Friday 13 September 2019

¿Donde está el pecado?

Totalmente perdido por el criterio a seguir.[ ]_ Jerry:He asked me out and i found out he had a girlfriend and i broke it off with him. i told him that he shouldn’t do that.(7 September 2019) Jerry:This guy I met, told me he and his girlfriend broke up.(7 September 2019) Elizebeth:Does she secretly have a thing for [...]

I always put them back when I'm done.
(10 September 2019)

How do i get over my shyness and talk to this girl?
(10 September 2019)

How can i get over my shyness and comfess how i feel to her?
(10 September 2019)

I've always been shy when it comes to people, but i really like this girl.
(10 September 2019)

There's this girl in my class that i have a big crush on, but im too shy to talk to her.
(10 September 2019)

ARE YOU GLAD YOUR PARENTS CHEATED? is there anyone out there that if cheating didn't take place you wouldn't be happily alive?
(10 September 2019)

You hear all the bad stories when it comes to cheating is there any good one?
(10 September 2019)

Or if you didn't cheat you would be upset l to this day?
(10 September 2019)

Does anyone have a story were cheating saved your life?
(10 September 2019)

Why is maternity leave in the US so short?
(10 September 2019)

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