Sunday 9 December 2018

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We stop talking after we graduate from undergraduate.
(8 December 2018)

Its kinda imposible to communicate with him.
(8 December 2018)

Guys my name is jolly and I'm in love with his guy name erick but the problem is that he is to shy and I'm afraid of rejection.
(8 December 2018)

I miss and love my ex girlfriend of almost 2 years now, should I contact her again?
(8 December 2018)

I want to be with her more than anything but I don't know if I should try or even if she'd want me back anyways.
(8 December 2018)

I haven't been the best to her and I hate myself for that and I've tried to talk to her but I always cut it off cause I don't trust myself and I don't wanna put her through more trouble.
(8 December 2018)

I really do love and miss her and no other girl compares.
(8 December 2018)

These factors made it too difficult so I ended it but I regret it immensely even after 2 years.
(8 December 2018)

It was pretty difficult because she lived far away and her parents made her life pretty hard too because I'm white and she's of a Pakistani Muslim background so they weren't too fond of me.
(8 December 2018)

I dated this girl two years ago during freshman year of college.
(8 December 2018)

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