Tuesday 3 April 2018

On a dreadful charge

On a dreadful chargeOn a dreadful charge before this court you are broughtfor kissing badly and not caring upon being caughttreating kisses as disposable Autumn leaves not understanding how bad kissin_ Launa:I said to stop and he said that he really likes me and we are not blood kin anyway.(2 April 2018) Launa:He kissed me and touched [...]

I'm really starting to fear the unknown now.
(29 March 2018)

My friends have also kind of drifted off since the breakup (coincidently I guess) so things have been pretty rough lately.
(29 March 2018)

On my end, I'm starting to think that I just miss being in a relationship.
(29 March 2018)

While things ended pretty badly with us, I still hope she's able to sort out her issues.
(29 March 2018)

Problem is, I still find myself missing her and I know she has moved on already, plus it would probably be unhealthy to go back anyways.
(29 March 2018)

She was devastated at first, yet somehow has found another guy within about a month of me breaking it off.
(29 March 2018)

I broke up with my girlfriend of 1 year about 4 months ago and have felt really lonely ever since.
(29 March 2018)

I'm in my final few months of High school.
(29 March 2018)

My boyfriend doesn't like one of my guy friends, should I listen?
(29 March 2018)

Should I just listen to my boyfriend and stay away or should I talk to him about trusting me and letting me at least wave at him?
(29 March 2018)

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