Thursday 3 January 2019

HNW - December 21-Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas!

[image]HNW - December 21-Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas!My girl wants me this year to use money instead of balls on our Christmas tree!What do you think? [image2]Measuring my Holiday Spirits:This_ Jena:After that i didn t hear from her until she sent me a Merry Christmas.(3 January 2019) Jena:We bumped into each other again a month later and [...]

He's been sleeping on their sofa for a little more than a month.
(3 January 2019)

They had to sell their house and he had to move back in with our parents.
(3 January 2019)

He wouldn't stop paying escorts for sex even after his wife found out.
(3 January 2019)

As I've mentioned before, my 50 year old twin brother is going through his 2nd divorce.
(3 January 2019)

I was in the living room she was still asleep she woke up screaming my name she was crying I ran in I hugged her she hugged me and cried.
(3 January 2019)

My wife had a bad dream that I left her she was really upset and scared.
(3 January 2019)

About how much weight do you think I put on over the holidays?
(3 January 2019)

Is it wrong for a single guy to talk to multiple girls at once?
(3 January 2019)

Then theres one i havent met up with or slept with yet but i feel its bound to happen and another i just started talking to last night is this wrong?
(3 January 2019)

Im talking to 3 different girls and they dont know one ive already slept with.
(3 January 2019)

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