Friday 1 November 2019


Lawyers are a source of entertainment amongst me and my friends. As a profession, they are one of the most useless occupations in the world. So far , in my life I have not found it possible to get on_ Jasmine:Not just look to see the side of my face either(that would be fine); they want [...]

He works part time, because he had anxiety, and says he plans on getting full time job once he stays at this one for a while to build his resume.
(28 October 2019)

He just sits in his room all day staring at his phone.
(28 October 2019)

He moved back in with me recently, because he wasnt getting along with his roommate.
(28 October 2019)

No single woman would date a divorced man with kids so why do single mothers expect single men should want them?
(28 October 2019)

Why would a friend that is a girl text you that they are single?
(27 October 2019)

I have a friend that is a girl and she texted me that she was single and got out of a relationship and that when she is in a relationship, she tends to be codependent.
(27 October 2019)

Does anybody REALLY like Burger King?
(27 October 2019)

What does child birth feel like?
(27 October 2019)

Even after birthing classes I am still nervous about what to expect.
(27 October 2019)

Just looking for honest answers on what to expect.
(27 October 2019)

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