Monday 24 December 2018

Favorite men’s cologne??

I’m in the market for new cologne and am curious as to what the ladies consider their favorite men’s cologne.Thanks!_ Kala:I just came from the bathroom and I had some very little light brown discharge, just when I wiped.(22 December 2018) Kala:Then we had sex again now in December few times, just a week ago.(22 December 2018) Kala:That [...]

We want to name our kid Jose but hes white, your opinion?
(24 December 2018)

Im not too sure how people will react to the name Jose, especially since he will most likely have his fathers blonde hair and blue eyes.
(24 December 2018)

We hear many Mexican names on a daily basis and have always been intrigued to name our kid a name that is opposite of ones ethnicity.
(24 December 2018)

Growing up in southern California we were surrounded by a large community of latin culture.
(24 December 2018)

A girl called me to watch a movie at her house. The problem is that?
(24 December 2018)

She kissed both and had sex with one of them, and completely ignore me.
(24 December 2018)

I had to stay there and i paid for 2 pizzas and a Coke that i brought to her.
(24 December 2018)

When i got there, she was watching the movie with 2 other guys.
(24 December 2018)

I helped my mom with her restaurant for many years and payed rent. I moved out and she is verbally abusive like I need to move back in?
(24 December 2018)

I was able to borrow money last summer, which I regret because it came with a lecture, despite me having no life slaving off in her restaurant and house.
(24 December 2018)

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