Monday 31 December 2018

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Or they will stop talking to me abruptly for no reason.
(31 December 2018)

Guys dont even wanna talk to me on the phone.
(31 December 2018)

I go to counseling and I have exposed myself to different social situations but still nothing has changed.
(31 December 2018)

I try to keep hope alive that one day my life will change.
(31 December 2018)

I try to dance at parties when I'm rarely invited out but everyone awkwardly stares at me.
(31 December 2018)

I tried and tried to come out my shell but its never good enough people find me boring.
(31 December 2018)

It was always my friends getting hit on and I'll be the only one the guys didnt talk to.
(31 December 2018)

Now im completely shy and uncomfortable around men.
(31 December 2018)

I never dated due to literally no guys finding me attractive . I was made fun of by men and then a few creepy guys wanted to have sex with me but tried to do it secretively but I never gave in.
(31 December 2018)

People were always very critical of me you dont talk enough, your boring, you should be like this or that person, your dumb.
(31 December 2018)

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