Thursday 7 March 2019

It would be my pleasure

To wrap my lips around your cock and taste the pre cum that oozesJust my fucking luck!!!Being pre menopausal for the last few years my period has become so fucking unpredictable it drives me bonkers!!_ Carletta:This is my 4th semester in college.(1 March 2019) Chantel:Why has she changed??????(1 March 2019) Chantel:I hear that now she doesn’t talk to [...]

I wish I wasn't born so ugly and I wish people would just be my friend because of my personality or maybe similarities in interest...
(4 March 2019)

I was offended but I can't blame him.
(4 March 2019)

A guy that I knew in a group told me that he can't be friends with ugly person and they have to have a very good reason why they want to be his friend.
(4 March 2019)

I know I am a ugly person, but it's just I feel terrible that no one will talk or want to be around me because I am not attractive.
(4 March 2019)

Are they really that big?
(4 March 2019)

For their age comparison?
(4 March 2019)

I need to apologise to my girlfriend s parents. Please help me with this letter?
(4 March 2019)

Guys all ages: honest opinion, are you attracted to plus size girls, has your perception changed over the years, why or why not?
(4 March 2019)

Girlfriend has baggage?
(4 March 2019)

Anybody have experience of persevering through this?
(4 March 2019)

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