Sunday 10 March 2019


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My mom used to rub my head to put me to sleep.
(7 March 2019)

This is an odd question, I know.
(7 March 2019)

My brother is a douche?
(7 March 2019)

How can i make him see hes making the BIGGEST mistake of his life?
(7 March 2019)

He didnt like what he saw and apparently he cant stop imagining her like that.
(7 March 2019)

She apparently wasnt the best looking but she started working out and wearing makeup to change her looks.
(7 March 2019)

He went to meet her mom and happened to see pictures of her in high school hanging up.
(7 March 2019)

Hes been dating this girl for almost a year now and shes super sweet super pretty and the nicest girl ever.
(7 March 2019)

Looks have always been important for him.
(7 March 2019)

So my brother has ALWAYS been superficial about his looks.
(7 March 2019)

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