Monday 12 November 2018

It’s so close to being over…

Election Day 206 is upon us tomorrow. No matter who ends up as the President, it will be monumental. How would you:[image1]”Apocalypse Now”[image2]2 images in this post._ Marisha:What name goes well with Susan?(7 November 2018) Marisha:What first name would go well with Susan?(7 November 2018) Marisha:My first daughter will be named after her, but her first name was [...]

I just wish it didnt happen the way that it did.
(11 November 2018)

We talked about our future and everything.
(11 November 2018)

I feel like he just gave up on us something he begged me not to do but he does it.
(11 November 2018)

Honestly I was going through some hormonal issues and if he really wanted the relationship I feel like we could've worked through it.
(11 November 2018)

Then I just sent a message on Facebook that I'm going to move on.
(11 November 2018)

I called him once a week later from the house phone.
(11 November 2018)

I feel like the whole relationship was a lie.
(11 November 2018)

He text me and said he doesn't want the relationship anymore which left me crushed.
(11 November 2018)

I let 2 days pass and called him.
(11 November 2018)

I asked him what he was doing and he said he'll show me.
(11 November 2018)

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