Sunday 22 July 2018

Naughty Girls Rock When Naughty Playing.

Hey guy’s, if you like to play naughty with naughty girls and have a naughty good time. Then let my friend Pixie and I know if we are the kind of naughty play girls you like to naughty play with. We a_ Ashli:I was given the budget of $1000 for everything.(19 July 2018) Ashli:I been trying to [...]

Why has my fwb endorsed me on LinkedIn for a skill after he has given me the silent treatment for a month?
(20 July 2018)

What happened between this girl and me?
(20 July 2018)

I received the vibe that she was happy to see me from the texts sent and the library.
(20 July 2018)

Long story short, we exchanged numbers and agreed to drinks however once we sent a few messages back and forth she stopped responding.
(20 July 2018)

Okay so I bumped into someone I had a class with in community college in the library and clicked with them instantly for 10-20 mins.
(20 July 2018)

A few days later, I asked my boyfriend if he considers dancing with someone else cheating and he said yes.
(20 July 2018)

I stopped after about 3 seconds because I have a boyfriend.
(20 July 2018)

This guy pulled me close to him and we started grinding.
(20 July 2018)

I was at a party (my boyfriend was not there) a while ago and got pretty drunk.
(20 July 2018)

What shall I do in this regard?
(20 July 2018)

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