Tuesday 9 October 2018

a call you do not want to get.

So it is kinda close to my nightmare scenario.A phone call with a strangers voice asking just how do we know so and so. We seem to really be texting up a storm with each other.Uh I let the call go to_ Breana:It also is due to my history of being taken for granted and Advantage [...]

The rest of her family is pretty normal though they always have a mentality where someone is either in or out and nothing in the middle.
(7 October 2018)

Is it ok for a 16 year old to date a 18 year old?
(7 October 2018)

I am scared my father will be killed in a car crash driving through the night tonight. What do I do if he is killed?
(7 October 2018)

He is leaving around 10:30 PM CST.
(7 October 2018)

He falls asleep driving a lot and insisted on driving home from a wedding solo tonight.
(7 October 2018)

My Dad was inconsiderate and arrived late at his friends funeral. Why might one not care when their friend dies about the funeral?
(7 October 2018)

My Dad has always been an embarrassment to his family.
(7 October 2018)

Am. I being unreasonable?
(7 October 2018)

However my brother also needs a ride to his girlfriends job which is a bar and would like me to stick around untill around 3am to take them both home.
(7 October 2018)

Just part of my anxiety I guess.
(7 October 2018)

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