Sunday 14 October 2018

Think, before you beat on the door.

Good morning I hope this finds you with that secret smile on your. Somebody definitely could use hers. I might have to go stray hunting.This might be a lil crude, but it was worth the laugh.We jus_ Shakita:Started seeing a girl and we have been on six dates…and will be continuing to go out.(8 October 2018) Elease:I’m [...]

Are they really telling them that there's a high possiblity that they'll never find that special someone and that need to learn to just be satisfied with being single and taking care of all their needs themselves instead of looking for a romantic partner?
(11 October 2018)

How can I get through this. btw I'm 15. she so over protective and i'm sick of it.
(11 October 2018)

My mom lied to me?
(11 October 2018)

How can I get through this. btw I'm 15.
(11 October 2018)

I'm so upset and tomorrow is the last day they're selling tickets.
(11 October 2018)

I want to go outside and do something fun but no my mom want me to do is nothing and make me bored.
(11 October 2018)

Like I'm sick and tired of being home all day doing nothing.
(11 October 2018)

I check through her purse and i saw a lot of money in it. i can't believe she lied to me like that.
(11 October 2018)

She has a job since August and she thinks I'm stupid enough to believe her.
(11 October 2018)

I ask my mom can i go but she said she don't have money.
(11 October 2018)

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