Saturday 24 November 2018

If You Want Her, You Must Claim Her

She is the high-value woman who has captured your attention, your mind and perhaps even your heart.You know her because she is self-possessed, grounded and conscious. She is aware of her worth without_ Shonda:We’ve known each other as friends for awhile then one thing lead to another and now we’re dating.(22 November 2018) Shonda:We’re both in our [...]

Is this relation worth it?
(23 November 2018)

If I get angry and not talking to him he doesnt try to makeup and I have to initiate conversation despite being angry.
(23 November 2018)

He replies I am nice with all friends.
(23 November 2018)

For e.g when I say you are so nice with me.
(23 November 2018)

He is getting more and more friendly and strongly rejects any kind of romantic relationship.
(23 November 2018)

But within 3 months his attitude has changed.
(23 November 2018)

He always apologize and try to make up when I got upset because of him.
(23 November 2018)

But in the beginning of our relation he used to call me sexy, cute etc when we meet.
(23 November 2018)

During 3 months I did whatever best I could emotionally, financially, sexually.
(23 November 2018)

In the beginning of relation he told me he wants nothing more than a friend.I was hoping when he will see my love and care for him he will consider making me his girl friend.
(23 November 2018)

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