Saturday 30 September 2017

First date idea

First date idea What would be a good first date idea for you and that special somebody? This would not be the meet and greet, you did that briefly at a coffee shop last week, this would be your first_ Jacinda:Why are babies the blame for being out of wedlock?(30 September 2017) Jacinda:It’s my fault for being [...]

I play video games with him because wants me to.
(28 September 2017)

I love my nephew, but he only plays video games.
(28 September 2017)

If a guy is nervous around you, what could that mean?
(28 September 2017)

So there's this guy and he only talks to me when no one is around but if it's a crowd of people he won't and when he saw me with his best friend, he only said one word to her and walked away quickly and today he didn't even bother looking at us.. I'm lost?
(28 September 2017)

How can I strategy my girlfriend?
(28 September 2017)

I really want to strategy her to have some fun but don't know how to go about it.
(28 September 2017)

What would possess a woman that I went on a couple dates with to contact my ex girlfriend online?
(28 September 2017)

We are on good terms and she figured this other woman just wanted to make her jealous so she let me know as a courtesy.
(28 September 2017)

I know my ex didnt say anything negative about me and she did not answer.
(28 September 2017)

I decided to just live my life and be as normal as I can be and to my amusement, So many girls are after me now?
(28 September 2017)

Reposting a blog by CarbonRoadBike

SINCE HE WILL PROBABLY DELETE THIS AND HAS BLOCKED SOME OF YOU FROM HIS BLOGS, I THOUGH I’D SHARE CarbonRoadBike’s LATEST DELUSIONAL BLOG HERE.”Coming out” Postedec 13, 2015 5:45 pmLast Updated:Mar 15_ Renetta:Even when he’s best friend is there and he sees me he would say one word to her and walk away fast.(30 September 2017) Renetta:He [...]

Then she was unable to walk her way to the car and I thought she would not be able to drive the car as well.
(28 September 2017)

If I see a woman who is so drunk that she just set down and forget about me.
(28 September 2017)

Been told my behind is quite big. Is this true?
(28 September 2017)

Girlfriend Problem?
(28 September 2017)

I text him about it and he said that he made everything up which I know is a lie and he said I'm a stalker.
(28 September 2017)

I decided to get him a birthday gift as an apology and write him a apology letter.
(28 September 2017)

He said how can I trust someone after what you did to me.
(28 September 2017)

He threw up over me and opened up to me about his problems.
(28 September 2017)

Okay so I hurt this guys trust badly in the past.
(28 September 2017)

Is it true that even though family may have bitter falling outs they always have a bond and end up back together in the end?
(28 September 2017)

march madness baby

gotta love this time of the year march madness love watching non stop basketball for like ohhh say next 4 days lol_ Imelda:I am now with my boyfriend and no longer a Jehovah’s Witness.(29 September 2017) Imelda:I later overheard her telling my aunt that she didn’t like how the therapist was making me believe I was a [...]

I don't usually fall easily, but I felt like I've always known him.
(28 September 2017)

Last night I met the perfect guy.
(28 September 2017)

Is this guy really into me and just afraid like he says?or is he just playing me and should i just cut him from my life?
(28 September 2017)

To me there was a major connection again.
(28 September 2017)

I think manwhores should be shamed just as much as female whores.
(28 September 2017)

The less partners a persons' had, the more likely they are to have a successful marriage, and the less likely they are to cheat.
(28 September 2017)

Kat, you seem to be ignoring what I've said twice now.
(28 September 2017)

Just that statistically it's highly unlikely.
(28 September 2017)

Anon, I never said it's impossible to sleep with a million people and not eventually have a happy marriage.
(28 September 2017)

I really am curious as to why you think being used is attractive.
(28 September 2017)

the Symposium: invite your friends …. (5-B&B)

The next Symposium will be opening up for voting within several days so, if you have a topic suggestion, please send it to Humorlife. thanks … xx A. [image]If you ever have a topic suggestion, ple_ Lecia:This is really a question for older women that have dated younger men.(29 September 2017) Lecia:The age difference doesnt bother me [...]

She gets sad when we leave each other why?
(27 September 2017)

We both work the same schedule so I can't see her the days we work so we hang it about once a week for about 5-6 hours and we don't spend the night with each other.
(27 September 2017)

My girlfriend gets sad when I leave.
(27 September 2017)

Women do you often feel jealous of other women?
(27 September 2017)

Also I dont think he came in me either times he did not ejaculate (finish) I dont think.
(27 September 2017)

It was a couple of times and it was around 19 days after my period started, and 11 or 12 before it might start up again although my periods have been a lot longer and are irregular.
(27 September 2017)

I'm getting a lot of weird cramping and sometimes I feel light nausea but it would only be one week exactly since it happened.
(27 September 2017)

I like this guy (as a friend) Will he think I want him as a bf if I always talk to him?
(27 September 2017)

I keep talking to this guy whenever I see him but I don't want him to think that I have a crush on him... should I talk to him less to be safe?
(27 September 2017)

What minimum size in inches and girth does my penis have to be for a women to feel it and arouse them?
(27 September 2017)

the Symposium: invite your friends …. (5-B&B)

The next Symposium will be opening up for voting within several days so, if you have a topic suggestion, please send it to Humorlife. thanks … xx A. [image]If you ever have a topic suggestion, ple_ Lecia:This is really a question for older women that have dated younger men.(29 September 2017) Lecia:The age difference doesnt bother me [...]

FWB, or what?
(27 September 2017)

What should I do, I'm starting to fall for him.
(27 September 2017)

I told him not to kiss me, so that I don't get attached, but he's attempted to that as well.
(27 September 2017)

Sometimes we go all day texting one another.
(27 September 2017)

He tries to hold me after sex as well, but I won't let him.
(27 September 2017)

He's also requested for me to spend the night several times.
(27 September 2017)

Part of me wants to go, but the other part is confused because he's told me outright that he doesn't want a relationship.
(27 September 2017)

I use semi, because he's invited me hiking.
(27 September 2017)

This guy and I have been having a semi-casual fling for about 2 months.
(27 September 2017)

Is it wrong of me for wanting to disappear from my family for a bit?
(27 September 2017)

What If They Gave You?

What if your spouse or partner you thought was monogamous gave you a sexually transmitted disease_ Carmelita:Hi, I m 15 years old and I lied to my friends that I have boyfriend.(29 September 2017) Althea:She also went partying with her friends 3 days after her funeral.(29 September 2017) Althea:That same cousin who was crying exaggerating in front of [...]

He could be busy I guess...but even then it doesn't take much just to say 'Hi'. He's still on my friends lists on social media, but he has many female friends.
(27 September 2017)

Given as the last weekend was an actual date I was waiting for him to text first, so the fact he hasn't sent me a text is worrying me.
(27 September 2017)

We've spent two weekends together, between those he was texting and calling - he seemed very genuine about dating me...but it's been three days without a text message.
(27 September 2017)

Physval touch is my primary love language...whats yours?
(27 September 2017)

Sexual being I am lol...nust need a husband first...
(27 September 2017)

I'm a female... My second love language is quality you can see what.
(27 September 2017)

Im too embarrassed to do anything.
(27 September 2017)

I never got my crackers So now im just sitting in my room and idk what to do.
(27 September 2017)

I felt so embarrassed especially because he saw my butt and the loud extremely cheesy pop music.
(27 September 2017)

I turned off the music and then he told me to not walk around the house naked.
(27 September 2017)

Friday 29 September 2017


I have so many problemsIn my life.but I believe thatYou have planned better things ahead of me_ Stefania:My question why was it such a big deal for her that I move out with my parents but when it comes to this guy it doesn’t matter at all if she’s sharing a place with his mom and [...]

I want to get someone pregnant?
(27 September 2017)

I was wondering is it odd or unusual how much I really want to get someone pregnant?
(27 September 2017)

But someday I would really love to get the woman that I love pregnant.
(27 September 2017)

Just its a pretty intense feeling I have.
(27 September 2017)

But like I said, it's not something I would act on because that would be wrong.
(27 September 2017)

Sometimes I really want to go out and get several women pregnant.
(27 September 2017)

I've always loved how sex causes pregnancy in women.
(27 September 2017)

Just getting and seeing her pregnant and knowing she's pregnant by me really fascinates me.
(27 September 2017)

But everytime I get a crush on a woman, even if its just somebody I find attractive, I always really want to get her pregnant.
(27 September 2017)

Now I wouldn't actually get anybody pregnant unless I was together with them and we both wanted kids.
(27 September 2017)


Hello there, fellow Meelp Community!I’ve been using this site for awhile, and only just recently got a little more bold and dedicated and serious about it, having uploaded profile pictures and com_ Heather:I’ve been through various other possibilities, and I can’t think of a single way she could possibly be using me.(28 September 2017) Heather:She isn’t dating [...]

I thought she was cute, but I guess I wanted to impress her.
(26 September 2017)

She smiled and took the paper, but I felt like she thinks I was hitting on her.
(26 September 2017)

So I gave her that paper so she could call or text me to tell me when she would be at the shop.
(26 September 2017)

Before I gave it to her, she said she goes to the coffee shop every other day.
(26 September 2017)

I gave her my number and my name on a piece of paper.
(26 September 2017)

Here's where I don't know if it went wrong.
(26 September 2017)

She smiled and said that it'd be cool to get someone to draw her as a cartoon and analyze her and her personality.
(26 September 2017)

I told her I majored in psychology and have a degree in it and that's why I wrote the behaviors and what I saw in everyone.
(26 September 2017)

She read some of the stuff and asked if I wrote all those descriptions and I said I did.
(26 September 2017)

I told her I drew people in cartoon form, but the cartoon character were real life people from my life.
(26 September 2017)

Approach (for ladies!)

Alright, so this may seem like a bit of an obvious question, but I figured I would ask anyways. Ladies, when on this sight, do you prefer to be approached or messaged by the prospective partner first?_ Ma:I have never had such an issue with any BC before and so I really think I am pregnant.(28 [...]

So we've had no contact for 2 months he saw me the last 2 sundays at church and just couldn't take his eyes off me and seemed a bit flustered.
(26 September 2017)

I'm scared she's not gonna accept me and kick me out.
(26 September 2017)

I'm 13 years old lesbiab and I want to know how to come out to my family.
(26 September 2017)

Ughhh relationships?
(26 September 2017)

Why do you think this girl is always worried about me?
(26 September 2017)

It is so annoying..She always around alot of guys and showing off to everyone that she gets their attention.
(26 September 2017)

She stares at me with her friend or friends and get them to say something bad about me or try to embarrass me.
(26 September 2017)

So there this girl whos always looking at me and staring at me.There are 13 other girls around but she decides shes going to be looking at me and what im doing.
(26 September 2017)

I seen the same guy twice this year traveling international sitting next to me?
(26 September 2017)

Is getting married the only choice for me now?
(26 September 2017)


More general mix or one sidedShall blogging be more sexual or general or mixed_ Delcie:Also he doesn’t upfront say we aren’t in a relationship.(28 September 2017) Fallon:Does this person like me? or am I in the friend zone?(28 September 2017) Sharell:My friend always dates black guys?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Im dating this guy but I have no feelings?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Don’t [...]

Debating visiting long distance boyfriend?
(26 September 2017)

I am really needing some advice.
(26 September 2017)

He would come here, but June, July, August is when he's in the middle of the school year for college and doesn't get out until November.
(26 September 2017)

I've talked to him about it, but we just end up fighting because he always says that's my only option, what else can we do, etc, and I mean, he is right.
(26 September 2017)

I love him so much but I honestly don't know if I can do it.
(26 September 2017)

Flights are far too expensive to stay there for a week or two, so I would be there a month minimum.
(26 September 2017)

Am I being selfish or snobby by not necessarily wanting to stay there?
(26 September 2017)

All the other guys leave dirty dishes and cups all around, never clean the cooking utilities, etc.
(26 September 2017)

From what i've heard, he's the only one that makes an effort to keep the apartment clean.
(26 September 2017)

They all have their own bedrooms but all share one bathroom.
(26 September 2017)

Luv2bseen is a cyber stalker

a brief background - james/jason fron biancaandjames - we met end of Sept 2015 and played until end of Dec when I ended the sex as I was in over my head emotionally and then platonic friends.jenny fro_ Maryjo:I look back at the girl and see she has all her belongings packed and that she is [...]

Another mutual friend of us told me that she said I was cute and sweet and she kind of felt that I like her but she didnt mind or avoid me.
(26 September 2017)

I talked to her and we started hanging out in the library occasionally.
(26 September 2017)

I didnt really talk to her first couple weeks, but when we were hanging out at our mutual friends place, she said she will break up with her boyfriend and she was sad and very depressed about it.
(26 September 2017)

I had crush on a girl during the orientation, but our mutual friend said she had a fiance which they had been dating for 5 years.
(26 September 2017)

I just got transferred to a four-year university from a community college a month ago.
(26 September 2017)

I need to loose my virginity but I m not good at talking to girls.?
(26 September 2017)

And if your girl how would you do it?
(26 September 2017)

I m obviously not rich it s just something that I feel like I really need to do.
(26 September 2017)

I m 22 years old and want to offer a girl $300 just for 10min.
(26 September 2017)

I need to loose my virginity but I m not good at talking to girls.
(26 September 2017)

Thursday 28 September 2017

Experiencing the conventional in about 10 weeks…

I decided to meet someone in a conventional manner instead of being on here. I am back on because it did not work out as I expected. I did like the experience though and will try the method again soo_ Selma:I was thinking about adopting and I’d like the child to posses Italian heritage.(28 September 2017) Ariane:And [...]

When we were back at the dorms, he texted to me.
(26 September 2017)

Then we all were outside and bla bla bla.
(26 September 2017)

Yesterday, me, my best friend, her boyfriend and my crush went to eat at McDonalds and I saw him for the first time.
(26 September 2017)

I usually don't find my country's boys very attractive but this one kind of hit me like a truck.
(26 September 2017)

Or he's just not into me or maybe he's shy. 4-5 days ago, my best friend snapped me pictures and videos of an adorable boy who was at his boyfriend's dorm.
(26 September 2017)

Okay, this crush is fresh, so maybe I am just overreacting and I should give him time.
(26 September 2017)

Help, my parents are asking a lot from me?
(26 September 2017)

They constantly say that I am spoiled and that I need to help out, but I just don t see it.
(26 September 2017)

It s making me very stressed.. and they don t ask my 19 year old brother for board since he does not work.
(26 September 2017)

They want 250 dollars a month for board.
(26 September 2017)

Missy, My Missy!

Let’s recreate this one???_ Thora:We’ve spent two weekends together, between those he was texting and calling - he seemed very genuine about dating me…but it’s been three days without a text message.(27 September 2017) Rosio:Physval touch is my primary love language…whats yours?(27 September 2017) Rosio:Sexual being I am lol…nust need a husband first…(27 September 2017) Rosio:I’m a female… My [...]

I'm obviously pretty mad about this.
(26 September 2017)

My parents took it away saying it wasn't healthy playing video games.
(26 September 2017)

Just recently I moved back in with my parents and purchased a new PlayStation 4 with a copy of Destiny.
(26 September 2017)

Broken up from an 8 yr relationship?
(26 September 2017)

If I still love him should I try again to make things work?
(26 September 2017)

Can a once toxic relationship turn into a healthy one with the aid of therapists?
(26 September 2017)

Is it possible that he may still be in love with me?
(26 September 2017)

I broke up an 8 year relationship almost 7 months ago for multiple ressons.
(26 September 2017)

I want to go to my class reunion but my dad is going to Michigan and my mom and i have to take care of the store ,?
(26 September 2017)

Opinion: Is he good looking?
(26 September 2017)

Relaxation tip…..

Stroke your cock……_ Yuri:I don’t think intercourse is that important to the point of doing it when you don’t want to get pregnant.(27 September 2017) Yuri:Why don’t they just have other types of sex?(27 September 2017) Coleen:How can I make sure that my 13 yr old daughter will not get bullied when she starts high school next year?(27 [...]

I've been paranoid and feel that he's cheating that's why I questioned him and now he's annoyed.
(25 September 2017)

He takes forever to reply and when he does he seems annoyed.
(25 September 2017)

I didn't get invited to hang out like usual.
(25 September 2017)

If after I do something bad like not going for a walk all every times for harmfulness I would be good and do good?
(25 September 2017)

How do you stop obsessing over a guy?
(25 September 2017)

Should I tell him how I feel or is it too late?
(25 September 2017)

How did you get over that obsession?
(25 September 2017)

I want to stop thinking about him, but deep down I just don't want to :( Has anyone ever obsessed over anyone?
(25 September 2017)

I can't stop obsessing over him and the thought of us being together.
(25 September 2017)

I literally think about him every day :( sometimes I wish I had the guts to tell him how I feel, but now I think it's too late.
(25 September 2017)

Relaxation tip…..

Stroke your cock……_ Yuri:I don’t think intercourse is that important to the point of doing it when you don’t want to get pregnant.(27 September 2017) Yuri:Why don’t they just have other types of sex?(27 September 2017) Coleen:How can I make sure that my 13 yr old daughter will not get bullied when she starts high school next year?(27 [...]

Any advice for how to get over dickish co-workers?
(25 September 2017)

She's been extremely hopeless and I don't know how to help her.
(25 September 2017)

But she's currently going to school and can't find another position that will give her leeway with the hours she works.
(25 September 2017)

She can't stand them, or her job, and comes home worn out and depressed.
(25 September 2017)

My friend is currently working at a BBQ restaurant and every single one of her co-workers are the biggest asses I've ever met.
(25 September 2017)

Any possible chance this girl is my future wife?
(25 September 2017)

We've grown attatched to each other.
(25 September 2017)

She asked her parents and they said yes.
(25 September 2017)

I talked her into moving in with her aunt who lives in my city.
(25 September 2017)

We got to know each other and had SO much in common.
(25 September 2017)

Wednesday 27 September 2017

I gonna use my strap-on this Week!!!

Yes, I gonna be using this baby this week. I gonna have someone feel it. I will make sure he is on his back, with legs around my waist, so we can kiss and he can suck on my titties while I jerk him of_ Shoshana:They’re 15 and 16, bragging about sending around porn of themselves [...]

We've only known each other for about a week now and he's already told me that he's interested in me and wants to take me out.
(20 September 2017)

Can I salvage our relationship?
(20 September 2017)

I just don t know where to begin with this situation.
(20 September 2017)

Up until now, I ve made it a point to end a relationship when it starts to stress me out, but I like this guy a lot, and if there s a way to power through this and keep it going, I d love to.
(20 September 2017)

If his scheduled visit remains the same, I should be seeing him in two weeks, but he hasn t mentioned this at all.
(20 September 2017)

We haven t fought, and have so far been very open and honest about our thoughts and relationship.
(20 September 2017)

In this lovely world of social media, Twitter shows me that he s liking, following, replying to people there, so I m feeling a little annoyed and confused about his silence toward me.
(20 September 2017)

He used to be the same over text and Snapchat, but lately his electronic communication has dried up to one or two word responses, if I hear anything from him at all.
(20 September 2017)

When we re together, he s incredibly talkative, engaging, and funny.
(20 September 2017)

Due to his travel schedule, most of our communication is done via text since our time zones are usually not in sync.
(20 September 2017)

To dream or not to dream

For all you blog watchers, I thought this was a very poem to share with you all.You dream a dream,And bathe your toesIn scarlet flowsOf icy streams.It softly glowsUpon your knee,For your heart knowsA_ Aundrea:But the class is hard work, which is already hard to deal with my other classes.(26 September 2017) Aundrea:I dont want this to [...]

What does it mean when a guy give you a double eyebrow flash?
(20 September 2017)

I had a miscarriage august 25th. I have yet to start a period and I have take five pregnancy tests could I be pregnant?
(20 September 2017)

I'm so confused and can't get into the doctor for two weeks.
(20 September 2017)

Someone said the amount of water I drank might've diluted my pee which gave a negative.
(20 September 2017)

So freaking out I drank a lot more water and took three more which read negative with one saying invalid.
(20 September 2017)

I've been feeling weird so yesterday I drank a lot of water and had a spare pregnancy test so I just took one ( it was one of the five day early ones) and it said positive.
(20 September 2017)

I was told I'd start my period by now if all was normal.
(20 September 2017)

I need advice! Only serious responses please! Is there any way I could my ex to hook up with me again?
(20 September 2017)

I'm not sure I'll find that again.
(20 September 2017)

I have no problem moving on but I just really miss the connection we had.
(20 September 2017)

Erotic Exercise

[image]I’ve been having some back-trouble lately and I need some exercise.A personal trainer interested in hands-on encouragement would be ideal._ Oda:The last few days have been brutally hot around here, and our AC quit.(26 September 2017) Oda:Today, she came home unannounced, and let herself in.(26 September 2017) Oda:She always calls when she is going to drop by.(26 September [...]

Any reason why they hang with guys like this?
(20 September 2017)

These guys overly use the word 'gay' and tend to rock back and fourth beat their hands across their chest and bully me when I'm around them.
(20 September 2017)

These guys could be seen with black greased hair and sunglasses.
(20 September 2017)

Sometimes they wear a pink shirt with a white baseball cap pointed to an angle.
(20 September 2017)

They have a gold or silver chain necklace, they are sometimes seen wearing polo shirt and khaki pants, sometimes the khaki pants are pink.
(20 September 2017)

The guys that they 'stick together' with are athletic, dark hair slicked over arms, or they have dark visible body hair and arm hair.
(20 September 2017)

Advice for how to be good with kids?
(20 September 2017)

I'm looking for any tips from parents or step parents or anybody who has had experience with toddlers.
(20 September 2017)

I like kids, I just don't know how to best interact with them and I really want to connect with the child to have a better relationship with the mother.
(20 September 2017)

There's a girl I'm interested in who has a 3 year old child, but I have never really had experience with kids before.
(20 September 2017)

Three point one four

Today is Pi-Day, because it’s 3/14. Get it? 3/14? 3.14… It’s becoming a thing here in the US where we write dates like that. To celebrate, the cafeteria across the street (the one with the amazing d_ Letha:Walk me through food stamps?(26 September 2017) Letha:What if I don’t have enough money on my card (I know I’m [...]

This boy that I know off the internet really likes me, because of my cute pictures & my personality.
(20 September 2017)

How do I tell my boss I'm moving?
(20 September 2017)

Please anyone give who is good with relationships please give me some tips.
(20 September 2017)

How can I know if he s interested in me?
(20 September 2017)

I have known this guy for around 6 months... we hang out at the same place a lot and so I see him a few times a month.
(20 September 2017)

Can I trust uber to pick me up on time to make a flight?
(20 September 2017)

I am worried that I will arrange a ride for early 2am to get me to the airport on time and then I will get stood up.
(20 September 2017)

Is it normal that i dread getting older each day?
(20 September 2017)

Im 20 and Everyday i think about the fact that my life is 1 day shorter and i think about my youth going to waste.
(20 September 2017)

Sorry for the long detailed question.
(20 September 2017)

Happy Birthday!!

A Shout Out to Jerry Lewis…It’s his 90th birthday!_ Juana:Just know that it isn t for nothing this changing that I m becoming a better person to better our relationship and salvage this.(26 September 2017) Juana:I want to show her that I m changed and changed for good I know I m grabbing at strings here but [...]

I know he doesn't have a girlfriend.
(19 September 2017)

Im in love with my bestfriend but she doesnt love me back but insist on staying in my life what should i do?
(19 September 2017)

I asked why she was mad since i knew this girl before i had met her in the first place and she had already rejected me.
(19 September 2017)

She found out one night that a girl that she didnt like was going to come over to my house to hang out and she got mad at me.
(19 September 2017)

She would constantly text me and call but i wouldnt answer i finally replied when i came back from christmas break and we would talk.
(19 September 2017)

I didnt talk to her for about a month.
(19 September 2017)

She was kind of mad that i told her because she didnt want our friendship to get hurt.
(19 September 2017)

Has a son ever spied or recorded on you during an intimate moment? What happened and how did you handle it?
(19 September 2017)

I know he is just a boy, but I am concerned my husband will find out and be mad.
(19 September 2017)

How should I handle this behavior?
(19 September 2017)

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Throwback Photo

[image]_ Jamie:Elena Gu Charlotte Gu Violet Gu Olivia Gu Lily-Rose Gu Juliette Gu Amanda Gu For a girl who has long black hair and very pale skin Gu is the last name.(24 September 2017) Marita:Implantation bleeding ?!!?(24 September 2017) Ileen:Any money or food help in florida?(24 September 2017) Ileen:Im scared my mom will force me to have an abortion.(24 [...]

The pictures are of me its just the angles and stuff that make me look good . I jokingly said what if i didnt look like my pictures and he said thats not what hes after that he likes me for me.
(19 September 2017)

Im making excuses to meet up with him because im nervous . Aside from that i feel like ive catfished him.
(19 September 2017)

Theres someone ive been talking to for a while not long and they want to meet up.
(19 September 2017)

Does a bus or train person have a disability on this site?
(19 September 2017)

What do you imagine a girl named Lydia looking like?
(19 September 2017)

What should she look like, to you?
(19 September 2017)

I don't know if he's playing with me, is shy or not interested?
(19 September 2017)

Girlfriend keeps breaking up with me?
(19 September 2017)

I answered her but she said before anything advances she wants to make sure she won't do this again so we currently aren't talking.
(19 September 2017)

I dumped her and she wanted me back the next day crying and saying she never wants to lose me again.
(19 September 2017)

Boobs of the day

Only this boobs today…_ Marybelle:We want to use dinner time as a bonding experience.(20 September 2017) Marybelle:My husband and I thought of this so that we can spend quality time with our children every single day because they are at school for most of the day.(20 September 2017) Marybelle:I’m very open-minded to everything.(20 September 2017) Yuri:He is different, he [...]

I really want to go to rally rally land but my stupid parents are being cheap and boring.
(19 September 2017)

Is this a sign of a future with her?
(19 September 2017)

I know I may sound delusional and taking it too fast but I want to know why I feel so comfortable with her in my life so fast?
(19 September 2017)

I've had bad tinder relationships that are known for moving too quick but this time feels way different, more natural but at the same time we are honest with our own opinions.
(19 September 2017)

We already have a date scheduled and I'm excited to see.
(19 September 2017)

Then we start flirting with one and another but it doesn't feel like we are rushing it but more like catching up with a person type feeling.
(19 September 2017)

We both have lives so we don't talk every second of the day but when we do we go deep into conversation.
(19 September 2017)

For example I'm not changing my personality to make this girl like me but for a reason I gain an attraction for her personality in one night.
(19 September 2017)

Suddenly everything starts to escalate each day but without if feeling abnormal if that makes sense.
(19 September 2017)

What I notice is that we both became very comfortable talk about specific things towards each other because both of our childhoods were not the best.
(19 September 2017)

I can’t believe this is happening again!

Here, in my mailbox today is the message from a 51 year old man: “Loved you profile. I hope that you do not mind if I lifted it for my own. Which I will as soon as I get back from this crazy 3 week lo_ Sabina:If a person commits a petty crime do you think [...]

Which is fine too cuz we don't always have to be close to be Best friend.
(19 September 2017)

Hello, so my best friend is going to leave to go back to her country to visits her bf for 6 month and when she come back, I'll be gone for another maybe 3-4 months so we won't see eachother much.
(19 September 2017)

One day we'll get it right?
(19 September 2017)

What do you do when a neo-nazi makes fun of a kid you don't like who was in a coma?
(19 September 2017)

I really love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him.
(19 September 2017)

I like to beat my boyfriend, slap him and kick him, it turns me on and I like to tie him up while I have sex with other men in front of him, but recently, I have been wondering whether what I am doing is wrong or right?
(19 September 2017)

I don't know if I want to still be in a relationship with my boyfriend or just friends?
(19 September 2017)

I really do want us to stay best friends if we ever split up so please help me.
(19 September 2017)

Idk if that's because we met every single day the whole summer and now that we started different schools I am just stressed or because I don't really feel romantic attraction towards him anymore.
(19 September 2017)

I also seem to have more fun with my new friends than with him and it makes me even more upset.
(19 September 2017)

I can’t believe this is happening again!

Here, in my mailbox today is the message from a 51 year old man: “Loved you profile. I hope that you do not mind if I lifted it for my own. Which I will as soon as I get back from this crazy 3 week lo_ Sabina:If a person commits a petty crime do you think [...]

Sometimes I feel like she kind of avoids me to, so she seems impossible to approach, but that staring part is confusing me.
(19 September 2017)

Sometimes, she ll even hold that glance for a couple seconds.... We just hardly ever talk.
(19 September 2017)

However, I ll catch her staring at me every now and then.
(19 September 2017)

I never gave her any signals or showed any signs that I like her.
(19 September 2017)

She comfortably talks to every other guy but me.
(19 September 2017)

We always hang out with the same group of friends.
(19 September 2017)

So there s this girl that I like.
(19 September 2017)

Why is there a little girl in my house?
(19 September 2017)

It appeared as she was sitting Indian style playing with something in my room.
(19 September 2017)

When I was little I lived in the same house, and seen in my bedroom some legs and arms peeping out the corner of the mini hallway in my bedroom of a little girl.
(19 September 2017)


Have a few errands to run this morning and maybe crochet a thing or two and then relax….Going to make a pot of coffee before I go so that when I return I can fill my cup and savor the flavor….[ima_ Mayra:Due to his travel schedule, most of our communication is done via text since our [...]

I know it is a very unhealthy thing but i'm 'empty' and cheerless without it.
(19 September 2017)

And i have even started playing out scenarios in my thoughts and in my dreams of knowing the youtubers personally.
(19 September 2017)

My mind started registering them as my friends and whenever i'm watching videos i respond to any question or comment that the person in the video says.
(19 September 2017)

Recently I have been feeling something while watching Youtube videos of my favorite Youtubers.
(19 September 2017)

I am in high school and have zero friends in the real world and only a handful online friends that I haven't talked to in so long.
(19 September 2017)

I am home schooled and rarely leave my home.
(19 September 2017)

Let me explain, I am a very lonely person.
(19 September 2017)

I was a little worried because my boyfriend Has been fingering me, that I could be pregnant.
(19 September 2017)

So I was wondering if that could ease up my period?
(19 September 2017)

Recently I took antibiotics for a few days for a tooth infections and 800 mg of ibuprofen 4 times a day for the pain for a week.
(19 September 2017)

Monday 25 September 2017

Congrats A F F

CONGRATULATIONS A F F……………… Posted:Feb 25, 2016 4:43 amLast Updated:Feb 25, 2016 8:36 am29 ViewsWell, congratulations definitely has to go out to Meelp………..for making this site REALL_ Candance:I know I shouldn t really care or let it bother me since I really do care about him and want us more than anything.(20 September 2017) Candance:Like I feel [...]

Isn't a Christian wife required to respect and obey her husband even if she catches him trying on some of her frilly Lingerie?
(18 September 2017)

Just wondering should if this is a huge deal or not.
(18 September 2017)

I'm not a troll Tf.Exited as in he left the room you dumbass.
(18 September 2017)

(18 September 2017)

I was mortified he immediately exited.
(18 September 2017)

So my dad walks( thinking the exam was over)in and sees me completely naked.
(18 September 2017)

So today I had my physical exam at the hospital and I was changing out of the gown things.
(18 September 2017)

Why does she avoid eye contact like this but looks at me away?
(18 September 2017)

We had a moment of looking at each other then I noticed when crossing paths we both avoided eye contact she looked down to the right.
(18 September 2017)

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Where is my golden shower girl?

I have a golden shower fantasy. I know it takes a special kind of girl for that type of thing though. But I also know she is out there somewhere. I just want to find that girl who will kneel in fro_ Elvira:Im court ordered to attends substamce abuse counseling, regular counseling and also employment services [...]

I was mortified he immediately exited.
(18 September 2017)

So my dad walks( thinking the exam was over)in and sees me completely naked.
(18 September 2017)

So today I had my physical exam at the hospital and I was changing out of the gown things.
(18 September 2017)

Why does she avoid eye contact like this but looks at me away?
(18 September 2017)

We had a moment of looking at each other then I noticed when crossing paths we both avoided eye contact she looked down to the right.
(18 September 2017)

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell my ex I want him back?
(18 September 2017)

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

New in town.

I’m new to this site so I’m still trying to figure all the ins and outs. I would appreciate any help you members could give me for navigating my way around. Hope to hear from you soon._ Madalyn:Should I get my head shaved before college?(20 September 2017) Afton:I’m in love with my friend, should I tell her?(20 [...]

So today I had my physical exam at the hospital and I was changing out of the gown things.
(18 September 2017)

Why does she avoid eye contact like this but looks at me away?
(18 September 2017)

We had a moment of looking at each other then I noticed when crossing paths we both avoided eye contact she looked down to the right.
(18 September 2017)

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell my ex I want him back?
(18 September 2017)

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

He s said numerous times that his friends say if anyone was made for him it was me, he s also told me that he was almost in love with me, he s even told me he loved me a few times when he was drunk tho so I don t think that counts.
(18 September 2017)

He s been in 3 other relationships within that time but always seemed to end up with me.
(18 September 2017)

Chance meeting

It’s going to be one of those days. Your alarm goes off and you roll out of bed while he sleeps. You look down at him, listening to his snores, and get the urge; the light tingle between your thig_ Ardella:How do I keep in touch with this guy? Am I being too hasty?(20 September 2017) Ardella:I [...]

We had a moment of looking at each other then I noticed when crossing paths we both avoided eye contact she looked down to the right.
(18 September 2017)

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell my ex I want him back?
(18 September 2017)

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

He s said numerous times that his friends say if anyone was made for him it was me, he s also told me that he was almost in love with me, he s even told me he loved me a few times when he was drunk tho so I don t think that counts.
(18 September 2017)

He s been in 3 other relationships within that time but always seemed to end up with me.
(18 September 2017)

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

Sunday 24 September 2017

Site Problems, Bug reports, Customer Feedback and Suggestions – Aug 2015

Posting is now closed to new comments. Please feel free to post in the current month’s “Site Problems, Bug reports, Customer Feedback and Suggestions” and we’ll be more than happy t_ Irina:I reserve the idea for only one kind of person.(20 September 2017) Carey:He said he just sees me as a friend but is being real friendly [...]

I am in S1 and there is a boy in my class. He is really hot. How do I get him to ask me out?
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell my ex I want him back?
(18 September 2017)

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

He s said numerous times that his friends say if anyone was made for him it was me, he s also told me that he was almost in love with me, he s even told me he loved me a few times when he was drunk tho so I don t think that counts.
(18 September 2017)

He s been in 3 other relationships within that time but always seemed to end up with me.
(18 September 2017)

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

“Closet Slut”

I am amazed at how fast things have happened for me on here and want to share my experiences with anyone who’ll read my blog but I do have to thank my friend for her encouragement or I don’t think I w_ Juana:I asked him if he wanted to see a movie but never responded until [...]

Im not sure how he feels about me now.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell him I want him back or would I be wasting my time?
(18 September 2017)

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

He s said numerous times that his friends say if anyone was made for him it was me, he s also told me that he was almost in love with me, he s even told me he loved me a few times when he was drunk tho so I don t think that counts.
(18 September 2017)

He s been in 3 other relationships within that time but always seemed to end up with me.
(18 September 2017)

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

I wanted to give him a chance but once we got together my past creeped up on me and I accused him of doing things he wasn t actually doing.
(18 September 2017)

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Remember Ladies

In case some of you ladies have forgotten,[image]_ Kimberli:This boy that I know off the internet really likes me, because of my cute pictures & my personality.(20 September 2017) Claudette:How do I tell my boss I’m moving?(20 September 2017) Barbara:Please anyone give who is good with relationships please give me some tips.(20 September 2017) Barbara:How can I know if [...]

He has also said we should have a baby but as soon as I d ask to talk about it he would brush it off.
(18 September 2017)

He s said numerous times that his friends say if anyone was made for him it was me, he s also told me that he was almost in love with me, he s even told me he loved me a few times when he was drunk tho so I don t think that counts.
(18 September 2017)

He s been in 3 other relationships within that time but always seemed to end up with me.
(18 September 2017)

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

I wanted to give him a chance but once we got together my past creeped up on me and I accused him of doing things he wasn t actually doing.
(18 September 2017)

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Or if someone masturbates, wipes off their hands, not washes, and then fingers someone 2 hours later?
(18 September 2017)

So how possible is it really to get pregnant from fingering?
(18 September 2017)

Daydream: In Search of the “O”

I wake up in the morning and I am on edge. Like a nervous electric energy that runs through me, I am sex charged. It is the dominant thought of my mind. I yearn for the soft perfumed skin of a woman w_ Bettina:One is of me getting out of the shower, other is me nursing [...]

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

I wanted to give him a chance but once we got together my past creeped up on me and I accused him of doing things he wasn t actually doing.
(18 September 2017)

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Or if someone masturbates, wipes off their hands, not washes, and then fingers someone 2 hours later?
(18 September 2017)

So how possible is it really to get pregnant from fingering?
(18 September 2017)

Is it possible he is attracted to me, or was what happened just probable male behavior?
(18 September 2017)

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

Daydream: In Search of the “O”

I wake up in the morning and I am on edge. Like a nervous electric energy that runs through me, I am sex charged. It is the dominant thought of my mind. I yearn for the soft perfumed skin of a woman w_ Bettina:One is of me getting out of the shower, other is me nursing [...]

We had sex and we continued to have sex on a regular basis for the past 2 years now.
(18 September 2017)

We didn t speak for 3 months after it ended then one day he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, it was a down pour of rain outside- something you would see in a movie so I let him in.
(18 September 2017)

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

I wanted to give him a chance but once we got together my past creeped up on me and I accused him of doing things he wasn t actually doing.
(18 September 2017)

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Or if someone masturbates, wipes off their hands, not washes, and then fingers someone 2 hours later?
(18 September 2017)

So how possible is it really to get pregnant from fingering?
(18 September 2017)

Is it possible he is attracted to me, or was what happened just probable male behavior?
(18 September 2017)

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

The delightful art of squirting

I’ve been having a great conversation over the past couple of days with an Meelp friend about squirting. She was taught how to squirt by another Meelp member and has apparently become quite proficient_ Mahalia:Like she says she wants to get to know a guy better before having sex.(19 September 2017) Mahalia:How do you guys feel when [...]

It got to be so much that he couldn t take it anymore so he ended things.
(18 September 2017)

I wanted to give him a chance but once we got together my past creeped up on me and I accused him of doing things he wasn t actually doing.
(18 September 2017)

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Or if someone masturbates, wipes off their hands, not washes, and then fingers someone 2 hours later?
(18 September 2017)

So how possible is it really to get pregnant from fingering?
(18 September 2017)

Is it possible he is attracted to me, or was what happened just probable male behavior?
(18 September 2017)

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

I was shocked decided not to go back.
(18 September 2017)

I am in a relationship but its super complicated.
(18 September 2017)

Saturday 23 September 2017

More kissing! Please!

Kissing…i LOVE kissing. It’s really become a lost art to so many. There are so many kinds:~The buzzing kiss on a baby’s belly that makes them giggle and squirm.~The soft kiss on a friend’s che_ Chandra:He also said that he was with me cuz of Our child and that s not fair to me.(19 September 2017) Chandra:That [...]

I was in an abusive relationship so I didn t reply give guys a chance then this guy I liked came out and told me he liked me too.
(18 September 2017)

Or if someone masturbates, wipes off their hands, not washes, and then fingers someone 2 hours later?
(18 September 2017)

So how possible is it really to get pregnant from fingering?
(18 September 2017)

Is it possible he is attracted to me, or was what happened just probable male behavior?
(18 September 2017)

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

I was shocked decided not to go back.
(18 September 2017)

I am in a relationship but its super complicated.
(18 September 2017)

I try not to notice men I am a very big girl and dont think I am pretty I feel very inadequate around handsome men so I try not to notice.
(18 September 2017)

Will my daughter ( baby ) forget me while my sister in law baby sits?
(18 September 2017)

Misleading Relationship Status

So what do you do once you find s good FWB, but they were a little MIS-leading on their relationship status?_ Rebekah:They’re all english lit or poli sci majors.(19 September 2017) Rebekah:None of the guys in my dorm even care about science.(19 September 2017) Rebekah:I’m a 20 year old college student, majoring in chemistry.(19 September 2017) Avery:I don’t know [...]

Is it possible he is attracted to me, or was what happened just probable male behavior?
(18 September 2017)

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

I was shocked decided not to go back.
(18 September 2017)

I am in a relationship but its super complicated.
(18 September 2017)

I try not to notice men I am a very big girl and dont think I am pretty I feel very inadequate around handsome men so I try not to notice.
(18 September 2017)

Will my daughter ( baby ) forget me while my sister in law baby sits?
(18 September 2017)

But I noticed when I drop my baby off at her house my baby gets so excited and when I kiss her goodbye and wave to my baby, my baby will ignore me and start playing with my sister in law.
(18 September 2017)

I noticed that my baby and sister in law bond very fast and strong.
(18 September 2017)

My baby just turned 1 year old and my brothers wife will be baby sitting her as I go to work.
(18 September 2017)

Hurts so good, never knew it would …

…… Playing these chords & notes in sometimes a combination,1 2 3;:” or however it CUMS out. A little erotically influenced mind/star in the sky eye thing there. Went to a bass schooling meeting la_ Sharonda:Well, I have masturbated few times I belief that has cause the infection.(19 September 2017) Sharonda:I felt it was my fault because [...]

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

I was shocked decided not to go back.
(18 September 2017)

I am in a relationship but its super complicated.
(18 September 2017)

I try not to notice men I am a very big girl and dont think I am pretty I feel very inadequate around handsome men so I try not to notice.
(18 September 2017)

Will my daughter ( baby ) forget me while my sister in law baby sits?
(18 September 2017)

But I noticed when I drop my baby off at her house my baby gets so excited and when I kiss her goodbye and wave to my baby, my baby will ignore me and start playing with my sister in law.
(18 September 2017)

I noticed that my baby and sister in law bond very fast and strong.
(18 September 2017)

My baby just turned 1 year old and my brothers wife will be baby sitting her as I go to work.
(18 September 2017)

Cutting off a Child?
(18 September 2017)

Hurts so good, never knew it would …

…… Playing these chords & notes in sometimes a combination,1 2 3;:” or however it CUMS out. A little erotically influenced mind/star in the sky eye thing there. Went to a bass schooling meeting la_ Sharonda:Well, I have masturbated few times I belief that has cause the infection.(19 September 2017) Sharonda:I felt it was my fault because [...]

I also miss him and want to go back I know it is crazy.
(18 September 2017)

Then I get a call from him basically begging for me to come back his voice was cracking and it sounded like he wanted to cry, saying he would do anything to make me feel comfortable if I came back, the incident was never mentioned.
(18 September 2017)

I was shocked decided not to go back.
(18 September 2017)

I am in a relationship but its super complicated.
(18 September 2017)

I try not to notice men I am a very big girl and dont think I am pretty I feel very inadequate around handsome men so I try not to notice.
(18 September 2017)

Will my daughter ( baby ) forget me while my sister in law baby sits?
(18 September 2017)

But I noticed when I drop my baby off at her house my baby gets so excited and when I kiss her goodbye and wave to my baby, my baby will ignore me and start playing with my sister in law.
(18 September 2017)

I noticed that my baby and sister in law bond very fast and strong.
(18 September 2017)

My baby just turned 1 year old and my brothers wife will be baby sitting her as I go to work.
(18 September 2017)

Cutting off a Child?
(18 September 2017)

Hoping to get back on aff soon!!!!

Ok this time we are very serious as to getting back on Meelp, ash finally figured out what was causing her major health issues and she had a ulcer that was stuck between her stomach and intestines, an_ Theda:So there’s this guy who lives down my street, he’s my age and I see him when he [...]

I try not to notice men I am a very big girl and dont think I am pretty I feel very inadequate around handsome men so I try not to notice.
(18 September 2017)

Will my daughter ( baby ) forget me while my sister in law baby sits?
(18 September 2017)

But I noticed when I drop my baby off at her house my baby gets so excited and when I kiss her goodbye and wave to my baby, my baby will ignore me and start playing with my sister in law.
(18 September 2017)

I noticed that my baby and sister in law bond very fast and strong.
(18 September 2017)

My baby just turned 1 year old and my brothers wife will be baby sitting her as I go to work.
(18 September 2017)

Cutting off a Child?
(18 September 2017)

Is pride really so much more important?
(18 September 2017)

Help me understand why a parent would let the relationship with their child completely dissolve just because they believe or live differently than they do.
(18 September 2017)

I think this girl just raped me?
(18 September 2017)

I'm questing my identity?
(18 September 2017)

Friday 22 September 2017

One more for Hump Day

Here is one more for hump day[image]Enjoy_ Wendi:I have never been kissed before or had sex.(19 September 2017) Wendi:I am 22 years old and am a male virgin.(19 September 2017) Lexie:I’m I a bad parent?(19 September 2017) Lexie:Today she told me how annoying two of her class mates were and how she wanted to stab them in the throat.(19 [...]

I noticed that my baby and sister in law bond very fast and strong.
(18 September 2017)

My baby just turned 1 year old and my brothers wife will be baby sitting her as I go to work.
(18 September 2017)

Cutting off a Child?
(18 September 2017)

Is pride really so much more important?
(18 September 2017)

Help me understand why a parent would let the relationship with their child completely dissolve just because they believe or live differently than they do.
(18 September 2017)

I think this girl just raped me?
(18 September 2017)

I'm questing my identity?
(18 September 2017)

I really need some advice. please.
(18 September 2017)

I have trouble resisting peer pressure.
(18 September 2017)

My mom constantly reminds me of what I did and I feel like I have no character.
(18 September 2017)

Boundary of Perception

[image]_ Reba:Was he flirting with my gf?(19 September 2017) Reba:I overheard a conversation between my gf and another guy at a party..and he was telling her that she looks like a flower… was he flirting?(19 September 2017) Julianna:What does this woman from school think of me?(19 September 2017) Julianna:She has a lot on her plate though between working and [...]

Cutting off a Child?
(18 September 2017)

Is pride really so much more important?
(18 September 2017)

Help me understand why a parent would let the relationship with their child completely dissolve just because they believe or live differently than they do.
(18 September 2017)

I think this girl just raped me?
(18 September 2017)

I'm questing my identity?
(18 September 2017)

I really need some advice. please.
(18 September 2017)

I have trouble resisting peer pressure.
(18 September 2017)

My mom constantly reminds me of what I did and I feel like I have no character.
(18 September 2017)

My mom gets furious whenever I talk about my mistakes.
(18 September 2017)

I've been clean from weed for about 4 months and I have decided to be completely straight edge but I don't know.
(18 September 2017)


You guys are now an hour behind. Try again in the Fall._ Patrice:I have normally always been a very happy person with so much confidence in myself.(19 September 2017) Yajaira:Am I wrong for wanting to pursue what I want to do with my life?(19 September 2017) Yajaira:I understand my family wants best for me but I don’t want [...]

Help me understand why a parent would let the relationship with their child completely dissolve just because they believe or live differently than they do.
(18 September 2017)

I think this girl just raped me?
(18 September 2017)

I'm questing my identity?
(18 September 2017)

I really need some advice. please.
(18 September 2017)

I have trouble resisting peer pressure.
(18 September 2017)

My mom constantly reminds me of what I did and I feel like I have no character.
(18 September 2017)

My mom gets furious whenever I talk about my mistakes.
(18 September 2017)

I've been clean from weed for about 4 months and I have decided to be completely straight edge but I don't know.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell her I smoked with him?
(18 September 2017)

My cousin is moving back from a different state, but she doesn't want me hanging out with him.
(18 September 2017)


You guys are now an hour behind. Try again in the Fall._ Patrice:I have normally always been a very happy person with so much confidence in myself.(19 September 2017) Yajaira:Am I wrong for wanting to pursue what I want to do with my life?(19 September 2017) Yajaira:I understand my family wants best for me but I don’t want [...]

Help me understand why a parent would let the relationship with their child completely dissolve just because they believe or live differently than they do.
(18 September 2017)

I think this girl just raped me?
(18 September 2017)

I'm questing my identity?
(18 September 2017)

I really need some advice. please.
(18 September 2017)

I have trouble resisting peer pressure.
(18 September 2017)

My mom constantly reminds me of what I did and I feel like I have no character.
(18 September 2017)

My mom gets furious whenever I talk about my mistakes.
(18 September 2017)

I've been clean from weed for about 4 months and I have decided to be completely straight edge but I don't know.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell her I smoked with him?
(18 September 2017)

My cousin is moving back from a different state, but she doesn't want me hanging out with him.
(18 September 2017)

Music quiz - Name the year?

Very sad to hear about the untimely death of Keith Emerson recently.I’ve not had much time to post a new quiz today. This one is from way back. The year is the same for all three parts of each qu_ Verdie:Is My girlfriend A Cheater?(19 September 2017) Rosaline:My aunt and uncle are in a narcissistic marriage. Do [...]

I have trouble resisting peer pressure.
(18 September 2017)

My mom constantly reminds me of what I did and I feel like I have no character.
(18 September 2017)

My mom gets furious whenever I talk about my mistakes.
(18 September 2017)

I've been clean from weed for about 4 months and I have decided to be completely straight edge but I don't know.
(18 September 2017)

Should I tell her I smoked with him?
(18 September 2017)

My cousin is moving back from a different state, but she doesn't want me hanging out with him.
(18 September 2017)

On top of it, I smoked with my cousin, but my mom doesn't know.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like my mom offered me so many good things and I just spit on her.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like an absolute letdown, a disgrace.
(18 September 2017)

Does a Penis taste good?
(18 September 2017)

Thursday 21 September 2017

Amazing Lover….

I was going to post this as a poll but I truly do not want to influence any answers to my question…I truly want to hear what you folks think…What constitutes an amazing lover in your mind?[image][_ Christian:Some of my friends know about him.(19 September 2017) Christian:And we just started going out and i want to tell [...]

Should I tell her I smoked with him?
(18 September 2017)

My cousin is moving back from a different state, but she doesn't want me hanging out with him.
(18 September 2017)

On top of it, I smoked with my cousin, but my mom doesn't know.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like my mom offered me so many good things and I just spit on her.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like an absolute letdown, a disgrace.
(18 September 2017)

Does a Penis taste good?
(18 September 2017)

Is it worth being in a friendship if all they ever call you for is to ask for money, a favour or want to get drunk?
(18 September 2017)

And they always want to enterupt me when im talking to a female or something.
(18 September 2017)

Is this girl playing hard to get? She has shown interest in me but now I'm confused?
(18 September 2017)

She seemed into our conversations.
(18 September 2017)

Tits And Trains

lol_ Venice:Do you think he is gay?(19 September 2017) Jena:Why does does this guy tap my desk?(19 September 2017) Jena:I talk to him, and all…and I heard it’s like saying hi for a guy…so I’m not sure why he tapped my desk like 5 or 6 times, and he tapped it again when he left, even though he [...]

On top of it, I smoked with my cousin, but my mom doesn't know.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like my mom offered me so many good things and I just spit on her.
(18 September 2017)

I feel like an absolute letdown, a disgrace.
(18 September 2017)

Does a Penis taste good?
(18 September 2017)

Is it worth being in a friendship if all they ever call you for is to ask for money, a favour or want to get drunk?
(18 September 2017)

And they always want to enterupt me when im talking to a female or something.
(18 September 2017)

Is this girl playing hard to get? She has shown interest in me but now I'm confused?
(18 September 2017)

She seemed into our conversations.
(18 September 2017)

When I went to see her by her class, but didn't see her.
(18 September 2017)

I spoke to my friend about her sim problem, he told me it was an excuse, because they talk sometimes.
(18 September 2017)