Sunday 6 October 2019

Thanks Kink

Hi Y’all,Happy Sunday! Unless of course if you live in Florida or George because let’s be real… your day sucks…Hope everyone stays safe down there…I am in Joisey….Yep, drove down earl_ Velma:I also don’t know if it’s the right decision, because part of me still loves hanging out with him and doing couply things, but it’s [...]

What would u do if a female friend offered u oral sex and u didn't have to go down on her?
(2 October 2019)

Why is that you always hear anything of bullies nor their parents?
(2 October 2019)

Should I just wait for my period or should I just quit reading into everything?
(2 October 2019)

I honestly don't want that let down even though its going to happen either way.
(2 October 2019)

I'm 19 and my husband and I have been trying to have a kid. (Please no judgement) I have pregnancy test I could take, but I'm scared seeing its something we both want.
(2 October 2019)

My period is due in 3 days and I'm not sure if its normal to get a surge right before your period.
(2 October 2019)

In the picture below I have two ovulation test.
(2 October 2019)

Is there a guy out there who would shag my wife?
(2 October 2019)

I think maybe an impartial opinion might reveal the real problem.
(2 October 2019)

Even the last time it was hardly intense.
(2 October 2019)

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