Tuesday 30 July 2019

Awwww…..Really??? The Best Thing a Lover Can Say…

[image]This is the best, isn’t it? When a lover feels this way about you.I remember when I’d see him, the first thing I’d say is, “I miss you.” It wasn’t just the sex, it w_ Christinia:Today again he abused me and it turned physical.(29 July 2019) Christinia:My grandmom lives with us and she encourages and enables him.(29 [...]

She knows the situation bothers me but I try my hardest to trust her and keep it at bay.
(27 July 2019)

However, I can t help but to be nervous and worry that these feelings may come back over time.
(27 July 2019)

She told me at one point she had feelings for this guy but lost Interest in him because she felt we were more compatible and that this guy wasn t her type.
(27 July 2019)

This guy recently offered her a job, and I told her she could take it.
(27 July 2019)

So she met this guy when we first started dating, she has been honest with me so far and never hides anything from me.
(27 July 2019)

Does anyone know the names of the different types of sushi in the Pokemon Stadium Sushi Go Round mini game?
(27 July 2019)

If you can help, it's greatly appreciated.
(27 July 2019)

I recognize some, but am curious to see what all the names are.
(27 July 2019)

You would think there would be a website out there that covered this already, but unfortunately and surprisingly no.
(27 July 2019)

Girlfriend might be pregnant?
(27 July 2019)

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