Thursday 6 July 2017

Predictions for the New Hampshire outcome

Cruz is going to be disappointed.Trump will be disgusted.Rubio will be elated.The other Republicans will be insignificant.Hillary will be sadly disappointed that the people of New Hampshire aren’t buy_ Celina:So I was friends with this boy who very quickly became a great friend, a best friend if you will, but after a year of being friends [...]

I can barely breathe, my heart is pounding, and I feel excitement with each breath I take.
(6 July 2017)

So this morning, I got asked out by someone I love a LOT.
(6 July 2017)

Why isn't he texting?
(6 July 2017)

Last time we texted I was at the airport.
(6 July 2017)

It's been like 5 days and no texts.
(6 July 2017)

He's in USA I'm in Asia for a few weeks.
(6 July 2017)

My bf and I said we would text while I'm on vacay across the world.
(6 July 2017)

The cops told me they could not ( or just would not ) help me.
(6 July 2017)

Hey this is really important to mention, this was two years ago and I did contact police after taking my dog to the vet and hiding from him.
(6 July 2017)

How to keep a long distance relationship alive or make work?
(6 July 2017)

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