Tuesday 5 March 2019

Shenanigans At The Office (or away from the office)

IKEA should sell Fucking Desks…Leg room should be a bit more ample for “head” room and elbow room under there, it should be cleaned, and often under there, and there should always, ALWAYS be a priva_ Deena:How can I honestly know what is the right decision?(5 March 2019) Deena:There is always this thought in the back of [...]

I believe he is mad with me because this is not the first rime ive gotten this drunk.
(1 March 2019)

Since the party a month ago my best friend has not talked to me.
(1 March 2019)

I ended up breaking a picture frame.
(1 March 2019)

I did some embarrassing things and was aggressive to others around.
(1 March 2019)

I get to take a friend wuth me, so i decided to take my bro (best frien). Recently my friend had a party at his mom s house and i got blackout drunk.
(1 March 2019)

My mom got me a trip to Jamaica for my college graduation gift.
(1 March 2019)

It's been 2 months and she hasn't contacted me, I said we can be friends but I think she's dating someone else already.
(1 March 2019)

I dated a girl for 6 months then initiated break up, I said we're not compatible and aren't right for each other.
(1 March 2019)

What are the chances of getting pregnant on day 20 of my cycle?
(1 March 2019)

My period tracker says I ovulated on day 15, but I had symptoms of ovulation on day 18 and 19. I had sex on day 20. What are the chances of pregnancy?
(1 March 2019)

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