Sunday 3 June 2018

golf again , the real thing

For someone that hasn’t golfed much and never really liked it a whole lot , either , i seem to find myself watching it a lot lately . I cancelled a bunch of cable a while back and the golf channel_ Kerri:Why would a girl play with a guys mind?(2 June 2018) Coleen:One day a husband finds [...]

Crush on anime character?
(29 May 2018)

I am trying to get over it but the harder I try, the more I like him... Advice on what to do?
(29 May 2018)

I like his personality, his looks, everything about him and it makes me legitimately sad when I think about how he doesn't exist.
(29 May 2018)

I have a pretty big crush on Inuyasha and it wont seem to go away?
(29 May 2018)

Do I get closure?
(29 May 2018)

Should I add him on Snapchat at like 3 am to make it seem like I'm drunk thinking of him?
(29 May 2018)

Hes the first crush I've ever had that has put effort into talking to me and i ruined it and i can't stop thinking about him.
(29 May 2018)

We're both graduating in 2 days and we're going to colleges thousands of miles away.
(29 May 2018)

This might be a stretch too but he's being looking really depressed.
(29 May 2018)

This guy has been flirting with me, showed all the signs he liked me, except I'm shy so I may have come off as uninterested. 4 days ago in class he started small talk with me a few times out of nowhere.
(29 May 2018)

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