Wednesday, 26 July 2017

looking to get hotwife

want to get her sweet spots wet and make her melt tonite> > !_ Lottie:It is a very scary feeling to be feeling this tired all the time and don’t know the reason.(25 July 2017) Lottie:The doctors where I’m located, I feel, are too lazy to find the problem.(25 July 2017) Lottie:Had blood drawn and my blood levels [...]

Do you think it will scare him off or will he like the idea of me sending them to him?
(26 July 2017)

What is your opinion and what do you think?
(26 July 2017)

I really want to send them but idk?
(26 July 2017)

Idk if it s a good idea or not to send the pictures of us to him. just so that he can see the memories we had together and to remember and to see them for himself.
(26 July 2017)

How do I be a surrogate?
(26 July 2017)

I m 15 (male) and this guy wants to do oral with me?
(26 July 2017)

I want to do it, he s 25, but I m scared.
(26 July 2017)

How soon can I take a pregnancy test after unprotected sex , on birth control?
(26 July 2017)

I'm also going on holidays soon and would like to delay my period with my combined pill (not take a 7 day break, jus start a new pack) is this safe to do?
(26 July 2017)

I take my pill fine, always in the same hour, sometimes late but never more then 3 hours But I want to be on the safe side and take a pregnancy test.
(26 July 2017)

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