Tuesday 1 January 2019

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I have this childhood friend that smokes meth every here and now and then lies about it.
(1 January 2019)

I told him no this is not the case.
(1 January 2019)

He claims if we live together that his child is my responsibility.
(1 January 2019)

He wants me to be his built in babysitter and babysit his kiddo 5-6 days a week.
(1 January 2019)

He is trying to force me to live with him and I just don't want to.
(1 January 2019)

How to find a median?
(1 January 2019)

Please any suggestions would be apreciated.
(1 January 2019)

But now my husband is insisting on moving out there and i dont know what to do.
(1 January 2019)

I want my daughter to be close to her family and see them often.
(1 January 2019)

My family is so close and I realizd I dont want to live 2 hours away from them.
(1 January 2019)

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