Thursday 6 July 2017

Is the Fun Gone?

I wrote in Selfie HNW about how I wasn’t too enthused with this weeks HNW theme, but then warned to it when I can up with what I thought my a fun twist. So I happily posted away, and then[IMAGE]the s_ Annamaria:I’m a the middle child and feel left out?(3 July 2017) Annamaria:I don’t mean to sound [...]

So, she acted innocent, jealous and shy before my eyes, along with her friend with whom I grew up together, she teased her all the time about me... I can't believe they did this to me... why?
(6 July 2017)

Like, I was sure that she likes me, because she told me there was this girl she thought I have something with.
(6 July 2017)

She friendzoned me a year ago and stayed in touch with me all the time, manipulating me and making me chase for her.
(6 July 2017)

I feel terrible, I feel like a desperate fool damnit.
(6 July 2017)

Break up once and for all or marry her?!?
(6 July 2017)

I'm scared this will escalate in the future.
(6 July 2017)

Another thing is that she always compares herself with my ex.
(6 July 2017)

Also, I don't feel that I genuinely love her although I've done so much for her, so I do care for her a lot.
(6 July 2017)

She's ready to commit, but I'm not, although I'm trying to convince myself maybe it's okay to take the next step.
(6 July 2017)

Why are contards so stupid?
(6 July 2017)

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