Friday 6 July 2018

I Can Mess This Hair Up , If I Want To Mess This Hair Up

Announcer: At Bosley Hair Replacement clinics we not only regrow your hair, we make you a total belligerent, dickhead.Real Bosley Client: F*ck all, y’all. I’m messin’ my f*cking hair up! I’m gonna_ Pamella:My father abandoned us 2 years later.(27 June 2018) Pamella:This was 1966. No police would interfere with a domestic situation.(27 June 2018) Pamella:My mother was 39 [...]

Where can i get cheap doggie stairs?
(3 July 2018)

How should children be dressed? Was i wrong?
(3 July 2018)

Without saying anything i had him changed into one of my sons shirt.
(3 July 2018)

They came over and he was wearing a shirt with a large stain on the front and a hole in the back.
(3 July 2018)

How to repair a broken Facebook friendship?
(3 July 2018)

What can I do to help repair this and become Facebook friends again (and friends in general)?
(3 July 2018)

When I later spoke with her in person she sounded really annoyed with the unfriending and has now left my friend request in 'limbo' and I'm afraid she may never accept it.
(3 July 2018)

The next day I realized how stupid it was so I sent her a friend request along with a message apologizing for my actions.
(3 July 2018)

Sounds frivolous but bare with me: In a moment of stupidity last week I unfriended a close friend of mine after I got into an argument with her.
(3 July 2018)

Whats best for her?
(3 July 2018)

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