Saturday 22 April 2017

Getting close!

I have had about 4 guys hit on me today, now if I can just get stuff set up with all of them… “D_ Cathey:It really doesn’t bother me that much but, I am kind of curious if this is normal or not.(21 April 2017) Fidela:Telling girl favorite things about her?(21 April 2017) Fidela:I’m completely lost on what [...]

Why are liberals so bigotted against fetuses?
(21 April 2017)

Roe v wade doesnt matter anymore.
(21 April 2017)

Why should we let hateful liberals continue to committ terrible hatecrimes against the unborn?
(21 April 2017)

I think if anyone should be in a protected class of citizens it should be the unborn.
(21 April 2017)

Mother on a birth certificate?
(21 April 2017)

Could the father have the birth certificate updated and have the mother taken off?
(21 April 2017)

Could the mother ask to not be written on the birth certificate?
(21 April 2017)

I read that the mother would still be listed on the birth certificate even if she doesn't want it.
(21 April 2017)

Let's say a mother does not want anything to do with a child after getting pregnant, but the father wants to raise it.
(21 April 2017)

A girl in my class held me down while her father raped me?
(21 April 2017)

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