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My wife is having our baby girl in March she's kind of scared.
(30 December 2018)

My partner is ghosting me, what do I do?
(30 December 2018)

Any way to make myself feel better as well?
(30 December 2018)

I m sad and lonely, and my friends are not any help.
(30 December 2018)

But if not, I don t think I can do it much longer.
(30 December 2018)

I m not going to break p with them, I haven t expressed how I feel properly to them, so I will, and if they change, then good.
(30 December 2018)

We have a good relationship, other than the fact that they haven t texted me back in days.
(30 December 2018)

We are long distance, and it honestly works great, but sometimes, it doesn t.
(30 December 2018)

I'm 11 (girl) and i masturbate and i'm not sure if i should tell my mom or something i want to ask for your opinion and experiences?
(30 December 2018)

I think im having a crush with my boss (woman). Lately, i always think of her?
(30 December 2018)

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