Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Do NOT Go There!

Hard as it may be to believe, there are some places in the world that are actively working on, or at least considering, discouraging visitors. The reason is that too many people ruin the enjoyment of_ Sherrill:Never done this, don’t really want to get the shot, I told my wife she can so she see the [...]

I think he just doesn't like me back.
(9 June 2019)

I was polite the entire time and just tried to help him.
(9 June 2019)

He has not helped me back or really acknowledged me. he as not talked about anything but HIMSELF. it's a huge disrespect to me.
(9 June 2019)

Why does a married woman stare at a guy like a fool and then she snobs him?
(9 June 2019)

He has not helped me back or really acknowledged me.
(9 June 2019)

Question to the guys. If you liked girl on the first date would you ask about next date immediately?
(9 June 2019)

If your crush seems very self absorbed should you give up right away?
(9 June 2019)

It's making me wonder if I should give up now...?
(9 June 2019)

This is based off first impressions, but so far, he has been talking only about himself.
(9 June 2019)

He just kept talking about himself.
(9 June 2019)

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