Friday 29 June 2018

HNW: Out of Ice Cream

But I’ve got hot fudge![image]_ Verona:Why is he worried about me?(27 June 2018) Verona:And it just surprises me that he’s worried, but why.(27 June 2018) Verona:He’s always been the sweet guy to make me food and to cover me in a blanket when we have group hang outs at a friend’s house.(27 June 2018) Verona:I asked why he was [...]

How does the court usually handle the property for stay-at-home mom?
(26 June 2018)

Or, will the court encourage my mom to find a job?
(26 June 2018)

I love my mom and want to support her, but I just started my career and do not have high income.
(26 June 2018)

Will I be legally obligated to financially support my mom because I am adult and financially independent?
(26 June 2018)

It s a very emotional moment for me... I worry how my mom s life will be ruined since she has no income.
(26 June 2018)

My parents are in progress getting a divorce.
(26 June 2018)

I am 25, finished graduate school, now financially independent and live my own.
(26 June 2018)

Family stressing me out..not sure how to handle situations.?
(26 June 2018)

How do I handle situations where she tries to bring my Mom down just to make herself look good and how do I keep my distance from her without discluding my dad from my life..?
(26 June 2018)

And I know she stresses out more people than just me and many people in my family cant be around her long.
(26 June 2018)

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