Thursday 7 November 2019

One hell of a senior moment!…

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and,upon returning to her car, found four malesin the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun,proceeding to scream_ Margot:What kind of people think these things?(24 October 2019) Charline:Girl says mean things, yet still likes to come over?(24 October 2019) Ava:What does it mean [...]

Not just because it just didn't happen, but because i avoided her mostly because I knew how her boyfriend (who worked there too b4 he got sent away) was.
(3 November 2019)

And me and this girl rarely spoke to eachother for that whole time.
(3 November 2019)

Anyway, Me, her and a couple of other older women were one of the few people who started working first in that temporary job 6 months ago.
(3 November 2019)

She knew I know this because I've seen him going wild at her several times.
(3 November 2019)

There's was this girl that was in an abusive relationship, which was very clear even in public.
(3 November 2019)

This has been on my head ever since I left that job a month ago.
(3 November 2019)

Why don't guys ask me for sex that much on the dating site that I'm on?
(3 November 2019)

How can I get my girlfriend to stop snoring?
(3 November 2019)

We really want to sleep in the same bed together, but she snores so much that I have to wake her everytime, enevtually she just leaves and goes to another room.
(3 November 2019)

How do I get my girlfriend to stop snoring?
(3 November 2019)

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