Sunday 27 May 2018

Eye Candy?

What I want to know is: if you are diabetic can Eye Candy damage your health? is Eye Candy fattening? are there any additives in Eye Candy?_ Lecia:The last time that i had friends is when i was 10 years old.(24 May 2018) Lecia:I’m 19 and i’ve never had a boyfriend, i’m still a virgin, and i [...]

I don't want it to get too serious and hurt him if I can't get over it.
(23 May 2018)

I don't know if I should just stop talking to him or maybe wait it out and see hoe it goes.
(23 May 2018)

Recently every time we FaceTime I've been in a funk and a weird mood.
(23 May 2018)

We face times for hours every day but I don't know if I'm bored or what.
(23 May 2018)

I want to get over it and I've been trying but I just can't.
(23 May 2018)

Ive been talking to him for about 2 weeks now but I do not find him attractive at all.
(23 May 2018)

Ok so.. I met this guy and he is very sweet and funny.
(23 May 2018)

I am 20 and i realized i had that kind of mother last year but im not get abused by her that much anymore like before.
(23 May 2018)

Almost 21 years old, parents wont let me do anything?
(23 May 2018)

I want to buy a BB gun but i most likely cant too.
(23 May 2018)

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