Thursday 19 September 2019

~~~~ Let’s Talk Sex~~~~

[image1]Good morning everyone, and Happy Hump Day!!!! Today I want to talk about men and cocks. Yes you all have them and you all make that abundantly clear to us ladies and all the other men here t_ Joe:A guy friend asked me this morning if he accidently sent me nudes?(14 September 2019) Joe:I asked another female [...]

I respect other people on my own.
(16 September 2019)

My father was a total bigot every which way.. A regular Klansman but an urban one.
(16 September 2019)

And secondly... I wasn't raised to respect other people.
(16 September 2019)

I'm not going sit here and go homeless and never have what everybody else around me has and tell myself that I'm just inferior caste that doesn't deserve it.. And I don't have to.
(16 September 2019)

Yes there is an element of improving the quality of my life and entering the upper classes of America... Which I'm free to do.
(16 September 2019)

I would also tell the judge this..proudly.
(16 September 2019)

Do I really look my age?
(16 September 2019)

Why do some women tell me that single men are selfish and cheating themselves out of a relationship with a woman?
(16 September 2019)

All they want to do irk and dander the crap out of me They don't understand that I'm grown and I'll make my own decisions.
(16 September 2019)

My friends and family will not leave me alone about this.
(16 September 2019)

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