Monday 22 October 2018

Sex in Strange Places….Part 2!!

Ok…in an earlier post I asked about the strangest place you have had sex….while it got many views, I only received a few comments. So lets try this again…..what is the strangest place you have e_ Robert:My gf won’t let me go on holiday with two my best friends and their family. What do I do?(19 [...]

A guy at my school has a gf but keeps staring at me?
(20 October 2018)

As I looked back, he was still looking at me while talking to one of her friend.
(20 October 2018)

And as it was time to go, I walked pretty fast to not be close to any of them.
(20 October 2018)

Like today at lunch time, he was with his gf and her mates, but throughout the whole time he was only looking at my direction.
(20 October 2018)

He's in one of my classes, and whenever I notice him, he's looking at me.
(20 October 2018)

Any advice for asking out a female friend (now crush)? Easy 10 points?
(20 October 2018)

Should I maybe just keep my feelings to myself.
(20 October 2018)

I don't really wanna ruin the friendship, but I also really want to be her boyfriend.
(20 October 2018)

I am crushing on a female friend of 1 year 4 months.
(20 October 2018)

2 negative pregnancy tests, accuracy?
(20 October 2018)

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