Thursday 20 December 2018

Night out: Dressed For Sex!

[image] Night out: Dressed For Sex![image2]I love it when my girl goes out on the town with me and she is dressed for sex!How do you dress when you go out on a date?[image3]Have a happy Saturday!_ Ivelisse:We’re long distance so I had to leave shortly after.(17 December 2018) Ivelisse:I was irritated and unfortunately made it known.(17 [...]

She continually gets upset at something I do, for ex: if my husband and I don't want to go out, her and her boyfriend take it personally and say that we don't care for them as much as they do.
(20 December 2018)

IS SHE CHEATING!! HELP!! What does my dream mean?
(20 December 2018)

I haven't told her good morning yet today as usually because I'm a bit upset.
(20 December 2018)

Then she says I can't because I have a boyfriend and then starts tickling me.
(20 December 2018)

Then all the sudden this guy jumps on the bed and they start flirting and tickling each other as if I wasn't there.
(20 December 2018)

I was in bed with my friend that happens to be a girl, we weren't doing anything just laugh, talking and having a great time.
(20 December 2018)

Are you a parent whose child or children just don't like you?
(20 December 2018)

Can i be justified in feeling low when my long time gf answers my texts with one word answers only or just answers to get over a question?
(20 December 2018)

Now my concern is should i just stomach such an issue and belittle it or its a major red flag that needs to be sorted out first.
(20 December 2018)

I love my gf very much and we are actually in the process of getting married.
(20 December 2018)

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