Thursday 24 October 2019

Penis Anatomy

Posting this so that the pics on my previous post just may stay put??? It’s worth a try!_ Vickey:To be honest, If i was 25 and he was 20, I wouldn’t care.(20 October 2019) Earnestine:What does Coincidence mean?(20 October 2019) Cruz:Do guys like cleft chins on girls?(20 October 2019) Sharron:My cursh knows I am jealous of his female friend [...]

I told him I wouldn't stay with a cheater and he said if a woman really loved a man then she should.
(21 October 2019)

He said he has never cheated on me and doesn't plan to but he was justifying cheating when we were discussing the topic in general.
(21 October 2019)

Then today, he was defending cheating in our conversation.
(21 October 2019)

When we have time off work he says he is too tired to go or he is usually working on Sunday.
(21 October 2019)

I told him before we got together that we may not be compatible because he wasn't attending church but he said he wanted to go with me.
(21 October 2019)

Also he doesn't go to church with me.
(21 October 2019)

He only smokes about once a week.
(21 October 2019)

However, he started smoking black and mild recently and I hate smoking.
(21 October 2019)

He treats me well and we really are best friends.
(21 October 2019)

We've been together for 4 and a half years.
(21 October 2019)

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