Wednesday 28 November 2018

All clear…

All clear…Well, sort of.Ha.Went for my ultrasound. What a different experience back at the University hospital (compared to the last debacle).The tech was really thorough – documenting every sing_ Virgie:I want to move for many reasons.(27 November 2018) Virgie:I won t be 17 for eleven months and even then I don t know the laws about that.(27 [...]

But recently, for various reasons, I have started getting more and more anxiety and I get the occassional panic attack.
(27 November 2018)

For him every problem has a solution.
(27 November 2018)

However he is a very pracitcal man.
(27 November 2018)

Could he still have feelings?
(27 November 2018)

I'm quite independent and don't need to always be in a relationship, but I do still have some feelings for him left.
(27 November 2018)

He updated me about his life and spoke to me most of the night, then said goodnight and it's so nice to speak to me again.
(27 November 2018)

But now my ex texted me last Friday and asked if I want to go to Winter Wonderland (this Christmas market theme park). It's his birthday weekend.
(27 November 2018)

I text my ex to see how he has (we hadn't talked since July, when his friend was ill). I stopped talking to my ex to move forward.
(27 November 2018)

One guy was sort of like a Dad to him & he died recently.
(27 November 2018)

He's not got any family around (long story) and is a bit of a loner.
(27 November 2018)

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