Wednesday 18 September 2019

For the Ladies!

Okay ladies only…. what’s the first thing you check out on a guy?_ Shaina:I guess my main thing is that I don’t see all of these couples as representing poor standards-love is love, right?(13 September 2019) Shaina:I myself am a white guy and I have been attracted to Asian females in the past (have only dated white [...]

She asked if I could help her out.
(15 September 2019)

Should I write a pamphlet about how the 70th Precinct screwed me over? They shouldn't have a grudge. They should have waited in front?
(15 September 2019)

My family is constantly accusing me of using drugs?
(15 September 2019)

I am not interested in her yet she keeps bothering me.
(15 September 2019)

How many times to try and hang out with this girl?
(15 September 2019)

Do I ask one or two more times next week if she wants to do something?
(15 September 2019)

She hasn't suggested any other times for us to hang after she declines my invites.
(15 September 2019)

It's pretty early in the school year to be loaded up on studying as a freshman but I don't know.
(15 September 2019)

I'm kinda bad with girls so I don't know if shes implying she doesn't want to be friends with me or if she really just has a lot of work to do.
(15 September 2019)

Both times she keeps saying how much school work she has and how many tests this week.
(15 September 2019)

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