Sunday 6 January 2019

Bath House

I chatted with a guy who wanted to meet. We both couldn’t host, so he suggested a bath house. Anybody hook up there from Meelp? How does it work? Hmmm…something to think about…cheaper than a motel_ Marybeth:I’ve been trying to remind him of the past 5 years together and how our future can get better but [...]

People view me as a leader of some sorts but I hate it.. why?
(1 January 2019)

Its frustrating because I don't like making decisions all the time for other people, plus you feel like you are always in charge.
(1 January 2019)

I can explain further but I think you get what I'm saying, when things need done people turn to me.
(1 January 2019)

Say my friends want to go camping, they will ask me to pick the place, the type of food to bring, what will be doing while camping, and rarely do I ever get to pay for any expenses.
(1 January 2019)

When I take part in any event people put me up front to make decisions and basically act like they need my say so.
(1 January 2019)

I say they view me as a leader because I'm always first, when people around me need something theu come to me this includes relationship advice, personal needs, and more.
(1 January 2019)

Help why am i so sad?
(1 January 2019)

How can I get my daughter to leave the house? Get a job? Get friends? Get a life? She's 18. What made her like this?
(1 January 2019)

She's not anorexic but, counts numbers and eats twice a day.
(1 January 2019)

She thinks she's perfect and that the world is disgusting.
(1 January 2019)

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