Thursday 3 May 2018

Your Chance of a Lifetime ….

Tomorrow is going to be a bummer of a day. We have a barbecue to go to. Don’t misunderstand me. I like barbecue. I like to eat. But I know the underlying reason for the invitation to the event._ Kristy:I know men cheat and it happens (not that it is right but it is understandable). Why [...]

Who else finds this a turn off?
(28 April 2018)

My best friend won't talk to me anymore after being kicked out of a threesome what do i do?
(28 April 2018)

He asks me how I am doing, and what he can do for me.
(28 April 2018)

My boss talks to me in a soft voice a lot and stares into my eyes when we are alone.
(28 April 2018)

Where can I meet women who love children?
(28 April 2018)

I mean they like playing with children.... have a sense of good motherhood?
(28 April 2018)

Does this count as betrayal?
(28 April 2018)

I don't want to lose my best friend neither want to ruin my parents friendship with their parents.
(28 April 2018)

I have no idea what to do, what if her parents don't like the idea of us being together.
(28 April 2018)

I can't keep acting like I don't like her everytime I crash at his place.
(28 April 2018)

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