Thursday 7 November 2019

One hell of a senior moment!…

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and,upon returning to her car, found four malesin the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun,proceeding to scream_ Margot:What kind of people think these things?(24 October 2019) Charline:Girl says mean things, yet still likes to come over?(24 October 2019) Ava:What does it mean [...]

How can I tell if a woman compliments my style as a sign of interest or just being friendly?
(3 November 2019)

It frustrates me that I might might be a virgin for the rest of my life and never have sex?
(3 November 2019)

Because I'm considered to be even more unattractive then most other girls.
(3 November 2019)

My bf loves my panties?
(3 November 2019)

Every time I take off my panties, my bf puts them on his head, on his arm, hides them under his pillow, etc.
(3 November 2019)

He is still friends with me on facebook though.
(3 November 2019)

I noticed that he actually isn't friends with her on facebook anymore and he also deleted his ex he was seeing before me and him started dating.
(3 November 2019)

I do know that he has taken interest in another woman, but they aren't a thing, at least as of now.
(3 November 2019)

Do you like the name Merciana for a girl?
(3 November 2019)

What can of white does she look like?
(3 November 2019)

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