Wednesday 17 October 2018

For me, there is something naughty about autumn ?!

My new, current profile image generated a lot of enthusiasm… here are some others from that effort.I changed jobs 2 months ago…unfortunately hate the new one, gave it a fair chance… resigning. I_ Azucena:Lucky my wife’s family who lives there is in Alva or Orlando more south to where they can’t get the hurricane it still [...]

Since majority of the females on there which many gals look up to wants attention by showing nudity, so they copy them and become insta who res for likes and attention.
(16 October 2018)

Why do some girls still keep in contact with a guy after they have ended things with him?
(16 October 2018)

So why do some girls, and even guys for that matter, still do this?
(16 October 2018)

To me it seems like you are dragging the painful process out, for both of you, instead of just cutting it off, so the healing can begin.
(16 October 2018)

It seems to me that if someone calls an end to something, whether it's a relationship or a Friends with Benefits Arrangement, or whatever have you, that that should be it.
(16 October 2018)

Maybe I'm missing something here, but to me this Behavior makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
(16 October 2018)

I mean I get where there's a case of feelings getting hurt, which then leads to a premature decision that is then regretted later, then the person who made it tries to get back together with the other, but that's not what I'm talking about here.
(16 October 2018)

I'm a guy, and I've seen this type of behavior before, and to me it makes absolutely no sense.
(16 October 2018)

I said online dating is for sad pathetic desperate cowardly losers who are probably fat and single parents, and i was punched out, can i sue?
(16 October 2018)

My guy friend smacked my butt? Was it a joke or him being perverted?
(16 October 2018)

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