Sunday 18 November 2018

The Military and humor, what?

[image] The Military and humor, what? First Res-ponder![image2]It’s all about pussy![image3]People still in shock!How do we help people get over the election while not infringing on their First A_ Adrianna:I like two boy I don t know who to go for help!!!?(14 November 2018) Adrianna:I m 13 going to be 14 in may need help.(14 November 2018) Adrianna:I [...]

But as I work and study, I am only free on weekends but then we agreed to meet before he takes off.
(16 November 2018)

One week before he left, he told me that he will leave by the coming week and that we surely have to see each other before.
(16 November 2018)

So we have been BF and GF for almost 2 years now and everything were good.
(16 November 2018)

Italian women, why do they punish me with their guy friends?
(16 November 2018)

If you don't go the way of an Italian women they will make you pay, by pitting a bunch of guys onto you.
(16 November 2018)

My track record with guys isn't that great to be honest, but I feel this guy is different.
(16 November 2018)

I feel so torn with indecision, on the one hand I don't want to fail out but I do enjoy spending time with my boyfriend.
(16 November 2018)

What would you guys do if you were me?
(16 November 2018)

I am also going overseas to medical school in January, and my mom says I will fail out and not to get involved with anyone.
(16 November 2018)

I recently met a nice guy at work, but my mom is trying to get me to break up with him because he smokes pot and dropped acid a few years back.
(16 November 2018)

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