Thursday 19 July 2018

Erotica 1

(I wrote this for a friend, but I thought I’d share it with all of you. You can commission something, too. I’ll work for food.)We park and the three of u walk to the dance club. All we’ve told you a_ Hellen:A friends parents gave me a job at thier restraunt and I just paid my [...]

I met this girl in my photography class early in the year, we didn't talk much, and then later in the year we got a class together and we hit it off.
(17 July 2018)

Is it creepy to message her on facebook?
(17 July 2018)

Would it be creepy if I messaged her on facebook?
(17 July 2018)

I know hers, because of her name tag.
(17 July 2018)

She doesn t know my name however, as our interactions are very short.
(17 July 2018)

I ve seen her several times when ordering food, and we always kind of smile at each other.
(17 July 2018)

So basically I ve been going to this restaurant for about a year, and there s this girl that works there over the summers.
(17 July 2018)

2 different personalities?
(17 July 2018)

But on the other hand at school I'm the complete opposite loud, funny, trouble maker.
(17 July 2018)

I'm the shy unsocial quiet person.
(17 July 2018)

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