Thursday 29 November 2018

He Knows…

He knows when I am low.He knows when I am flying, high over everything and everyone.He knows me.He shows me that he wants more From life and love and the future.He shows me that he is deep beyond what_ Vonnie:I already dont want to come off as if I’m the one thats chasing them…(28 November 2018) Vonnie:Or [...]

Everything else about him I love.
(28 November 2018)

I said this to see if he would open up but i got nothing.
(28 November 2018)

How girls can be bi but men can t.
(28 November 2018)

I told him how I hate how society is.
(28 November 2018)

We had a talk about bisexuality i even told him if guys want to have sex with men but want to be with a woman relationship wise that does not make him gay.
(28 November 2018)

I noticed he follows 2 transsexuals on Instagram, and he gets mani s and peti s, facials etc, and he just makes alot of gay comments.
(28 November 2018)

He s always suggesting that someone else may be gay, the word gay comes out if his mouth every day which annoys me.
(28 November 2018)

He s 27 and I will be 23 on Monday. some of the major red flags are that he always seemed bothered around openly gay males, we work with ALOT of gay males and every time he sees one he gets uncomfortable.
(28 November 2018)

I would still date him regardless of his sexuality.
(28 November 2018)

I am really not judgemental and after all I have a lot of things going on that he doesn t judge me for.
(28 November 2018)

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