Thursday 21 March 2019

*** Do you have a question?

[image] This is your chance,, Ask me anything! I really like this idea and thought, okay why not give it a go! How this will work is that you ask me a question about anything you’d like, howeve_ Nubia:I’m just friends with a lot of twenty year olds at my job, and we’ll be working together [...]

I feel like he inst thinking things through and quite frankly, if I pay rent he should consider my opinion or try to fill me in on things.
(17 March 2019)

Ever since then, Ive been trying to limit contact with my father who is very upset about my honesty.
(17 March 2019)

I told her she does not want to start anything with me.
(17 March 2019)

I tried to speak with him before hand but as he would not listen I resorted to telling her to never grab onto my dads leg in front of me, I told her a decent person would not do that.
(17 March 2019)

She also needs him to find her a job and house and give her documents to stay... So I obviously did not welcome her home.
(17 March 2019)

Now that he is better, he used all my college money to buy a new car and brought an old lady home who he has only known for a month.
(17 March 2019)

Ever since the stroke he got back home and did a lot of exercise to get back his left side movement.
(17 March 2019)

I am 24 and he is 72, I think age is relevant.
(17 March 2019)

So my dad ad a stroke in dec 28th.
(17 March 2019)

Why do some parents name their children names that the child has to spell to Everyone for their Entire lives? To me, that borders on abuse?
(17 March 2019)

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