Monday 10 June 2019

Bad Company

Darkness And Light Part Two: Bad CompanyWarning: This fantasy has been dug out of the deepest and darkest corner of my dirty and twisted little mind.The following story is not going to be everyone’s c_ Camelia:My two month old has super good neck strength and he’s always kicking and moving his legs a lot.(4 June 2019) Elmira:I [...]

Not him personally, but any photo I can of him.
(7 June 2019)

I ve recently decided to find him.
(7 June 2019)

He was in the army and my mom never kept contact or anything with him.
(7 June 2019)

My biological dad left my mom at conception.
(7 June 2019)

Is not advise for single boys to get woman pregnant?
(7 June 2019)

Do you think this was fair?
(7 June 2019)

I have quit there, but what do you all think?
(7 June 2019)

I'm sorry, but that didn't seem right to me.
(7 June 2019)

The father ordered a beer, which i couldn't get him because i didn't have my ABC card renewed just yet.
(7 June 2019)

I took an entire families order and it was a huge order.
(7 June 2019)

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