)

Zahoor Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in Chittagong on April 1 to 4 teams fight for the final

On the other hand, Pakistan will play Emerging Asia Cup against Afghanistan. On Thursday (30 March), the last match of the group stage tie with Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pakistan won the group ahead of the run-rate. Emerging Asia Cup In another match, India has lost semis Afghanistan._ Mariah:Why do people seem to think gay parents… Continue reading Zahoor Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in Chittagong on April 1 to 4 teams fight for the final

Why do old black men stare at me while I'm the the car?
(23 April 2017)

Or am I unqiue from most black girls in Michigan who dress like prostitutes?
(23 April 2017)

Why do Old black men stare at me, is it because I look blasian or what?
(23 April 2017)

Usually when I look at them once they keep staring so I stare until I pass by and they keep staring.
(23 April 2017)

I am a 17 girl that looks like a child and I dress modest and don't wear makeup like a prostitute.
(23 April 2017)

Parents- what rules do you enforce for kids at the beach?
(23 April 2017)

I have an 8 12 and 14 year old who I'm taking to the beach. 1. Would you allow them to swim in the ocean?
(23 April 2017)

Size matters obviously since bigger guys really dont have to try as hard right?
(23 April 2017)

Its really not a complicated thing?
(23 April 2017)

Its literally an in an out motion and some angle movements if youre small?
(23 April 2017)

Also find information about new shows on Netflix

When Will Shetland Season 4 Be on Netflix? Netflix offers their subscribers shows of almost any genre you could ever want to watch. Shetland is a good watch for anyone who enjoys suspense and drama in their television. Shetland tells the story of Jim Perez._ Belia:Please pick the best name for my new born son?(23 … Continue reading Also find information about new shows on Netflix

I have had to resort to sucking and licking my own feet and toes because I can't find anyone else to do it.
(23 April 2017)

I love wearing open toed shoes that show off my feet to get a guy's attention and I get angry when I see a guy paying attention to another girl's feet, which is a bit odd and I realize that.
(23 April 2017)

I always keep them soft, polished, and just well cared for in general.
(23 April 2017)

I'm 18 and I've had an obsession with foot fetishists since I was about 14 or so.
(23 April 2017)

I made my mum cry and don't know what to do?
(23 April 2017)

And they had the look of hatred and I cant stop crying I hate what i did please help me.
(23 April 2017)

My dad came and was just like leave her (me) she doesn't ever listem or understand anyways.
(23 April 2017)

And they she said from now on I wont do anything just pretemd im not here.
(23 April 2017)

I cried and then she started crying saying things like I try to help but you misunderstand.
(23 April 2017)

Ahe started saying don't talk to him etc and I didn't like how my mum probably thought I was some reckless daughter who just chats up ranomd guys so we argued.
(23 April 2017)


FLETCHER, 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. One of my readers and I got into an interesting conversation about the fundamentals of cocoa. However, there is more to know than that. Because of the acid content or lack of it, which leavening is used makes all the difference.

She always want's everything g her way and to do what she says and how she says it.
(23 April 2017)

My sister is controlling and she got it from our mother, but she is extreme.
(23 April 2017)

My friend's sister is disturbing?
(23 April 2017)

Is it just her copying what she sees in porn or other explicit material?
(23 April 2017)

Could her sister have been abused?
(23 April 2017)

But now I'm worried about what might be causing this behavior.
(23 April 2017)

I'm at a loss of what to tell her except to speak to a guidance councillor.
(23 April 2017)

She can't tell her parents about this because there's other stuff going on and she doesn't want to open another can of worms.
(23 April 2017)

My friend suspects she's doing all this for attention but it's still disturbing.
(23 April 2017)

She keeps saying she's ugly when she looks perfectly fine, she says she's fat when she's thin as a stick.
(23 April 2017)


They made me choose between them and I was so stupid that I chose Rosy.
(23 April 2017)

Rosy didn't like Lily but I liked them both.
(23 April 2017)

So basically Lily and I met before I met Rosy.
(23 April 2017)

Long story short- in school I used to hang out with two girls.
(23 April 2017)

What should my reaction be? My boyfriend is on clinical trial?
(23 April 2017)

Although he was on placebo group shall I be pisst at him or what?
(23 April 2017)

He came home one day with money about two and a half thousand euro, and when I asked him where he got it, he said 'just from a job'. And now I found out he got it by doing a clinical trial.
(23 April 2017)

Well so we've been dating for a year and a half now, and he lost his job about three months ago and we have a trip coming up.
(23 April 2017)

If someone shows up in my snapchat quick add do i show up on theirs?
(23 April 2017)

How can a woman allow a man to stick his hideous penis into her body?
(23 April 2017)

Sunday, 23 April 2017

West texas friends

If you are bored and looking for something a little more exciting then join in and lets get this chat going. Everyone is most welcome_ Marni:She has felt sick and not been giving her husband enough attention sexually so he and I have been engaging in sex for the past 2 months.(23 April 2017) Marni:My sister is [...]

He knows though that I m not comfortable with this and will leave if he does.
(23 April 2017)

We have talked about it and it would be someone from his work and he says it would be a one time thing.
(23 April 2017)

He basically wants to have a one time open relationship.
(23 April 2017)

I am not comfortable with this at all.
(23 April 2017)

He said he wants to try it once and see how he feels afterward.
(23 April 2017)

He says he loves me and doesn t want our relationship to end.
(23 April 2017)

He says he has questions is confused.
(23 April 2017)

My boyfriend says things are complicated and he wants to experiment with another woman.
(23 April 2017)

Lol why are there so many asian man white woman porno pics? do you guys get off on this?
(23 April 2017)

I'm surprised no one has flagged these photos lmao.
(23 April 2017)

The life of a kitty

Kittys love to be stroked and petted. Its tough to find the right person to pet a kitty the right way, but when you make a kitty purrr…she wants to purr and rub on you and be petted a lot!_ Shaniqua:I did suck him off tho, and he came.(22 April 2017) Shaniqua:I didn’t feel like I was [...]

Then he said he wants my phone to text the guy.
(23 April 2017)

He said in the first place that he wanted to break up with me and I said fine.
(23 April 2017)

He said he just wants to clarify if something's going on between me and the guy.
(23 April 2017)

He wanted to text my guy co-worker.
(23 April 2017)

I wasn't trying to let him out because he had my phone in his pocket and I needed my phone.
(23 April 2017)

He was trying to get me out of the way becAuse I was in the front of the door.
(23 April 2017)

He ripped the necklace that he gave me and threw it.
(23 April 2017)

He threw water on the floor and the lemons.
(23 April 2017)

He threw a lot of my clothes on the floor.
(23 April 2017)

My boyfriend threw blankets on my face.
(23 April 2017)