Wednesday 30 January 2019

Passion Friday: This day love stirred!

[image] Passion Friday: This day love stirred!No words spoken not a word,How did she me heard?[image2]Lust and love so sensually blurred,Lust is the foundation but then love stirred![image3]I love yo_ Lauri:This is common for readers to take pics with me but it seemed to get the girl I like talking to me again.(29 January 2019) Lauri:I was [...]

I just want to know whys he can't tell me truths.
(25 January 2019)

If you pull out his tongue you will see all the bumps?
(25 January 2019)

I my husband is cheating on me causes when he lies he get lie bumps on tongue.
(25 January 2019)

My bf smacking my butt weirds me out cuz it makes me think of my dad spanking me?
(25 January 2019)

Divorce over opposing political views?
(25 January 2019)

Im not going to change nor is she, is divorce really the best thing ?
(25 January 2019)

We went out and voted together and made it a rule to never mention who we voted for even though it was quite obvious.
(25 January 2019)

Of course we've always known we support opposing parties but we never let that affect us much.
(25 January 2019)

My wife and i considering divorce because of our opposing political views.
(25 January 2019)

How old should kids be before they are left at home alone at night time for about four or five hours while the parents go out?
(25 January 2019)

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