Sunday 15 July 2018

The Changing Room

I first saw her at the department store at the mall. She was in the lingerie area holding up a lacy red teddy. Our eyes met and I could see she was a little embarrassed. She looked away and I stopped_ Leigh:I’ve been getting really good numbers lately and can feel tension within my team about [...]

You've had a history of rejections, betrayals, breakups and heartaches from past romantic partners?
(12 July 2018)

Should i ask my online crush out?
(12 July 2018)

Now that she knows I like her, I ve said a lot of romantic stuff to her.
(12 July 2018)

The only problem, is that she has an almost-boyfriend (they like each other and hes supposedly planning on asking her out formally.) Lately, she s been really clingy.
(12 July 2018)

She said she also likes me back.
(12 July 2018)

A while after these messages, I confessed to her.
(12 July 2018)

She gets really shy and flattered by these.
(12 July 2018)

No, we ve never met but I m positive she s not a catfish (from pics, skype, ect). Even to the point where I go off in long messages saying what I love about her.
(12 July 2018)

So, I ve been really obvious that I like this girl.
(12 July 2018)

Would you consider raping someone if you had absolute guarantee you would get away with it?
(12 July 2018)

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